Ethernal Sand of Time Tarot

Restored edition of one of the oldest Tarot decks, whose illustrations are find in Book; "Practical Astrology A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes The Language of The Stars easily comprehended" by Comte C. de Saint-Germain, this great guidebook is now in public domain and can be find online for you to download & read on your digital device or print if you wish!

click here for ebook formats!:)

Note; Original Major Arcana images for this deck (with exception of Trump II - The Gate of the Sanctuary) were drawn by M.O.Wegener based on detailed descriptions by P. Christian (1870 book The History of Magic) & published in 1896 book;"Les XXII lames hermètiques du tarot divinatoire" by R. Falconnier with description of 22 major arcana cards all in public domain.

Ordering info;

Luxury EU Tarot size edt; Exclusively available only from;

US shop

Note; For All orders outside US VAT/Import tax/custom charge is possible!

To avoid extra charge & offer better price & faster shipping for EU order your luxury edt from EU shop!:)

Warning; this deck feature strong yellow color hue & purposely distressed texture in order to incite brainstorm & imagination process! Keep Away if you know you are not fan of either!;)

* full colored (front & back)

*78 Tarot size card deck (2.75x4.75in or 7x12cm)

*No text & No numbers!

+1extra alternative art card design for Wheel of fortune & 1 title card about author & book info=80 cards total!;)

*Original Back design by me (as we don't have that in book!) is All Seeing Eye of Horus & its mirror image over dark desert gold sand, hope you like! I know I do!^^:)

*Original Tarot size box!^^

*No printed book/lwb

Recommended book for this deck: Practical Astrology A Simple Method of Casting Horoscopes The Language of The Stars easily comprehended" by Comte C. de Saint-Germain is public domain & free

download here!;)

Also be sure to check out this Awesome Past Life reading sample;

Artistically this deck is result of my wish to learn more about history of older non scenic so called pip Tarot decks (aka pre Rider Waite) & idea to practice & improve my art skill by redesigning its simple & ageless illustrations in a way that will be interesting to look & play with as well as provide some deeper insight in each card meaning by featuring specific set of colors & textures that will trigger your intuition & spark vision adding to great atmosphere & special feeling for every reading you do!

With that in mind here are simple rules I've used & list of changes it differs from original book illustrations;

*Original hi-res Tarot card illustrations from book are redesigned as;

*All original card illustrations elements are preserved as presented in original book illustrations with exception of borders that I find unnecessary considering printed cards already have rounded corners & therefore removed from all minors & all but 2 Majors (Tower & Moon where they fit design & meaning wise!)

*Some symbols are repositioned to better visual appearance & fit Tarot card template (mostly on Majors & originally placed below card bottom line)

*All cards are individually colored (aka color codded with basic color meaning) & added texture effect according its meaning described in book with rules that will help you easy reading;

* Major Arcana cards feature original bottom underline & part of circular base providing its recognizing & uniformed look, with exception of Sun cards that I find *unlimited look better fit its meaning, main color is sandy/gold with exception of few cards I find better fit colors & World Arcana featuring all 4 main elemental colors & something interesting i noticed here; bottom or life*base are; green/brown of earth & fire, and blue/indigo is air & water, above these are golden yellow white representing human intellect & yellow red gold for fire of passion & willpower that push us forward, as to say earth is born from fire & arising into the air & primordial liquid substance that creates all life?:) and our material wealth is result of our hard work passion & will power to move forward and all our thinking is result of what we know & how we feel about ourself & other things important to us that determine our perception of world!:) that is human figure below playing string instrument to say there is music on this card!:) meaning even if we can't see those notes or strings of fate all elements are connected in ourself & our actions & thinking create our world!?:)

*Minor Arcana colors & textures;

*Cups represent love & emotions, meaning; positive for bright warm colors pink & yellow & ripple effect, & negative dark cold colors (blue & green) and turbulent wave effect,

*Coins represent material wealth & trouble, meaning; positive for golden coins with gold dust particles in background show easy life, & negative silver coins & darker earthly brown background is heavier earth trouble,

*Swords represent thoughts & mental state & conflicts resulting from that, meaning; silver color more positive & optimistic, darker colors & more turbulent clouds represent negative & heavy/toxic thoughts & conflicts,

*Wands represent action & passion, meaning; more red color & fire effect are negative/destructive meaning, & green colors with vegetation/ground pattern represent growth one with nature peace safety and inner calm that comes with confidence

in short 2 main rules that will help you determine & memorize card meaning;

*Smooth colors & textures & bright golden colors are good & positive meaning &

*battered/granulated sandy textures & darker colors have negative meanings,

Goal of this deck design is mix of ancient & advanced, old & simple as legendary cultures of Egypt as well as advanced fresh and modern in same time, timeless ageless art style that can belong to past same as future & make you wonder were all these great lost civilizations we know about only from dusty books/tv advanced at some points whose knowledge & truth is lost with time similar to our own cultures & society of today?!;) & what artifacts our great civilization & techs would make after resources are spent & few decades without main power source?:)

Note: all my decks have promo price first month after publishing & holidays! Price will go up after Valentine!:) & less decks is left before it’s OOP (Out of print!:) So, early birds get better deal!

Ethernal Sand of Time Tarot is Limited edition in a way it will be available for sale only for limited time & number of decks (up to 1000)! depending on popular demand it may be OOP before that number if there is lack of demand or if i decide to make some changes in design!:)

Bridge size will be available exclusively from drivethrucards with same conditions & up to 500 decks!

& with small changes in background elements & textures to better fit smaller card template with maximum visibility of all elements!:)

Fun fact happen with this deck, i haven't experienced before!:)

After over month of working on redesigning this deck i just finished reviewing my *final print ready files summing;"it looks better than expected & ready to print!" & even feeling bit sad as i got so good at this effect thing just when it's completed & there is nothing for me to do about it anymore, when I *carelessly deleted those *final print ready files from my tablet thinking *originals are safe on my pc, now imagine my reaction later that day when i turn on my pc to discover that *final prints folder gone!x,x (turns out I click "Move" instead of "Copy" while transferring from pc to my tablet!x,x facepalm after initial disbelief & rant I take calm deep breath & say; what is gone is gone, whats lost can't be returned but there is reason for everything that happen,& updates & message i got from this is; I'll Do it Even Better this time!:D so that's what i did!

Happy to present you final result think SG would approve too! :)

Must say, it was great pleasure working & learning with this deck, hope it'll bring you same joy of discovering something * new that may be ancient as well! :)

Hope you like! I know I do!

Thank You for visiting this page!^^ Hope you'll visit again for news & updates!^^;)