
Printed | Recorded Interviews & Talks | Conferences & Workshops

Printed Interviews

Recorded Interviews

2020 Interview on viruses for the Finding Genius Podcast

2019 Interview on how to rethink evolution for the Future Tech Podcast

Recorded Talks

My invited talk on Art and Science for the Circle for Evolutionary Philosophers, an initiative of the Evolution Institute.

My invited talk on Self-Causation, Evolutionary Hierarchies, and Time for the ECCO members of the Centre Leo Apostel on April 29th, 2022. 

Anton Sukhoverkov's and my invited talk on Microbiomes and non-genetic inheritance, given at the 2021 International Interdisciplinary Colloquium: New Challenges Induced by Microbiomes, 2nd Edition, organized by Eric Bapteste from Team AIRE, Sorbonne University, Pierre & Marie Curie Campus, Paris. Watch the full conference here.

My invited talk on Teleonomy as a Problem of Causation, and Causation as a Problem of Hierarchy and Time at the 2021 Linnaean Society Event on Evolution on Purpose @ 02h29. Watch the full conference here.

Anton Sukhoverkov's and my talk on Reticulation and synergistic trait evolution in human communities @ the 2021 Digital meeting of the European Human Behavior and Evolution Society.

My invited plenary on Science as a Public Good, Lessons from Mutual Aid that was given at the 2020 meeting of the Russian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science at the Russian Academy of Sciences.

My 2020 accepted talk and further discussion on the Mode and Tempo of the Evolution of Life on Earth and Possibly Elsewhere for the 2020 meeting of SSoCIA,  The Society for Social and Conceptual Issues in Astrobiology, held in Mississippi, USA

My 2020 Invited talk on Networks in Science for the semi virtual colloquium on Networks and Evolution, organized by Eric Bapteste & Philippe Lopez from Team AIRE at the Sorbonne University and the French Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle

My 2018 Keynote on Cultural Evolution and Explanatory Pluralism for the Tartu conference on Applications in Cultural Evolution: Arts, Languages, Technologies organized by Peeter Tinits, Oleg Sobchuk, and Riin Kõiv

My 2013 Talk on Evolutionary Epistemology for the Evolutionary Patterns conference organized by AppEEL in collaboration with the Gulbenkian Foudation

Conferences & Workshops

2022 Workshop on Combinatoriality and Compositionality held at the first Joint Conference on Language Evolution in Kanazawa, Japan. The workshop was organized by Daniela Rodrigues, Michael Pleyer, Stefan Hartmann, and me in anticipation of the special issue on the matter that we edited for the International Journal of Primatology.

2019 selection of recorded talks given at Protolang 6 that was organized by the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab and numerous other institutions.

2013 selection of recorded talks given at the conference on Evolutionary Patterns I chaired from within the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation with the support of the John Tempelton Foundation. Selected talks are available in the special issue I edited for Evolutionary Biology.

2012-2013 interviews I conducted with the visiting staff of the evolution schools I chaired on topics of biological, linguistic, and sociocultural evolution. The schools were organized by the Applied Evolutionary Epistemology Lab and sponsored by Ciencia Viva and the John Tempelton Foundation.