

  • N. Kita: New canonical decomposition in matching theory. ( arXiv [7] に同等. 論文 [1] および arXiv [1] を拡張し全面改定.)

  • N. Kita: Disclosing barriers: a generalization of Lovasz's canonical partition theorem. (投稿待機中.関連論文の査読終了待ち.論文 [2] と arXiv [2]を全面改訂.)

  • N. Kita: Structure of towers and a new proof of the tight cut lemma. (投稿待機中.関連論文の査読終了待ち.論文 [4] および arXiv [4] に同等.)

  • N. Kita: Nonbipartite Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for Berge duality. (投稿待機中.関連論文の査読終了待ち.arXiv [6] に同等.)

  • N. Kita: Constructive characterization of critical bipartite grafts. (arXiv [13] に同等.)

  • N. Kita: Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for bipartite grafts. (関連する論文: arXiv [11--14].)


    1. N. Kita, A partially ordered structure and a generalization of the canonical partition for general graphs with perfect matchings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7676 , 2012, pp. 85–94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35261-4_12 **ISAAC 2012 受賞論文**

    2. N. Kita, Disclosing barriers: a generalization of the canonical partition based on Lovasz’s formulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8286, 2013, pp. 402—413. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03780-6_35

    3. N. Kita, An alternative proof of Lovasz’s cathedral theorem. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 57, Num. 1, 2014, pp. 15--34. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15807/jorsj.57.15

    4. N. Kita, Structure of towers and a new proof of the Tight Cut Lemma. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10627, 2017, pp. 225-239. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71150-8_20

    5. N. Kita, Nonbipartite Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for Berge duality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10976, 2018, pp. 293-304. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-94776-1_25.

    6. N. Kita: Signed analogue of general Kotzig-Lovasz decomposition. Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 284, pp. 61--70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dam.2020.03.022.

    7. N. Kita: Graft analogue of general Kotzig-Lovasz decomposition. Discrete Applied Mathematics, accepted.

査読なし (arXiv preprint)

  1. N. Kita: A partially ordered structure and a generalization of the canonical partition for general graphs with perfect matchings. arXiv: 1205.3816.

  2. N. Kita: A canonical characterization of the family of barriers in general graphs. arXiv:1212.5960.

  3. N. Kita: The third proof of Lovász's cathedral theorem. arXiv: 1301. 7597.

  4. N. Kita: A graph theoretic proof of the tight cut lemma. arXiv: 1512.08870.

  5. N. Kita: The Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for b-matchings. arXiv: 1606.08246.

  6. N. Kita: Nonbipartite Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for Berge Duality. arXiv: 1708.00503.

  7. N. Kita: New canonical decomposition in matching theory. arXiv: 1708.01051. (Note: a full-revised and extended version of the refereed paper [1] and arXiv:1205.3816.)

  8. N. Kita: Bidirected graphs I: Signed general Kotzig-Lovasz decomposition. arXiv: 1709.07414. (Note: equivalent to the refereed paper [6]. )

  9. N. Kita: Parity Factors I: General Kotzig-Lovász decomposition for grafts. arXiv:1712.01920.

  10. N. Kita: Constructive Characterization for Bidirected Analogue of Critical Graphs I: Principal Classes of Radials and Semiradials. arXiv:2001.00083.

  11. N. Kita: Bipartite graft I: Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for combs. arXiv:2007.12943.

  12. N. Kita: Bipartite graft II: Cathedral decomposition for combs. arXiv:2101.06678.

  13. N. Kita: Constructive characterization of critical bipartite grafts. arXiv:2105.11167. (Note: part of the results from arXiv [12] in stand-alone form.)

  14. N. Kita: Bipartite graft III: General Case. arXiv: 2108. 00245.

  15. N. Kita: Tight cuts in bipartite grafts I: Capital distance components. arXiv:2202.00192.

  16. N. Kita: Constructive characterization for signed analogue of critical graphs II: General radials and semiradials. arXiv:2206.00928.