Cooking for Nativity House

4th Saturday meal - hot lunch

In the past, we did all of our food preparation and served a hot meal in the NH kitchen. When the Covid pandemic began things changed, but since October of 2021 we have resumed cooking a hot meal. We currently prepare this at St. Mark's then transport hot food to NH to be served there to guests.  We do this on the 4th Saturday of each month, and deliver the food to NH by about 12 or 1 pm, so we start cooking around 10am.  If you can arrive at 10, great, but we also need people to show up around 11 to put together the cooked food, and after we're done there always seem to be a lot of dishes to wash - so whenever you can come you're much appreciated! If we don't hear the doorbell, please come around to the back door by the kitchen.


2nd Saturday breakfast bags- on hiatus for now. We hope to resume this when we have additional funding.

On the 2nd Saturday of each month, we provide bagged breakfast meals  delivered to Nativity House. These meals consisting of non-perishables are prepared on the Thursday morning prior to the 2nd Saturday at SML usually at 11am but please check the Bridge for times. Please join us!


Since we work closely in the St. Mark's kitchen, all volunteers need to be vaccinated against Covid 19 (including booster shots), must be free of symptoms of illness, wear masks and gloves and practice good hygiene.

If you would like to join us for this please contact Melanie Summerour at