
Talks in International Conferences

  • N. Kita, “Another Proof for Lovász’s Cathedral Theorem”, SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics 2012, Dalhousie University, Canada, June 2012.

  • N. Kita, “A Partially Ordered Structure and the Generalization of the Canonical Partition for General Graphs with Perfect Matchings”, 23rd International Symposium on Algorithm and Computation (ISAAC 2012), Taiwan, Dec 2012. *refereed, acceptance rate 39.1%*

  • N. Kita, “Disclosing Barriers: A Generalization of the Canonical Partition Based on Lovász’s Formulation”, 7th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Application (COCOA 2013), Chengdu, China, Dec 2013. *refereed, acceptance rate 50%*

  • N. Kita, “A New Proof of the Tight Cut Lemma’’, 39th Australian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, the University of Queensland, Australia, Dec 2015.

  • N. Kita, “The Dulmage-Mendelsohn Decomposition for b-Matchings”, The 19th Japanese-Korean Workshop on Algorithm and Computation, Hakodate, Japan, Aug 2016.

  • N. Kita, "Structure of Towers and a New Proof of the Tight Cut Lemma", 11th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications (COCOA 2017), Shanghai, China, Dec 2017. *refereed, acceptance rate to be announced*

  • N. Kita, "Nonbipartite Dulmage-Mendelsohn decomposition for Berge duality", 24th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2018), Quingdao, China, July 2018. *refereed, acceptance rate to be announced*

  • N. Kita, “Constructive Characterization of Critical Bidirected Graphs”, 22nd Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graphs, and Games (JCDCG^3 2019), Tokyo University of Science Kagurazaka Campus, Tokyo, September 2019.