
News Archive 2017

31/12/2017 Version 1.4 is now available...

...and can now be downloaded in the Downloads section or from the Google Play Store.

Version 1.4 contains some little enhancements:

  • Horn (slightly varied for the duck)
  • Lights (in Tunnel)
  • Demo Mode: Look for it in the "Enjoy the ride" level it varies with the selected craft.
  • Bow Thruster: Available on the 70ft boat in the task "Endless Joy" and in "Enjoy the Ride" on the "Endless Joy" and "Pixel Princess".
  • Added a "Lock status display".

Notice: The Mac OSX version included a bug in the full-screen option which is now (= 01/01/2018) corrected.

13/11/2017 Version 1.2 is now available.

I am happy to announce that version 1.2 of the game has been released. Locks, aqueduct and tunnel are now available in the game....

Notice: My sophisticated testing team (aka: my wife) found some errors in the release: Unreleased canal blocks from previous levels, jammed lock doors when you try to open them while passing and "flickering" trees. So a version 1.3 with fixes will follow soon.

21/10/2017 A little tunnel

I'm adding a bit scenery for the upcoming version 1.2. A little tunnel will be part of it.

04/10/2017 Just a screenshot of my development tool:

The "Drifting Badger Marina" stage has now been extended to an "8" like a slot car track. I added 4 locks and a little aqueduct. Still some work to do....

21/08/2017 Gaining hands-on experience:

I recently returned from a week with my family on a Wyvern narrowboat on the Grand-Union Canal. It has been a wonderful experience.

I learned that the a narrowboat goes a bit easier around corners than in my simulation. I'll need to have a closer look at the game simulation physics...

Aside from that I had the impression that the game is more helpful than harmful when preparing to handle "the real thing".

03/08/2017 A video about the upcoming "Lock" feature:

29/06/2017 Working on the Locks:

Here's a small preview on the first lock type which I prepare for the game. This is a rendering out of the 3D editor Blender which I use for the games 3d objects. This first lock type is a narrow lock based on the locks on the Oxford Canal near Napton.