Alice Alchemy Tarot is Created with original art by Jasmine Becket Griffith

& digitally adapted to Tarot format by me reall/Irena with my tablet & Gimp (free photoshop alternative!:)

Starting this year one of my fav artist Jasmine Becket Griffith donated Big portion of her Art to public domain as her Gift to humanity unique way to fight piracy. Dazzled with disbelief I visited her page to read all about it and downloaded around +400 my fav now public domain img (few available mostly on my deviantart & other such as redbubble and fineartofamerica as prints & other merch at your request!;)

it was 100 days Herculean task to pick *only 78 Tarot images & digitally resize & design 78 Tarot cards + extra!;) according to my personal preferences; *Strong Uplifting colors & Happy healing frequency vibe, *Borderless card design & Happy to present you;

*text edt available as standard Tarot size & pocket Bridge size with numbers & titles on Majors feat purple Cheshire cat back design, Full video review on youtube Thanks to Wonderful The Hermit's Cave!:)

*Art edt Big & Bridge size with No text on Majors as imo Art speaks 1000 words!:) feat Elemental Nature Dragon back design!:)

Back designs are my own color & design remix of Jamine public domain art! Scroll down & click to open collapsible section with list of art used in this deck creation!;)

Aside from that difference all these decks have same 78 Tarot card design + same extra cards for total of 90 card deck and are printed with original design tuckbox & Big size basic tarot Guide!(: Hope you like this Big format as it's designed to be easy to memorize!(: also it's cost effective as you notice all prices going up including printing & shipping but i will do my best to keep current price of decks same at least until September!;) Big book with interpretation of each card art is in progress & will be available later this year!;)

*All Minors have suit icon: cup=water=emotions, disc=earth=body & home wealth, sword=air=mind, wand=fire=actions, and numbers 1 to 10 or court letter: P=Pages, R=Rider or Knight, Q=Queen, K=King,

Deck name is inspired by well known and loved Alice in Wonderland and idea with all differences We Are All One Alice in this crazy Wonderful World Adventure called Life that changes our Hearts and Soul Constantly Evolving in search of Wisdom Truth and Beauty Alchemy of Soul is true Magic We Are All Capable and performing Daily! Wonderful Art help us remember that We Are All pure Magic Made of Star Dust & Light That Shine Bright & Change our World & Future for Better!;)

Note: All my selfpublished decks are printed as standard tuckbox edt with US based print on demand with linen/ Embossed 320gsm black core playing card stock & thegamecrafter production time is around 7 to 15 days to print your deck then you will get shipping note with tracking and your parcel arrive within 7 days in US & 10/20days worldwide depending on your location!:) Cards will arrive in mixed order! Extra charges and import tax for order outside US!

feat images are digital previews & printed cards are expected to be darker also due to Big size cardstock may seem thin as deck is around 1"/2.5cm thick so if you prefer more substantial feel standard Tarot size & smaller Bridge cards may work better visit my profil for all!^^

*This page is Under Construction & will be updated!:)

Thank You!^^

About Alice’s Alchemy Tarot design creation process


I started creating this deck by choosing illustration for each Tarot card starting with Major Arcana as these were relatively easy choice with artist sharing existing card illustrations for several collective Tarot projects she participated while considering and testing different card layout design to set for best aesthetic: Borderless!:)

Next i choose illustrations for court cards as well as suits & adequate design layout: how are these to be represented and named?:) my vision for these was simple clear element deck & to avoid any extra text on cards, therefore Art edt don’t have any text on Major Arcana and Minor Arcana have minimalist classic suit icon design:

cup (water, mermaids), coin (earth, dragons),sword (air, avians), wand (fire, fairy),

and number 1 to 10 or big letter for courts: K king, Q queen, R rider or knigh, P page,

(R for rider looks like P with extra leg & traditionally these Knights are mounted so it fit perfect & I hope it help you easy memorize courts letter rank!;)

I digitally adjusted brightness and set stronger color hues & skin tones to more variable according to my personal preferences for what should looks best printed taking in consideration printed colors look different and usually much darker than screen colors!:)

Note: I also considered variant with golden line with text at bottom that looks good but was likely not to align well as print off center drift is expected!:)

With all cards completed and decided (with some minor adjustment to several designs, such as including pet fish to Page of cups and extra elements to original World card illustration!:) it was time to chose a name (and back design!:) because i always wanted to create big eye contemporary Alice inspired deck with whimsy feel this artist illustrate so well i opted for: Alice’s Alchemy Tarot deck name inspired by well known and loved Alice in Wonderland and idea with all differences We Are All One Alice in this crazy Wonderful World Adventure called Life that changes our Hearts and Soul Constantly Evolving in search of Wisdom Truth and Beauty Alchemy of Soul is true Magic We Are All Capable and performing Daily! Wonderful Art help us remember that We Are All pure Magic Made of Star Dust & Light That Shine Bright & Change our World & Future for Better!;)

Note: All my selfpublished decks are printed as standard tuckbox edt with US based print on demand with linen/ Embossed 320gsm black core playing card stock & thegamecrafter production time is around 7 to 15 days to print your deck then you will get shipping note with tracking and your parcel arrive within 7 days in US & 10/20days worldwide depending on your location!:) Cards will arrive in mixed order! Extra charges and import tax for order outside US!

This deck (all sizes & edt!;) will arrive with printed booklet I hope will provide good summary of Tarot Basic for more info you can always check google or Tarot books!;)

Full Book with more info about each card design (and extra meaning it may imply!:) is in progress and planed to publish this year as free pdf & printed option you can read updates here!;)

Dragon Back Design is something i come by gradually combining and adding elements from different illustration with Elemental vision in mind & extra fantasy touch i hope you like!:) Bridge size back design for Art edt feat one difference you may notice up close!:)

Cheshire cat is whimsy purple classic simple Tarot back design alternative used for text edt!;)

Major Arcana with links to Original illustrations prints ***Big Book progress!**

Major Arcana represent different important stages of life path and lesson for soul to learn by current experience. Card illustrations feature distinctive classic elements & symbols specific for each Major Arcana card helping you to easy recognize card name and meanings all mentioned in accompanied printed booklet. Aside classic interpretation of this deck as standard Tarot you can combine it with any other Tarot book and spread it can also be used any other way you like as layered illustrations design is open to interpretation according to your own personal preferences and you are encouraged to develop your own set of meaning for each card according to your own intuition and understanding and use these cards as Oracles, for Meditation etc.

0 The Fool card was easy choice as artist illustrated The Fool card for collective Amanda Palmer Tarot kickstarter project: Original card Art prints are available via artist official web page:

Original the Fool character design is referencing the original Rider-Waite Tarot card of “The Fool” inspired by Amanda Palmer herself with fantastic eyemakeup and modern gothic alike twist that adds extra layers of meaning to this card aside classic attributes it’s traditionally associated with (mentioned in printed booklet included with this deck).

She holds The Fool’s white rose representing purity of mind and soul as blank canvas ready to be painted with new experience & wears a dress based on the Rider-Waite Fool’s fabric as well as the ubiquitous stockings that adds playful note to her design.

Behind her is her cloth bundle on a stick for her belongings as well as tiny blue bird perched on top of it and feathery ornaments in her hair indicating free spirited carefree mind open to unlimited imagination looking forward to joy of travel and discovering new adventures.

Classic white dog (said to represent voice of reason warning or guardian angel) is replaced with white cat that may indicate more mysterious forces at play overseeing this journey.

Background is historic Flemish landscape (to retain a renaissance flair, and to indicate the usual clifftop scene). Layered panorama made of mountains, ocean, curved path and architectural structures are all adding layers to card meaning and inspire storytelling (perhaps indicating hardships and home this character leaves behind on it’s way toward new adventure and deep emotions guiding it forward to pursue its desire for freedom and experiencing new things above and in spite of uneven path before her and possible downfalls it may experience along the way).

Open sky above indicate freedom and potential future holds as saying:’’Sky is a limit’’(or not even that if you know where you are going and how to get there!;)

In order to fit printed card proportion requirements better I changed composition by adding a cliff at card bottom from another print by same artist: Isle Of The Dead (Originated in the 1880s by Arnold Böcklin version was one of the first mass-marketed prints in the late 1800s, Nabokov references it “hanging in every home in Berlin” at one point, there are many later interpretations of the same visual symbolism by many other artists from Salvador Dali to HR Giger including this one!:) )

This small change brings interesting result to meaning as instead classic *leap, rather than jumping head first into whatever may await her over the cliff, The Fool is now resting on edge of the cliff taking a moment to “smell the roses” and consider her options or recollect her strength and thoughts before taking that 1st step to new adventure (it may not be entirely pleasant and free of danger but rather dreadfully gotic considering Isle Of The Dead topic!:) so interpretation may be: Carpe Diem. Enjoy present recollect & calm your thoughts and spirit before you start chasing unknown future!

Reversed meaning is Alice rushing and jumping into things without looking or thinking where it may take you and how will you get out of potential unwanted spot rush may cause.

I The Magic another easy choice as artist Halloween painting Skeleton Magic print: and cosmic forcest-prints/halloween-art-prints/skeleton-magic/

Magician blending with nature atmosphere and cosmic forces outside (perhaps in her garden?:) performing summoning spell from her spellbook in company of her little black cat familiar (is it same mysterious companion we see on The Fool card only here its color is black mix of all colors indicating rich experience knowledge and skills this Magician acquired from its adventurous journey?;) fit perfectly with classic Magician Tarot card design requirements. I removed skeletons in order to expand interpretation to all sorts of magic instead necromancy it may indicate & added traditionally iconic elements:

Cup; water element emotions (Original Art referencing Homer’s Odyssey goddess Circe!:)

Coin: earth element body and home (Original Art: )

Sword; air element mind & thinking (Original Art: see above )

Wand; fire element actions (Original Art: )

Sparkles Microcosm Galaxy

represent all particles are connected and communicate on subatomic level instantaneously.

I used this element on various cards designs as reminder we are all connected as particles of universe and resonate with each other as all forces of cosmos are united in harmony.

Infinity symbol above its head represent eternal connection and circulation of all elements.

The Red Roses above (Original Art: ) Meaning: Sub Rosa Magic is performed in secret, you focus on your task and when all elements are set in their place they summon 5th element powerful mysterious force that makes any result possible as by magic.

Lilies below (Original Art:

Meaning: Magician always works in harmony with natural forces of its environment its actions based on its pure heart desire. Before taking on specific task it’s important to examine your motives and true heart desires, why do you wish to achieve specific result? is it something you truly wish from your heart? or is desire formed based on influence of your environment or other people in your life and how they make you perceive or feel regarding topic at hand or what they think would be *best for you for whatever reason?

Extra card Alchemyst one of first extra cards i included in Alice’s Alchemy Tarot (Original art:

Dress Of Alchemy is Filled with ancient alchemical diagrams and texts (mostly made up) it represent all our mind adorn and dress ourself, sacred text teaching and knowledge Alchemist accumulated on its journey. Iconic multiple eye opening winged creature with illuminating halo around it’s head is holding a glass bottle containing a three headed bird – symbolizing Splendor, Solis, Separation. Card meaning focus on Alchemist itself and it’s own inner transformation mostly happening in its mind starting as sparks of new ideas replacing old outdated beliefs and rising consciousness level to be fully present in this moment now while keeping awareness of past where it belongs and not holding to tight on what once was true, and keeping in goal what may work better for future, it’s well being spreading to all areas of life bringing prosperity while achieving advanced results. (Note this is self development while Magician is more focused on summoning specific spell effect in its environment.)

All mentioned classic iconic the Magician symbols: cup, coin, sword & wand, infinity, red roses above & white lilies below are present with same meaning to keep whole design more iconic and easy to memorize.

Extra element included is Oroborus belt;

Mythical snake beast curled into O eating its own tail that is always regenerating. Allegory of passage of time as we go into the future past we leave behind becomes *eaten by tooth of time, fragmented until historic truth is sand dust pieces of puzzle its only remains text (and some other material records) without living witness easy suspectable to fabrication. Another meaning is infinite change as every new thing/idea/knowledge/ information we learn will eat/make changes to all we already know and believe and that process of learning and changing is never ending.

Reversed Meaning: check if all needed elements: right emotions preparation actions and thinking are set in their own proper place in present in order for specific result to happen.

II High Priestess perfectly illustrated Original Art:

Alchemical Angel III Divine spirit offers forth a Bane of Persephone, Pomegranate fruit engraved with magical writing as symbol of wisdom, temptation, luck and fertility.

I added extra classic iconic Tarot elements:

2 pillars (Original Art: )

Dark & Light representing known and unknown holding a portal to mystery of our world:

as well as polarity of human nature with

Gold dust sand stair platform representing accumulated history and knowledge of old ages.

Papyrus represent written records sacred text teachings and messages from the old sages.

Original Art:

The Moon (Original Art: ) & head sphere (Original Art: ) aka Night Sun, Master of tides climates and cycles of time and sleep of all living on earth. Guiding light Illuminating path in darkness thru all that is hidden deep under and within, from ancient times humans rely on their imagination to shed light and explain unknown and instinct to guide them forward some imagined goals when future is unknown, this card is guardian of imagination and truth and reminder for reality check to keep awareness of your subconscious undercurrents and imaginations from interfering in your perception of reality. Also see the Moon card meaning.

Reversed: Secrets & intrigues.

Extra card Shaman (Original Art: )

This is a portrait of Amara, a Polynesian / Hawaiian type of fairy creature – also known as a Menehune – featured in an upcoming book of short stories. Amara is a name meaning “Paradise”. Here she is in the tropical forest, tiki gods blazing, with a sacred book….

One of my fav illustrations & perfect extra as it feat strong Oracle card vibe and can represent any specific meaning you feel inspired to assign to it or replace any other card according to your liking (i.e Major Arcana High Priestess, Empress, Hierophant, wands etc)

III The Empress (Original Art: )

For Artist Collective the 78 Tarot Astral project theme background with swirl of the milky way & Symbol of Venus engraved onto her 12-star crown are references to celestial Earth mother goddess Gaia. Inspired by traditional historical Victorian royal portrait of “The Empress” with the royal scepter feat triangular top and emerald gem representing trinity and uniting power of love ruling above globus of the world (representing her domain over earth and nature) and shield (usually featuring the double-headed eagle herald of the Holy Roman Empire, one head represent watching over conquered territories and other future conquests).

Reversed: Extravagance opulence & cruelty.

Extra card Empress (Original Art: ) Occulto Orbis Latin for “Secret Orb” – inspired by medieval and renaissance icon images of saints, this beauty holds an ornate Globus Cruciger (cross-bearing orb), with a keyhole lock I obscured by adding crown from same painting in order to make it look more Empress or Emperor card in case you prefer to use this one as alternative design!;)

Extra Card Emperor (Original Art: Napoleon And Josephine history art inspired piece featuring Empress Josephine – surrounded (almost fangirly) with a bunch of portraits of her husband Napoleon (famous Emperor and conquer). A very fun pastiche of historical portraiture with unique contemporary spin. One of my favorites and perfect alternative for Empress or Emperor card.

IV The Emperor I combined multiple paintings in this one in order to present traditional rws Emperor card it was tricky but successful as i managed to include all classic symbols:

Portrait (Original Art: )

High Gothic style icon painting with lots of medieval/gothic iconography – Saint George.)

Crown Globus Cruciger Cross-bearing orb (Original Art: ), with a keyhole lock obscured by hand holding it represent those at power unwilling to share its secrets and knowledge with others.

Scepter with multiple precious stones: ruby, emerald, sapphire, amethyst, amber as well as carved Mars symbol are counterpart of Empress Venus and with joined elements of

Mountain Ram (Original Art: &

Mountain cliff (Original Art: )

Background (Original Art: )

are representation of solid foundations, aggressive masculine energy, mountain climbing ruling force, firm structures and strict order such as those of states and power positions.

Reversed: Tyranny & oppression.

V The Hierophant (Original Art:

Occulta Cordis Latin for “Secret Heart” – inspired by medieval and renaissance icon images of saints, this beauty in blue and gold robe & ruby mistletoe ornamented hair holds an ornate Sacred Heart, with a keyhole lock light radiating from its inside representing guiding light and mercy as well as compassion and solidarity needed for any community and social circles to survive and strive. In addition to this classic rws imagery i added:

2 crossed keys; (Original Art: )

representing perhaps sometimes crossed teachings and inner beliefs that need to be reconciled in order for us to find out what we should keep and what to cast off to live happy.

Roses and lily (Original Art: source and meaning are same as the Magician card: sub rosa aka you don’t talk but live your beliefs and lily based on what resonates with your heart feelings)

& bits of brown & blonde hair (Original Art: ) represent 2 person usually present in this card before Hierophant as followers of specific ideas and upholders of tradition are reminder no idea tradition or belief can survive without people ready to uphold and carry them as their own and pass along to other people.

Reversed: Blind fate & pragmatism, also reminder to be aware and consider what message and teaching do you wish to pass on to younger generation your children and other people?

VI The Lovers this one was tricky to make but from start i find perfect base Original Art:

Eve And The Tree Of Knowledge original acrylic painting A diptych (two paneled painting) featuring a rather sinister looking Tree of Knowledge with green serpent on one side and a red-haired Eve holding an apple on other side. I multiplied this apple for total of 6 scattered around this image as reference to this card number & number of human it represents creation, work in progress, imperfection, and search for what is missing, completion, perfection and *other half. I also combined these elements to fit card proportion requirements and added more elements to recreate biblical rws paradise imagery:

Angel (Original Art:

counterpart to serpent perhaps guarding characters below or overseeing their actions.

Portrait (Original Art:

inspired by Gustave Moreau – French symbolist from the 1800s, specifically Salome and Oedipus and the Sphinx.)

& Bust (Original Art: )

with magical glowing lights plants and flowers blooming above its heart are inspired by Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in which Oberon jealous king of fairies convince Puck cupid like creature to use a love-potion made from magical violets into eyes of Titania Queen of fairies while she is asleep to cause her to fall in love with the first live thing she sees upon awakening. Titania awakens and finds herself madly in love with Bottom, an actor from the rude mechanicals whose head was just transformed into that of a donkey, thanks to a curse from Puck. Great reference to this card meaning; how love affection our judgment actions relationships and choices and consequences resulting from these emotions, also warning that it’s always good idea to check where are these feelings coming from before jumping into relationships or actions that are not always best choice four ourselves.

Red Hibiscus Flowers (Original Art: )

adds plenty references that can be related to love meaning: Hibiscus is a very decorative hardy, versatile perennial nyctinastic plant that flowers throughout the year and has a circadian cycle in which they open their leaflets during the day, and close them at night (refereed to as plant "sleeping") their showy flowers attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbird. Many species are grown worldwide and used a medicine or tea served both hot and cold. The red hibiscus is the flower of the Hindu goddess Kali, and appears frequently in depictions of her in the art of Bengal, India, often with the goddess and the flower merging in form. The hibiscus is used as an offering to Kali and the god Ganesha in Hindu worship.[38][39] all this make great reference to power of love.

Butterflies (Original Art: )

are reference to change metamorphosis case and effect of our feelings on our life quality.

Beautiful open Landscape background (Original Art: ) is reference to Garden of Eden paradise of plenitude as well as Earth green grass covered mountains that represent need to move uphill over the borders and thru hardships look up over our horizon for our own happiness and meaning of life beyond basic survival needs.

Reversed: love quarrels, choice or advice that should be avoided.

VII The Chariot (Original Art: )

Silver haired maiden navigating thru turbulent cosmic winds of fate crowned with crescent half circle horseshoe shaped crown of 7 stars (Original Art: )

representing number 7 perfection, 7 days of week (reminder how we are on our road of life & live our path every day) as well as 7 chakras & influence of stars and astrology. This goddess is directing ornate golden crystal (representing her will) powered chariot of Destiny– flying through the universe and run by magical mythical beasts;

Mythical Dragon (Original Art: )

represent our reptilian brain basic survival instincts and needs for food shelter etc.

Unicorn (Original Art:

represent our higher mind and ideals of love family success etc.

Note; these beasts are of equal value and neither is inferior or superior to other but work as equal partners representing driving forces of our actions and both need to be recognized and valued as well as guided on conscious level toward same goal: our personal development success and well being as individual and part of social groups and bigger communities.

Reversed: feeling like not holding rains of your life firmly in your hands or making progress toward your goals as you expected you should but are run by forces out of your control, take a break and identify obstacles or distractions you might be experiencing and see if there are small steps you can take now to adjust your course toward desired destinations also make sure you are not the one to self sabotage your own progress by unhealthy habits & ideas.

VIII Strength (Original Art:

Red Riding Hood’s Picnic” Fairytale-theme in a marvelous flouncing costume, enjoying a delicious picnic of grapes, cheese, bread & pastries. Wolf looms in the misty distance ( Original Art:

Note i replaced original wolf with another from image above in order to achieve desired result of wolf looking directly into viewer meaning You may be the one battling this wild challenge.)

Also in the lower right hand corner you can see the skull of a wolf – perhaps a little foreshadowing? Classic fairy tale illustration and metaphor resonate perfect with classic rws Strength card meaning usually featuring maiden wrestling a beast lion, it represent true strength of spirit triumphing over wild dangers of passions wrath and hardships, if this card is observed by its position in classic Major Arcana 7x3 grid in relation to previous card (Chariot representing progress) card above (the Magician representing achievement) and card below (Devil representing downfall) it revels more layers of its meaning such as true strength is not always physical (even it helps!;) but persistence, determination and will to *rise above our own struggles & imperfections to become & accomplish what may seem near impossible task.

Reversed: you may not be giving yourself enough credit or break regarding specific issue at question, sometimes best strategy is to persist thru hardships instead wasting our energy battling what need to be reconciled and approached from different angle or time distance.

IX The Hermit (Original Art: )

My favorite painting & hermit ever, perfectly illustrates calm effect of inner guiding light (usually presented as a star in lantern of the Hermit Tarot card) here we see maiden seated in a swamp mud ground not least concerned she is alone in dark nigh forest instead she seems to be enjoying the calm and peace this secluded environment offers contemplating her own thoughts while releasing Summer Fireflies (Or “lightning bugs” as we called them when I was little) from her glass jar as in relief, and it look a bit magical! Similar to previous card she looks viewer into the eyes (only this time it’s maiden instead of wild beast?:) as challenging you to ask yourself what light and gifts are you may be holding up in yourself that needs to be explored further and released into this world to bring more joy to your life?

Reversed: may indicate your behavior and thinking are making you feel more isolated from people close to you who may be interested to be involved in your life more or provide help you may be requiring at the moment but are reluctant to take as it may compromise your solitary life style & independent attitude.

X Wheel of Fortune this card was interesting to make as i had several options & compositions, starting with Wheel (Original Art: )

feat Alice and other classic fairy tale Princesses that all share similar story of hardships and troubles they get thru before happy ending with significant level of luck turning their fates.

Meaning; what ewer you were feeling lucky or not this card may indicate change!

The Three Fates (Original Art: ) in Greek Mythology known as The Moirae or tailors of destiny; Clotho is a portrait of innocence in angel wings as she spins the thread of life on her spinning wheel its fabric made of universe of galaxies swirls behind them. Lachesis is measuring the length of the thread of life between her careful hands. Atropos glares out with her “abhorred shears” – scissors snipping the thread of life with a final cut. All metaphor for human life luck and fate events seen as outer influence out of our control.

Reversed: missed chances and opportunities.

XI Justice I also considered several different illustrations for this card & included variant

Starting with iconic Justice Tarot card Scales (Original Art: )

Alice Through a Vermeer Glass” – part of “Alice in Other Lands” Alice in Wonderland / Art History series –is a Johannes Vermeer’s “Woman Holding a Balance” themed piece=) the original acrylic painting for “Crime on Canvas” at the Life is Beautiful show in Las Vegas, 2017, also illustration for one of the cards in Alice in Wonderland Oracle Deck, specifically for a card entitled “Law is Not Justice”. In order to go better with classic rws Justice I used

Portrait Base (Original Art:

One of the larger paintings from “Magical Thinking” show is Evocative of medieval /Renaissance era altarpiece paintings, with lots of details. Colours are in an “Old Masters” kind of technique similar to classic Tarot card primary colors and here we see “Sinners” part (referencing medieval/Renaissance depictions of hellish scenes, demons, monsters, etc.) indicating this card meaning is about *good measure or what is appropriate action for issue at hand? Think more about consequences of your actions rather than idea of divine moral justice as virtue of thinking what is good or bad. This card is a warning to watch your next step. Scales of Justice are flickery thing easy to tip in or against your favor depending on your action or lack of the same. Also be wary of signing any legal documents or actions.

Reversed: hold your scales to yourself now is not the time to judge others when you may be lacking all evidence or be exposed to same situation soon.

XI Extra Karma (Original Art: )

I see this Absinthe Mermaid as perfect personification of Karma delivering divine justice. “Her eyes flash green, her luxuriant blonde hair streams over the roots and rocks (with sinister skull-like visages). Here she holds a traditional Scales of justice in one hand, and a green bottle floats away from her grasp on the absinthe-green waves mixing with galaxies in the background (Original Art: ) fifth painting in Microcosms series – delving into the theme of Alchemical microcosms – miniature life and worlds created in glass jars or beakers) Meaning is Divine justice that we can rarely see or understand mechanic of how its work.

Reversed: personal feeling or experience of injustice you may be feeling in any area of life love social or working environment most likely. Also now may not be a good time for any legal affairs including contract.

XII Hanged (Original Art: )

Alice In Fragonard’s Swingin Wonderland eighth painting in sub-series called “Alice in Other Lands” which are paintings featuring Alice in a variety of unusual circumstances, thrown into settings inspired by artist love of art history. Here we have Alice on the swing set of one of the most beautiful and famous paintings in the world – “The Swing” from they year 1767 by Jean-Honoré Fragonard – the epitome of French Rococo painting! Several Alice references - White rabbit, dodo bird, Cheshire cat (he is in here twice), playing cards all adds fun whimsical perspective to traditionally gloom Tarot card whose meaning is often referencing cardinal virtue Prudence with message to watch your steps in order to avoid falling into a trap and loosing what you have and take for granted & Odin who sacrificed his eye hanged upside down to gain *sight with meaning you may gain insight but not without sacrifice and price. Meaning here is to calm and focus your mind on one question at hand before moving to dealing with next thing or else you may be forced to go back & forth in circles or keep swinging as pendulum over issue at hand.

Reversed: this card may imply lack of firm mind set regarding specific issue at hand.

XII Extra; (Original Art: )

Stranded From “Myths and Mermaids” solo show at Pop Gallery at Downtown Disney, here is “Stranded” A beautiful mermaid with a very melancholic feel, she seems to be stranded in the branches of a tree on a very tiny island surrounded by lapping ocean waves. Could be seen as a metaphor for feeling stranded, helpless, or out of place. All mentioned makes perfect extra Hanged Tarot card if you prefer it over Swing!;)

Reversed: need to set your mind on topic at hand and consider plan B options.

XIII (Original Art: )

Soulful Spirits Dia de los Muertos themed, illustration & meaning is perfect Tarot card traditionally representing skeleton with scythe here she is a lady goddess of death herself with traditional Calavera face paint on and her striking black & white butterfly wings representing change and transformation also to value moment we have and think about consequences of our actions like butterfly effect. Complement the grayscale florals behind her and offset the delicately decorated skull upon which she sits as contemplating meaning of life & death & beyond. Meaning imply to think about things we spend our time or energy that may be expiring in our life or need closure or change and transformation we are going thru and how to make it more pleasant and enjoy moments we have.

Reversed; abrupt end or some thing taking longer than expected to close or finish, painful change.

XIV Temperance (Original Art: )

Originally The Star card for Artist Collective the Lowbrow Tarot – feat a lot of great symbolism traditionally figure share some of the classical aspects with the ancient Greek Goddess of Youth – “Hebe” – she always has a couple of pitchers/cups pouring from either hand. I added wings and chemical symbols for trinity triangle and circular sun earth & spirit representing fact we all carry seed of divine creation within ourself & blend of elements its pouring to represent Angel of Alchemy whose Secret knowledge & message is to know right quantities of correct elements to mix in order to achieve desired result. This card is implying you should add some extra ingredient to clarify or dissolve circumstances regarding issue at hand, *water it down with youthful or fresh perspective of young mindset & purifying element of positive emotions starting with taking proper care of your mind & body by hydrating & always mix some extra optimism or positivity to lift atmosphere up, remember things are never so bad it can’t get much worse & small actions taken in appropriate time may help improve chances for your desired outcome significantly.

Reversed: imply lack of proper care & good measure also impatience & bad mix.

Extra card XIV Temperance (Original Art: ) Have some champagne! A big eyed beauty with a slightly gothic / Rococo feel to her – pouring a glass of champagne is perfect Temperance card Meaning is same as above with emphasis on *Mix some water or water it down & to be mindful & know when to stop & avoid excess in drinking & other risky behavior.

XV Temptation (Original Art: )

For Artist Collective 78 Tarot Elemental theme perfect with classic Tarot meaning it’s also 1st step in last septinary of bottom Major Arcane row representing different degrees of soul growth; Fire bringer, Prometheus Torch, it represent 1st line of progress bringing light to darkness enabling you to expand your vision and knowledge and warming up your environment to make life more comfortable also potential source of danger as it can destruct all you have if left out of control. I changed name as imho evil does not exist by itself but thanks to people ready to believe it does and willingly or not giving it hands to act on earth, accordingly I added Poppy field (Original Art: ) to represent illusion that is this card meaning, in reading it imply to take extra caution and consider if there are things in your life that you are taking for granted and see as fixed fact and therefore suffer consequences you believe out of your control while they result out of your own personal misconception illusions about truth that is in front of you? Start with casting off all negative beliefs you have about yourself & other people or circumstances around you and think what would you do if your freedom is your own & what do you feel is limiting your freedom of choice at this time?

Reversed: Suffering oppression & internal struggle that may be affecting your judgment, breaking a habit, quitting addiction & unhealthy relationship.

XVI The Tower (Original Art: & added Tower & Shipwreck inspired by Hieronymus Bosch for extra effect (Original Art: ) imho traditionally this card is next step from card above: The lightning over wast sky is illuminating bigger area than fire torch and thunderstorm is generating more energy (we still don’t know how to harness!;) but it’s terrific event often leaving destruction in its wake capable of shaking strongest foundations reducing ancient fortress to crumbles. That is its purpose and message of this card: You are learning important lesson or truth thru significant life change that may shake foundations of your beliefs and rearrange your life or priorities! Mermaid resting at shore is chimera creature half human half fish that enables her to swim away to safe distance leaving destruction behind her back. Looking at you asking can you do same? Leave these destructive events in past and move forward to build better future, rise new foundations changed with what you know now?

Reverse: unexpected change, sudden event, time to prepare.

XVII The Star (Original Art:

& added extra Sparkles (Original Art: ) & Galaxy (Original Art: )

Angel Of Starlight An explosion of colour with swirling galaxies, bright stars and stardustand! Star Goddess herself! Meaning of this card is Hope & Talent: You Are the Star of Your Own Life! Anything You Wish You Can Be! Set Your Goals High Up & Go Get It! Unlike previous 2 cards (Torch & Lightning) Star Light is more subdued but permanent & it’s position is fixed as part of sky constellation therefore used for orientation & to find ones place on earth similar to how long term goals will help you find your purpose in this life & make you feel grounded & connected & Shine Your qualities & potentials as Sun our closest Star so consider the Star card as seed of what you are now even if it may take a while to manifest!;)

Reversed: you may be neglecting your talents or setting your goals to low or all over the place!

XVIII The Moon (Original Art: )

For Artist Collective the 78 Tarot “Mythical” theme project incorporating well-known goddesses/mythological figure Luna/Selene. Inspired by past centuries’ Art Nouveau movement & Alphonse Mucha’s “Moon and Stars” series. Also incorporates traditional tarot imagery references; a couple of wolves/dogs and the two pillars (as well as the crawdad/ crayfish) from the Rider-Waite deck, and as a nod to the early Flemish Tarot extra distaff (as in spinning wool) in her hand. The Moon card is often associated with Diana/Artemis, so it feature a wolf or two! With nod to the “stars” – if you look at the glowing bits around her, you’ll see they just almost seem to make up a dipper constellation….

Moon is Night Sun celestial sphere closest to our Earth as its Guardian of Life Earth satellite regulating cycles of tide, seasons weather & different phases of growth of plants and animals. Moonlight provide us light in darkness, it’s not bright as Sun & therefore what we see under Moonlight is not always clear or easy to tell & recognize therefore what we see in darkness may confuse us & require extra caution to proceed & analyze in order to avoid mistakes or find out truth & discern facts from dreams & illusion.

Reversed: Fears anxiety insomnia.

XIX The Sun (Original Art: )

Inspired by Hindu goddess Saraswati Companion to Brahma and goddess of knowledge, music, arts & science – playing her traditional instrument, the Veena (and a majestic peacock – which can be seen roaming wild all over in urban areas of India as well as the countryside!) Meaning is one of the best cards in Tarot as Clear & Simple Joy of Life!

Background sky (Original Art: Loosely inspired by the song “Moonchild” by King Crimson ). Meaning is Illumination & revelation.

Reversed: Exposure.

Extra card XIX The Sun (Original Art: )

Sitting on a Sunflower is the title – featuring one of artist popular characters, Silly Sunny! She is shown here in this painting sitting (you guessed it) on a sunflower, in a field of sunflowers in front of a bright blue sky. The colours in this are gorgeous – and there is also a lovely big bumblebee. Perfect painting for springtime. I also feel this to be perfect Sun card!

Meaning: enjoying summer of your life!

Reversed: Cloud on a horizon!

XX Judgement combine elements of several paintings in order to achieve traditional rws imagery Starting with Angel base (Original Art: ) Traditionally Angel of Judgement is depicted with trumpet (Original Art: ) hovering over figures appearing to arise from their tombs & here they are floating in background to represent soul elation (rather than zombies!;) That is this card meaning: Wake Up Call, Call to Action & Stop Slumbering! Are there things you feel called to do? Also Spiritual renewal & awakening of spirituality. White flag with red cross aka St George (Original Art: ) is another element traditionally present in this card meaning Help is coming for those in need.

Reversed: refusal to awake, avoiding call.

XXI The World (Original Art: )

For Artist Collective 78 Tarot Nautical. Traditionally “The World” card is presented as a beautiful maiden encircled by laureate leafs here she is standing in the sea, cradling the world in her hands. There are dangers afoot – sea monsters inspired by antique old world maps representing plenty ecological challenges our planet Earth suffer as well as climate changes we are all contributing with lack of decisive action & call for change in global governments starting with ban of nuclear tests! In place of traditionally present 4 cardinal zodiac signs/elements/apostles in each corner we see: portrait of man in top corner (Original Art: )

Ox below (Original Art: ) Cat here is quirky nod to big cat Leo (Original Art: ) & Bird is for Eagle (Original Art: )

Extra; Puss In Boots (Original Art: ) One of the fairytale-themed paintings that debuted at artist Fairytale Fabulous solo show at Downtown Disney’s Pop Gallery, Inspired by Charles Perrault’s original French fairytale Le Chat Botté, here we have Puss in Boots! I’ve always loved this story of the tricksy cat as it goes on its adventures. This painted version shows it with a musketeer-like flair and its meaning is: Anything is possible as long as you wear right shoes!;)

Extra Happy SquirrelSnow White And Her Animal Friends

Eve And Rib

Minor Arcana *** Under Construction!***

Court Cards;

King of Cups; Big Blue Whale

Queen of Cups; Venus With Cherubs & crown Princess With A Maine Coon Cat

Knight of Cups; How Deep Is The Ocean

Page of Cups; The Little Mermaid & Poissons Volants Etude 2

King of Coins; Violet Icing

Queen of Coins; Amber Dragonling

Knight of Coins; Darling Dragonling 1

Page of Coins; Ivy Dragonling

King of Swords; Fiona And The Unicorn

Queen of Swords; Blue Willow Fairy & crown Queen Of Bees

Knight of Swords; Twilight Delight

Page of Swords; Owlyn And Robyn

King of Wands; Fauna

Queen of Wands; Diana In The Forest

Knight of Wands; Alice And The Fawn

Page of Wands; Spring

Numbers 1 to 10;


1 Sun Child And Moon Child

2 Stilleven 6 & Stilleven 10 & Extra By The Seaside & Amongst The Koi & Nautilus Princess

3 Allegory Of Infinity

4 Golden Mermaid

5 Isle Of The Dead

6 Alice And The Mad Hatter & Alices Advice

7 Pandora

8 Porcelina

9 Oaken Mead

10 Crown Of Shell


1 Keeping Up

2 Ninja Dragonlings 3

3 A Clockwork Valentine

4 Dragons Hearts

5 Frost Dragonling

6 Snow White And Rose Red & Tableaux Vivants 3 & Alice Through A Vermeer Glass

7 Daydreaming Wonderland

8 A Clockwork Pumpkin

9 Stilleven 8

10 Clockwork Dragonling


1 Ninja Dragonlings 3

2 Unseelie Court War & Extra Pretty Pirate Polly

3 Mending A Broken Heart

4 Three Little Birds

5 Birdsong 2

6 The Scarecrow & The Wind In The Willows

7 Bootstrap Betsy

8 The Language Of Flowers 6

9 The Princess And The Pea

10 Sleeping In Thorns


1 The Little Match Girl

2 Dark Dragonling & wands Dice Dragonlings

3 Painting Pixie & background A Safe Harbor

4 Kirin And Bakeneko

5 La Belle Dame Sans Merci

6 The Three Graces

7 Paisley

8 Butterfly Chariot

9 Green.Goddess

10 Elephant Friend

Card Back Design for text edt;

Alice In Fragonard’s Swing

Card Back Design for Art edt;

Mermaid With A Golden Dragon

Mermaid With Pink Lotus

ladybug Insectarium 1 & Insectarium 2

Mermaid Picking Lotus Blossoms

Ode To Heade & Wildwood Bouquet