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MyoChallenge '23 @ Neurips
NeurIPS competition track featuring two challenging tasks: bipedal locomotion and full-arm dexterity.
MyoSuite 2.0 launched
featuring new controllers, full arm and leg models, generalizable agents, musculoskeletal model converters
featuring new gait controller controllers -- from classical reflex to reinforcement learning

MyoDex and SAR: Generalizable musculoskeletal control

MyoDex, presented at ICML 2023, uses generalizable shared representations to yield robust object manipulation across over sixty complex geometries.

SAR, presented at RSS 2023, presents a novel method for computing muscle synergies and utilizing these representations for robust locomotion and manipulation.

MyoChallenge '22 Winners (Phase 1)

Phase 1: Simultaneous rotation of two balls over the palm (counterclockwise only)

Phase 1:  Reconfigure a die to match desired goal orientations (±180°)

MyoChallenge '22 Winners (Phase 2)

Phase 2: Simultaneous rotation of two balls over the palm (randomized initialization, physical properties, rotation options, and ball sizes)

Winner: team stiff_finger from Switzerland

Phase 2: Reconfigure a die to match desired goal orientations (±360°), varied physics, friction, size, etc

Co-winners: team Pkumarl from China and team IARAI-JKU from Austria