
Affiliations | Editorial work | Memberships | Collaborations

I am Associate Editor of the Springer Nature Journal Evolutionary Biology​; and Advisory Board Member of Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication

I seat on the Permanent Scientific Conference Committee of Protolang, and I am a Member of the Third Way of Evolution, the Circle of Evolutionary Philosophers, the Darwin Club for Social Science, and the European Astrobiology Institute's Working Group on Historical, Philosophical, Societal and Ethical Issues in Astrobiology.

I am an Affiliated Member of the University of Roma III's Cosmic Lab; the University of Connecticut's ECOM: Expression, Communication, and the Origins of Meaning; and the Nicolaus Copernicus University's Centre for Language Evolution Studies.

I am a Member of the Marie Curie Alumni Association as well as alumni of International House, New York.