Try it

Try the HTML / Browser version right away!

If you are viewing this page with a half-decent device then you can try this game right in your browser. No install required. Just use the link on the bottom of this page.

Compatibility notes:

This version should work on newer Devices in newer Browsers. I tested Chrome / Edge / Firefox on a Windows PC and Chrome on a "newer" Android Phone and Tablet. It runs also with Safari (roughly tested on MacOS). It won't work in the Internet Explorer.

If you can run this browser version on a newer iPad or iPhone please tell me on the Forum or just write a mail (see About page about my mail address).


There are no guarantees that your saved game status persists (this depends on your browsers settings/behaviour).

The performance will be a bit lower than the "native" versions. Especially on mobile/android devices. Try to enable the "Half Display Resolution" option in the games performance options if it runs to slow. (Setting shadow range to 0 also helps).

This is a download of roughly 80MB. Just keep this in mind if you are on a data plan.
