
On this page 


Would a DREAM come to EXISTENCE?


Would Tricycles become HYBRID-ELECTRIC or ELECTRIC Tricycles?


Why hasn't this TECHNOLOGY come to LIFE yet?


There is a difference between DEPENDENCE and INDEPENDENCE - in TECHNOLOGY here . . . 




Is Doing PUZZLES or LEGO or JIGSAWS or MOSAIC, etc. Appliciable to Technology?


Do "Credit Union" Principles on Relationships Applicable to Communities Embracing New Technology?


Have we thought that ESPERTS can become PILLARS for this New Technology?


Could this be a GIFT of the GOVERNMENT to its People?


Is the action of THROWING Energy AWAY, the same reality as THROWING food to the TRASH can?


Is this ACCEPTABLE to Advanced Technologies and EXPERTS?


Is it known that throwing more concentrated brine back to the sea KILLS life there?



Engineering Schools teach that HEAT ENERGY shares some of ITSELF to the Shaft. After that, heat energy has not consumed itself in sharing, and can share more. Isn't this FACT the FOUNDATION of this Technology?

It is clear that wires carrying electricity to Communities bring Progress. Should this sufficiently provide enough STIMULUS to JUMP-START the ECONOMY of Communities? 


Are these the only JOBS and BENEFITS that Communities would Experience?


Is transfering SCIENCE from Eco Car to TRICYCLES a WALK IN THE PARK

My answer is YES, YES, YES, and MORE YESES!


Why do some BELIEVE that unheard of Achievements are not ACHIEVABLE? 

Do we simply ACCEPT explanations and doctrines from other Countries?

During the development of the Training Program for the OPERATIONS Staff of the Philippine Nuclear Power Plant Unit #1, the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) included the provision that the QUALIFIED RECRUIT must be CONDITIONABLE.

Conditioning is the process in which an automatic, conditioned response is paired with specific stimuli. For example, a driver going at speed sees something big in front of his car. Without thinking, he steps hard on the brakes. That stimulus makes the driver react quickly in that way, WITHOUT THINKING. Isn't this great and SAFE?

NAPOCOR's consultants said that this provision is not included in any training program in the United States and other countries.

NAPOCOR did not budge and that was final. So it was included.

NAPOCOR's recruits underwent training at the Nuclear Training Center in Zion, Illinois, and they scored at the TOP 15% of the classes. 

That gave the Philippines the assurance that PNPP#1 was SAFE for the Country.


Would they reject the validity of the Project's System? 




Doesn't this LOOK EASY?


Are our FEELINGS created?

AND my own feeling is that armed people in the MOUNTAINS, and elsewhere, would want to experience the PROGRESS of COMMUNITIES. 


Contents of this Website




Technical Schematics

Energy Independence


Details of Technology

Economics and IRR (Internal Rate of Return)



for further ENJOYMENT

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