poster by Emily Profitt

poster art by Edna Clarke Hall

Wuthering Heights

by Robert Johanson, adapted from the novel by Emily Brontë

Sponsored by the Napa Valley Education Foundation

"From this first mysterious appearance, the dark and brooding Heathcliff affects the lives of all around him. When his beloved Catherine marries another, his revenge is diabolical. After her death, his grief is truly frightening. Greatly acclaimed in its premiere at the Paper Mill Playhouse: 'A Wuthering Heights that's true to the book, a sobering reminder that it was never intended to be the classic love story Hollywood's revisionist history would suggest. Johanson's version is in many ways superior to the movie, especially with respect to telling the entire Brontë story of love, passion and revenge. Johanson provides a much more satisfying and believable ending than the ghosts of Heathcliff and Catherine walking happily into the sunset.' (Daily Record). This adaptation does not sentimentalize Emily Brontë's cruel and passionate characters."

-Dramatic Publishing