"Show everyone the truth"
The Petition & comments

On August 2, 2021, Mr. Monsor remains working on campus when there was an active Police investigation on OM, I put up a Petition website, sharing our experiences, and asking for a "zero tolerance policy against Sexual Harassment" in SAS (see below).  Within 2 weeks, I received 250 signatures and many comments, mostly from SAS community who signed the petition.  I'm publishing the comments verbatim again. 

Molestation of any form should be reprimanded. A kid alone in a room, the adult teachers should be extra careful. This is NOT ok I support the child and the parent.

I did some google research, the SAS leader Tom Boasberg has unfinished business related to a student rape case in Denver USA. ... These people are not capable of protecting our kids. 

I believe the school administration and board will say they already meet the demands of this petition. They believe they have done these things but do not feel obligated to fully disclose the details to the parents. The seem more concerned with practicing law than safeguarding students.

Unfortunately this lack of accountability and cavalier attitude towards parents are typical of our school's administration and school board.  Our Superintendent has navigated these waters before. One parent already illuminated the time he failed to report a rape of a student by a staff member when he was in charge of the Denver Public School system. Conversely, during that time, when a coach was accused of inappropriately touching cheerleaders, our Superintendent supported removing him from the school until the investigation was complete. The final report found the school negligent in considering the psychological impacts on the students in the actions they took after the incident. Why didn't our Superintendent take appropriate action this time if he learned this lesson before? Knowing that he is a lawyer and has experienced situations like this makes one wonder if this investigation and responses to these SAS parents were really handled as poorly as they seem or were attempts to cover up the incident to protect the school's reputation instead of the student. When he opines there was no sexual harassment because the accused said there was no sexual intent he sounds like a lawyer trying to protect a client instead of a school superintendent trying to protect children. 

The school board has in this case as in many others remained silent. They express reluctance to intervene in the business of the Superintendent. If the Governance Committee will not hold the Superintendent accountable to school policy to protect the children and retain the trust of the parents, then who will? We can only hope in this case that 1) the Singapore Police will find cause that the TA's behavior was unlawful and 2) the Ministry of Education will look deeper into the actions of the administration and school board to determine if they are ethical and sufficient according to Singapore policy and the school's charter. 

SAS needs to show clear accountability in this case

I was once a victim of molestation, and until today (im 25 this year), it still left a huge trauma on me! Such people should be seriously dealt with.

Children should be protected from wrong behaviours, especially molesting or sexual harassment. Failing to do that, there might be hugely negative impact to the child's psychology and/or health for many years. Educational institution, especially a reputable school such as SAS, must have even higher responsibility. I demand that the school take serious actions against molesters to protect the child in this case, and also to warrant a safe environment to all its students. 

The school needs to step up and protect its students, not it's shareholder and reputation. 

Highly disappointed by the school's response, expected better from supposedly one of the best schools in Singapore. Schools are supposed to be a safe space for children. Shocked that the TA is still on campus today! In what world is that okay? Predators like this always strike again, it's only a matter of time.

It is worrying and disappointing to hear the response from SAS regarding the incident, which shows a high disregard for their duty of care to the student. More needs to be done, including heavier punishment for the TA to prevent future incidents. 

I believe the girl's feelings, she feels offended, applaud this brave girl, the school is supposed to be a safe place, but the school administration's attitude of shirking responsibility makes us feel disappointed.

As a mum of 2 young age kids, I'm totally appalled by this story and the way SAS has handled the situation! Reports of sexual harassments must be treated with utmost importance and zero tolerance by SAS and all other schools as the consequences of such behaviours are extremely harmful, not only to the student directly impacted but also to the other pupils. 

Physical contact should not happen to any child under any circumstances.

Policies must be in place and part of the core values must be reinstated among teachers and teacher assistants. It is not ok. We need to protect our daughters and sons into what is ok and what is not ok.

I agree and this is not ok. We need policies in place. 

“It’s clear that the people running the school now (based on this incident and MANY others my friends and I have experienced) are bad people who are more occupied with outward appearances than the genuine wellbeing of their community.”

.... Well said. Based on personal experiences from our family’s interactions with the school, I could not possibly agree more. How shameful to see such gaslighting, patronising, insincere, unethical “leaders” in positions of responsibility. They should remember they are dealing with educated people with resources, who don’t buy a single word of their nonsense and are not powerless here.

I sincerely hope there will be a day when students don’t experience such inappropriate behavior. It is beyond disappointing to see those in power fail to protect the students for which they are responsible. As someone who has personally faced a form of sexual harassment by a faculty member at SAS, I am shocked by the lack of meaningful action taken by administrators in response to this situation. Whether there is legal evidence or not, I strongly believe that there is more to be done than sending a distant email for the sake of formality and law. I hope that every adult who has failed to protect the children at this school remembers what they could have done, and chooses to take a more meaningful and moral path in the future.

There is no gray area in this matter between the student and the TA. The TA has made an unwelcomed physical contact with the student. An appropriate course of action that is justifiable should be carried out by the school. Please review this matter in all fairness and honesty.

SAS should ensure that its community feels that such allegations are managed fairly with full transparency.

Hope school takes allegation seriously, collects community feedbacks, and examines thoroughly on existing policies, measures and procedures to provide a safer learning environment that can be trusted by everyone in the community.

I did some google research, the SAS leader Tom Boasberg has unfinished business related to a student rape case in Denver USA. ... These people are not capable of protecting our kids. 

I did some google research, the SAS leader Tom Boasberg has unfinished business related to a student rape case in Denver USA. ... These people are not capable of protecting our kids. 

School is meant to be a safe space for learning and growth, and SAS has failed its students in this aspect by not strongly addressing and condemning sexual harassment. We need to actively enforce our school policies, or else what is the point of having them? As an SAS alumni, I am both enraged and saddened that this is happening. We can do better. 

I completely sympathize with your cause. My sexual assault case was recently dismissed by the police so I hope all the best for this. Sex offenders need to be re-educated and punished.

We had filed similar complain to our previous school in Chicago and the very same day the principal and the lead teacher met with us and was very compassionate and serious towards our suspected complain. My daughter was just starting to learn her English and Mandarin so wife misunderstood her playful language as "I want to f* you" one night before putting her to sleep. Confused she asked her where did you learn this language and she said from school. Few days later wife realized she was probably saying something else than the f word. But we were very positive towards the attitude from the school. However from Wenjua's description it is truly disappointing and we hope the school can do proper investigation.

SAS needs to be held accountable. It does not surprise me that they acted this way, but I’m still both disappointed and angry. This is the school I grew up at from kindergarten to graduation. This is where I was taught about justice and standing up for myself. It’s clear that the people running the school now (based on this incident and MANY others my friends and I have experienced) are bad people who are more occupied with outward appearances than the genuine wellbeing of their community. It’s incredibly disheartening. SAS needs to do better.

We should stop this and protect our kids.

Must support to give a clean and safe environment in SAS

SAS - though we transferred out from singapore American school to Shanghai American school. We have left wonderful memories there. I am appalled to hear this case happened. I urged the school to do a thorough investigation and give righteousness back to the girl soonest. We shall applaud for the girl’s courage to speak up. We shall protect her as much as possible. We don’t need another “me too” case anywhere in this world!

We need to make sure our children are safe in the campus, no tolerance to sexual harassment!

The people involved must be dealt with seriously, the campus needs a clean environment, we need to protect our children, and we cannot accept the school's explanation.

I want my daughter to be safe studying at SAS.

The people involved must be dealt with seriously, the campus needs a clean environment, we need to protect our children, and we cannot accept the school's explanation.

I am happy to stand for my children and their friends safe learning environment.

The admin who is part any potential cover up should also be accountable , including termination of employment as well as further criminal investigation in assisting of a crime.

As an SAS alumni and high school art student, the art studio has always been a safe place to create art and build community. Such an incident is unacceptable and horrifying; I hope action is taken and incidents like these never repeat.

Urge SAS come up with new safeguard procedures to prevent such cases happen again.

harrassment should be well investigated.

I hope the school can give a reasonable conclusion.

Why was the TA still working after the family reported?

I’m embarrassed to have gone to SAS. The way they handled this was absolutely atrocious.

In the event of any reported sexual harassment, I believe investigations should be carried out from a “guilty until proven innocent” standpoint on the accused. I don’t think baseless accusations are/will be often thrown around especially when it concerns this matter. It bothers me that a victim has to go through such lengths to not feel marginalized; this is perhaps the perfect example of why individuals who have been harassed don’t choose to stand up for themselves, for fear of being humiliated even further.

Sorry for what happened to the family! SAS owes the family and every SAS member explanation. SAS should public the investigation process and take measures to protect our kids!

School is liable to give a complete investigation officially announce the result. This is something extremely significant and people need an unequivocal result.

Please let us know the investigation report and review all the process to ensure the fairness to the teacher and the student.

Shocked,hope SAS will give the girl and his family reasonable response. Cannot tolerate it.

Request the school to give fair investigation and annouce the result to all parents. We have no tolerance to evil!

Disappointed but not surprised.

Given the seriousness of the allegation, the TA should be suspended while the police conduct formal investigation.

Zero tolerance for sexual harassment

my daughter know the girl also know TA . hope SAS investigate properly . she is a very brigjt girl . school can interview more girls to know mire about thay TA

Show everyone the truth

Disappointed and disgusted by SAS admin’s behaviour. Hope this injustice is corrected.

No grown man could ever do touch a child in that manner without knowing exactly what the implications are, and the fact that SAS has attempted to cover this up is disgraceful and speaks to the cruelty and lack of basic respect for human dignity of the people involved. I am outraged that the institution I attended would go so far to dismiss and shield a pedophile from repercussions and do so little to protect and acknowledge the young girl or give even the slightest regard to the safety and wellbeing of its students. I cannot express how disgusted I am as both an alumnus of SAS and a victim of sexual assault. SAS should have been mortified at this outrage against a child entrusted to them and instead chose to ignore the issue and shield a perpetrator, allowing them to continue abusing young women. Both the T.A. in question and anyone assisting in his investigation should face severe repercussions and a full apology and severe overhaul of the staff and school policy towards victims of sexual harassment and abuse

Let’s protect our children!

School should be safe and fully be trusted place, SAS should investigate at the first second and protect the student. It is about the responsible which one of the SAS value.

Request SAS to re-investigate this issue, and give a proper explanation.

In this case, the student felt shocked and unsafe with this teacher. We ask for the student's complaint to be heard seriously and an investigation is conducted.

SAS isn’t good at keeping other students safe and is horrible at keeping themselves accountable.

I have two kids going to SAs and i want school to do a proper investigation and come up with a proper report

This is not the only sexual harassment case that SAS has swept under the rug. The TA should’ve been immediately terminated and his actions shouldn’t have been defended.

The TA’s behavior, including the physical and sensitive contact in a room without anyone else but the girl, is in no doubt a breach of sex harassment guidelines.

Most of the sexual harassment cases are “me against your words” and I believe that students would not lie about it in normal circumstances. As a father of a young girl, this incidence should be investigated fully, and the school should be more clear about how to prevent these event from happening again.

We expect better..

This is an important initiative and actions need to be taken so as such behaviours are never to take place again. Individuals cannot be covered by educational institutions trusted to protect our children. The fact that the individual in question is still active on school premises is mind-blowing and unacceptable.

I’m an absolutely livid about the way the school responded to this. The manner in which they brushed off the harassment is disgusting and I hope justice will be served to those who chose to protect the harasser and the school’s reputation.

Thank you to your daughter and to your family for being so brave and strong to share this story. Reading this experience is devastating and SAS’s response is horrifying. Something has to change.

Thank you to your daughter and to your family for being so brave and strong to share this story. Reading this experience is devastating and SAS’s response is horrifying. Something has to change.

I'm surprised to find this out in WhatsApp forwards. Would have expected a proactive address from Tom B. In one of his school wide emails. This issue if unaddressed is significant enough for parents to consider withdrawal.

SAS has a chance to take a stand against sexual harassment and assault. It is disgraceful that they haven’t done enough.

I offer my condolences and well wishes to the victim.

As an art student myself, I no longer feel safe at the art suite as well as the school in general since the incident. I am so sorry to the victim of the incident and thank you for standing up to the SAS Admin.

We need the school to define clear code of conduct policies with zero tolerance for molestors. Independent investigation in this case with suspension and termination of this teacher

Please do not keep the law enforcement teacher, for similar incidents should be dealt with openly.

Kudos to the student who spoke up and reported the incident! Given the power dynamics in school, students should be given a safe environment to report inappropriate incidents! Does SAS have a whistleblower policy?

It's very clear that school's report is very biased. The TA should have been suspended while the police investigation is going on. The teacher was clearly taking advantage of the fact that he was alone in the room with a student, and touched the student inappropriately. Why doesn't SAS have CCTV in the classroom to deter potential molesters?

We should all fight together to provide our children a safe SAS to study ! !

Being an International school kindly look into this and expecting the right action to be taken, also do have a look at the ability of the councillors .