*Not offered 2023-24 school year

Advanced Drama

The Advanced Drama course is for students who are interested in the advanced study of theater arts. This course requires an audition for admittance, and prerequisite experience as either cast or crew in a theater production (from Drama 1 or 2 or from outside Napa High). May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor. Students will revisit areas of theater history and theater genres in depth, as well as be expected to have an extensive knowledge of theater basics (terms, stage areas, conventions, etc.).

Advanced Drama is primarily the study of theater in production, either through dedicated Advanced Drama productions or in support of Drama 1, Drama 2, or open audition productions.

In past years Advanced Drama has performed Eurydice (2022), Shuddersome: Tales of Poe (2019) and Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (2019).

In Advanced Drama, students will build upon the areas of interest they've begun developing in Drama 2. Through development of these areas, students' pathways culminate in the opportunity to lead their area on a production. Area pathways are:


Student directors begin studying direction in Drama 2 and must:

Stage Manager

Student stage managers begin studying stage management in Drama 2 and must:


Student dramaturgs begin studying dramaturgy in Drama 2 and must:

Set Designer

Student set designers begin studying set design in Drama 2 and must:

Lighting Designer

Student lighting designers begin studying light design in Drama 2 and must:

Costume designer

Student costume designers begin studying costume design in Drama 2 and must:

*Productions outside of Napa High Theatre Arts may qualify if production is approved beforehand.