Ancient Lenormand

Famous classical oracle deck re-imagined in ancient feel and simple design appealing for divination today. Inspired by aged look of ancient coffee cards- (Les Amusements des Allemands -expect to be restored soon!:))) I discovered while researching for my first selfpublished deck and simplicity of old heraldic designs that transmit strong message with minimum symbols presented,

Thanks to popular demand now available with printed booklet in my EU shop!:) full video review Thanks to Angel Thaena!:D

regular tuckbox tex edt available from my US based Print on Demand thegamecrafter

also no text Bridge edt & mini size with runes!:)

Note tuckbox edt is pdf download only & without printed booklet!;)

Must say I'm happy with result! Hope you'll be too!

All comments and suggestions are appreciated and welcome!

Feel free to contact me if you have any request for cards to be titled in any language of your preference

or regarding card back design!

& if you prefer more colorful design be sure to check out my main page

Thank You!