About me

I'm a mother. 

I witnessed V's suffering post a sexual harassment incident: she went from confusion to anger, to having many nightmares over and over again. She cried in her sleepless nights "Mommy, I can't sleep. I remember his hairy arm on my leg". She was traumatised, suffered from PTSD and suicidal thoughts as she went through interviews led by SAS, later on Police officers and DPP. She was a US National Merit Scholar and had lost interest in her studies because of this experience in school. Her suffering was very typical for victims of sexual harassment.   V was a teenager when the incident happened: she could write clearly, and went through many interviews.  What if the victim is a much younger child, or a boy? Who would believe them? 

She told the truth, as we were all taught in school. She also trusted the school, and the "strict SG Legal system" (quoting Lee Kwan Yew) which should have protected her. 

They all failed her.   This was the moment I turned from a mother to an advocate.

Mr. Monsor lied to get away from an OM investigation; Mr. Boasberg hired TSMP to cover up the incident, and then facing a public cry, and provided SAS Community with a truncated TSMP to hide the truth. And they call themselves "EDUCATORS"? 

Derek Kang, the Cairnhill lawyer who defended Mr. Monsor in OM and who accused me in POHA, was their accomplice in making up many lies. During the trial, I cited the real victim is V, who couldn't testify in Court, and I asked Mr. Kang "Can you sleep at night???"  

Is this the world we want to leave for our children?! Are those the examples we want to set for our children?!  

NO, and that's why I'm publishing this website to tell the story, and will fight until justice is served.

I was the Country Manager of Southeast Asia (SEA) for Google's Sell-side business. My team worked with local publishers and developers and contributed billions of dollars to local economies. 

Our family lived in Singapore from 2014 to 2022 and our children attended SAS for 8 years. I was a donor to SAS, and I was also the recipient of an SAS IASAS Award for taking care of an injured boy to whom we were the host family.  We currently reside in California, United States. 

In constructing the site, I tried to be as factual as I can and relied on email correspondence, school files, affidavits and trial transcripts.  The rest is "in my opinion".  If you are a journalist looking to cover this story, please contact me here.  

Dr.  Wenjia Fang.
October 17, 2023