
永井 宏樹      理学博士            Hiroki Nagai, Ph.D.            ORCID  Researchmap 

E-mail: nagai.hiroki.d3-at-f.gifu-u.ac.jp  (-at-を @ に変換してください。)



久堀 智子      博士(理学)      Tomoko Kubori, Ph. D.         ORCID  Researchmap

E-mail: kubori.tomoko.j0-at-f.gifu-u.ac.jp  (-at-を @ に変換してください。)

私は細菌の運動器官であるべん毛の構造的研究を端緒として生命科学の世界に入りました。べん毛と構造的類似性を持つ病原細菌 III 型分泌系との出会いによって、研究の方向性を細菌病原性にシフトし、米国 Yale 大学の Jorge E. Galan 博士のもとでポスドク期間を過ごしました。帰国後は、構造的にも機能的にも全く未知であった IV 型分泌系へと研究対象をシフトしました。現在、病原細菌レジオネラと宿主細胞との相互作用を IV 型分泌系の構造解析及びその輸送基質であるエフェクタータンパク質の機能解析という2つの視点から研究を展開しています。("Life with bacterial secretion systems" PLoS Pathog. (2016)


I started my scientific career in the field of bacterial flagella, and shifted the research subject to bacterial pathogenesis at Yale University School of Medicine (supervised by Dr. Jorge E. Galan). I currently have a long-standing research interest in the bacterial secretion systems and the effector protein-mediated host-pathogen interaction focusing on Legionella ("Life with bacterial secretion systems" PLoS Pathog. (2016). Except for science, I love gardening and Haiku.




廣瀬 華世   Hanayo Hirose (Secretary, Assistance member)


I’m working at a laboratory with a good atmosphere. I was specializing in the different field. So, all things that are in the laboratory were fresh for me. I want to do my best and be useful for a laboratory, because teachers is passionate about research.




北尾 公英      博士(バイオサイエンス) Tomoe Kitao, Ph.D.          Contact me via Researchgate


I am a molecular biologist in the field of Bacteriology. My long term research goal is to overcome bacterial infections. After received Ph.D., I have worked at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital on the analysis of the mode of action of robust molecules that specifically inhibit bacterial infection without affecting bacterial growth to mitigate selective resistance. Currently I am working on the molecular mechanism of Legionella pneumophila infection. I  enjoy to analyze the effector proteins and type IV secretion system, which are critical for Legionella virulence. Outside the lab, I love to look into nature (especially in snowy day) and play in English with my lovely kids (My daughter is English teacher).


安藤 弘樹      博士(医学)     Hiroki Ando, Ph.D.



I joined the lab in April 2017 as an Assistant Professor. I'm interested in applying synthetic biology techniques to combat bacterial infectious diseases. I've been studying about synthetic bacterial viruses since I was a Research Scientist in MIT. 


稲葉 桂子      博士(理学)  Keiko Inaba, Ph. D.


My research life had started by the transcription mechanism of the plant genes.  After that, I worked on the cellular mechanism of neuroprotective drugs for Parkinson’s disease.  And then I restarted the study of plant gene expression in Gifu University from 2013.  I engaged a setup and operation of the Gifu University Next Generation Sequencer (NGS) trustee business in 2017 and started the study of the bacteriophage in this Lab. from March, 2018.  I enjoy baking (bread and sweets) in the private time.  


満仲 翔一      博士(理学)  Shoichi Mitsunaka, Ph.D

立教大学で博士号を取得後、岐阜大学の永井研究室に来ました。 立教大学ではO157 Sakai株に溶原化している溶原性ファージについて研究していました。現在は溶菌性ファージについて研究しています。趣味は空手です。

After got Ph.D in Rikkyo University, I moved to Nagai lab in Gifu University. I studied about lysogenic phage that lysogenized to O157 Sakai strain when doctoral course in Rikkyo University. I study about lytic phage now. My hobby is Karate.


ピザロ ハビエル Javier Pizarro

I conducted my undergraduate and Master studies at Universidad de Chile, in the field of Immunology, trying to understand what role the human complement system plays in the potent immunostimulatory capacities of molluskan hemocyanins, used as adjuvants in research and vaccines. I have had the opportunity to be a part of this laboratory since April, 2019, and I want to work on bacteriophage therapy as part of my PhD studies, helping to generate more knowledge about these versatile viruses, in order to, hopefully, develop tools and strategies to tackle the growing threat of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. I enjoy learning Japanese and learning about Japanese history and culture, and I also like cycling, hiking, cooking, and reading about science communication.


山﨑 浩平      博士(獣医学) Kohei Yamazaki, D.V.M., Ph. D.

私は北里大学獣医学部・獣医公衆衛生学研究室において人喰いバクテリアと呼ばれるVibrio vulnificusの病原因子の探索および、感染における鞭毛運動の役割を解析し、2018年3月にPhD (獣医学) を取得しました。2018年4月より病原体制御学研究室において、博士研究員として、重篤な肺炎レジオネラ症を引き起こすLegionella pneumophilaが宿主因子を制御する機構の解明に取り組んでいます。


I completed Ph.D. in Veterinary Public Health laboratory at Kitasato University and worked on the role of motility in the pathogenesis of Vibrio vulnificus infectious disease.  As a Postdoctoral Researcher in this laboratory, I am working on the role of effectors of Legionella pneumophila. I like cats and training. 

Miro Plum

2017年11月〜2018年5月, 特別協力研究員, ウプサラ大学医学部感染生物学専攻修士課程(当時)


島守 祐月  


After got M.S. in Gunma University, I worked at a company. I arrived as a researcher in Nagai lab from October 2017. I studied metagenome analysis of phage in the environment, and research on tail tube protein of Mu phage in master's course. Now I'm in the Ph.D. course, and researching on phage therapy. My hobbies are drawing and training.