
Mobile Versions:

Other Platforms:

The following versions come without installer. So you've to be capable enough to copy/extract them to a folder and execute them.

General system requirements:

A graphics card/driver with Open GL2.1 (or newer)


Windows 7 or newer is required. Unzip the executable to any folder you like. The game will save configuration data & progress to "\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Narrowboat Simulator" (may vary with Windows version). You may get a security warning when launching the program for the first time because it is an "unsigned" executable. The reason for that is simple: This is a hobby project and purchasing such a "code signing certificate" costs around 75-300$ per year.


Unzip the downloaded file to a folder of your choice. Then set the "Executable" permission of the unzipped game file (NarrowboatSim.x86_64) and execute it. The game will save configuration and progress under the user folder "~/.godot/app_userdata/Narrowboat_Simulator".

Mac OS X:

If you launch the Game the first time after the download your Mac will tell you that it won't start the app because it comes from an "unknown" developer. If you decide to trust me :-), you can then allow the game via the security settings: Open the "System Preferences" then select "Security & Privacy" then click on "Open Anyway" for "Narrowboat Simulator". Then acknowledge the upcoming warning again via the click on "Open".

Version 1.9

Windows version (zipped executable)

Linux X11 (zipped executable 64bit)



I am currently carefully approaching the iOS platform (Apple iPhone/iPad/iPod). I just bought a used iPhone for testing purposes and will (probably) soon shell out the $99 which Apple requests per year. The plan is to release a beta testing link available to all which are bold enough. Probably this summer (2019). Finally the release version in the App Store will come at a cost depending on how much of my soul Apple requires me to sacrifice. (Targeting the equivalent of a Beer/Cider/Coffee here.)

Older Versions

In case that you encounter problems with the newer version I offer selected older versions in this place.

Android, version 1.6:


Important: Android devices will tell you that this download is from an unknown source (sure, as it is not via the play store) but you can enable the install of apps of unknown source (and disable it later again).

Also: You might have to uninstall the newer version before the install of this version succeeds. This will lead to the loss of your current game data. The only thing I can offer here is that you enable the gongoozlers mode from the menu screen to enable access to all levels again. (Touch 5 times on the version number on the menu screen then once on the Narrow boat logo. "Goongoozlers Mode" should appear. If not, then try again.)