The LIES in OM case

LIE #1: A short female?

Mr. Monsor and his lawyers shot and submitted 3 videos shot on May 18, 2021 (POHA affidavit #4), and they deployed a female to depict V, who stood shorter than Mr. Monsor. 

The video claimed that Mr. Monsor helped V in two separate acts: centering the clay (approaching from her left), and another one (approaching from her right).  He tried to show that when he approached her from the left, his arm couldn't touch the female's leg because when she sat down, her legs were much lower than the pottery rim.

Mr. Monsor is 1.68 meters (5"5) , as he testified in POHA trial.


V is 1.76 meters (5"8 feet) !! as shown in her official US ID. 

Got milk, anyone? 

LIE #2:  What happened on Mar 3??

The videos claimed that he helped V in two separate acts: centering the clay (approaching from her left), and another one (approaching from her right).  He claimed that he couldn't touch V's leg in the first act, and might have touched V during the second act. 

This again clearly contradicts both V's written statement as well as 2 SAS Investigation Reports!! 

Like most sexual harassment and assault cases, there were usually no direct witnesses, so the 2 SAS Investigation reports are the most important indirect evidence to support V's case against Mr. Monsor.  We submitted those during the Police investigation. 

So WHY did Deputy Public Prosecutor Thiagesh exclude the 2 most important and incriminating pieces of evidence of a crime that took place on campus, against a minor?