Contract Q&A

Salary Schedule

Q: I had a question about my longevity increment.  I am a teaching assistant who is starting my tenth year.  Do I get the longevity increment for ten years?

A: Yes.  When calculating longevity increments, the payments begin as you enter the year of service.  For teaching assistants, increments are cumulative and begin at the start of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years.  So, you will receive both the 5 and the 10 year longevity increment at the beginning of your tenth school year.

Temporary Leave

Q: I need to take a personal day before a long weekend.  Do I need to get permission from my building principal?

A:  No, you do not.  A teacher or teaching assistant that needs to use a personal day on the day preceding or following a long weekend should submit that request, in writing,  to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources.  Adequate time should be given so that the District may get coverage.  You do not have to state the reason for the personal day in your written request. You are also under NO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION to let your building principal know before you take ANY temporary leave (sick, family ill, or personal).  

Q: I need to take a personal day on a Friday. Do I need to put anything in writing?

A: This is an instance where the situation is different for MWTA and MWEA members. MWTA members only need to submit something in writing to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources if taking a personal day on the day immediately preceding or following a vacation period (including a long weekend). According to the contract, Fridays should generally be avoided but they do not require written permission except as noted above. Complete the required information in Absence Management and choose "personal" for the absence reason. Do not feel compelled to explain anything--you do not have to! The MWEA contract has language that specifically requires members to secure approval for a personal day that falls "...just prior to or just after any weekend or any holiday period."

Q: I am a teaching assistant and I want to know about temporary leave days, including personal days, jury duty, and bereavement. What should I do?

A: Teaching assistants and teachers have the same language for virtually every provision related to temporary leave. Please check the language on the teacher side of the contract to answer almost every question you may have regarding how to use the days, etc.

Health Insurance Coverage

Q: I am a newly hired full time teacher. If my spouse has health insurance, am I automatically disqualified from having insurance provided by MW? Can I get a buy out if I am deemed ineligible?

A: The answer to the first question is no, you are not automatically disqualified. The District may deem you ineligible for coverage if your spouse has “comparable coverage." The District is responsible, at the time of hire, to conduct a comparability review so that the contract is followed. If you believe, for any reason, that the District's determination was in error, then please speak with your Head Building Rep and the MWTA President as soon as possible. 

For the second part of the question, the answer is yes.  If your spouse is not a member of the MWTA and you are deemed ineligible due to spousal comparability, then you are entitled to an individual plan buy out.   If your spouse is a member of the MWTA employed by Monroe-Woodbury, you are entitled to receive a family or two person insurance plan AND either the family or two person buyout, as applicable.  Please see the contract for more details.

Health and Safety

Q: I have a concern about a health and safety issue in my building?  With whom should I speak?

A: You should contact a building rep in your building.  Hopefully the issue can be resolved at the building level, but that is not always the case.  If necessary, you or the building rep, can contact our District Health and Safety person for the MWTA, David Lewis (HS).

Professional Conduct

Q:  I have a Facebook account and my students have asked if they can send me a friend request. Are there any guidelines about having students as friends on this or any other social networking site?

A: While there are no specific guidelines in the contract, it would be advised that members not initiate or accept friend requests from any student that is currently in school (K-12). What may be perceived as an innocent connection between an elementary, middle, or high school teacher and his/her student(s) can become a potential hazard to his/her career. These well intentioned connections can be interpreted improperly by colleagues, parents, administrators, or even the students themselves. It is a slippery slope that can be avoided.

It is a good idea to self-police your social networking site so that it is as innocuous as possible. With the advent of new 21st century technologies, it is easy for lines of propriety between the student and teacher to be blurred. It is a professional line that is crossed at the peril of the professional.