Being Happier

6:15 PM to 7:15 PM IST  20, 21 & 22 November (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

Zoom link :

Is it futile, like trying to be taller? Or is it possible to be happier?  Science says “Yes. It is possible to be happier in the current situations and circumstances”; validating ancient wisdom.

A happy life goes beyond pleasures and positive emotions. It includes satisfying work, fulfilling relationships, meaningful aspirations and accomplishments. Happier people are healthier and more productive in all endeavours. This webinar introduces you to the science of being happier and it’s utility in our everyday lives. It is a non-religious event, with emphasis on ‘how to be happier’ that explores exercises of proven efficacy. Practicing the easy-to-do exercises boosts your happiness.

Day 1: Science of happiness, common misconceptions. Experiencing more positive emotions in the current situations and circumstances.

Day 2: Happiness in work and relationships

Day 3: Meaningful aspirations and accomplishment

In the spirit of Auroville, this event is free and open to all. No registration is required. Please do share with others who could be interested.

Please join the webinar in time and attend all the sessions to be happier.

Zoom Link to join

Meeting ID: 967 7219 1307

Passcode: wellth

About the facilitator : Please click here