Fake teeth

A Comprehensive Guide to Fake Teeth: Options, Costs, and Care

What Are Fake Teeth?

Fake teeth, or dental prosthetics, are artificial tooth replacements designed to restore the function and aesthetics of missing or damaged natural teeth. They come in different forms such as dentures, dental implants, dental bridges, and partial dentures. These prosthetics are custom-made to provide a comfortable fit and a natural appearance in an individual's mouth.

Options for Fake Teeth

Several options are available for patients seeking dental prosthetics to replace missing or damaged teeth. Each option has its advantages and drawbacks, and the right choice depends on individual needs, budget, and dental health circumstances. Let's explore the most common options for fake teeth.

The Cost of Fake Teeth in Australia

The cost of fake teeth varies depending on the type of dental prosthetic. On average, dentures range from $2,500 to $4,000, dental implants from $3,999 to $7,000, and partial dentures from $600 to $4,000. These costs can fluctuate based on individual needs and specific dental conditions. It's important to note that the Australian Government does not subsidise fake teeth costs for those without private health insurance. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully research your options and request a detailed breakdown of fees from your dentist before initiating any treatment plan.

Type of Fake Teeth - Fake Teeth Cost in Australia

The Process of Getting Fake Teeth

The process of obtaining fake teeth typically involves multiple steps that span several months. These steps include consultation, treatment planning, teeth preparation, and the placement of fake teeth. Here's an overview of each stage:

Regular follow-up visits are essential to monitor the success of the fake teeth and maintain optimal oral health. Proper care and maintenance of fake teeth are crucial for their longevity and to enjoy a healthy, confident smile for years to come.

Maintenance and Care for Fake Teeth

Maintaining and caring for fake teeth is crucial to ensure their longevity and your oral health. Regular cleaning, similar to natural teeth, is necessary. Dentures should be removed and cleaned daily using a soft denture brush and denture cleaner (avoid toothpaste). Dental implants and bridges can be cleaned like natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing.

Handle your fake teeth with care to avoid damage. When not wearing dentures, store them in water or a denture cleaning solution to prevent drying out. Regular dental check-ups are crucial for monitoring the condition of your fake teeth and overall oral health.

Who Are the Candidates for Fake Teeth?

Candidates for fake teeth are individuals who have lost one or more teeth due to decay, injury, or disease. They are also suitable for those with damaged teeth that cannot be repaired with fillings or crowns. Candidates should be in good general health and have healthy gums to support the fake teeth.

If you are missing teeth, have damaged or decayed teeth, or want to enhance your smile, consider exploring the options of fake teeth. Consult with a dentist to determine the most suitable choice for your needs and ensure you understand the costs, process, and maintenance required. With the right fake teeth, you can restore your dental health and achieve the confident smile you desire.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get fake teeth?

The process of obtaining fake teeth typically takes several months. It involves various stages such as consultation, treatment planning, teeth preparation, and the placement of fake teeth. The exact timeframe may vary depending on the individual's specific situation and the type of fake teeth being used.

Can I eat normally with fake teeth?

Yes, one of the main benefits of fake teeth is that they restore the function of natural teeth, allowing you to eat a wide range of foods comfortably. However, it may take some time to adjust to the new prosthetics, especially if you are getting dentures. It's important to follow your dentist's instructions and gradually introduce harder or chewy foods into your diet.

How long do fake teeth last?

The longevity of fake teeth depends on various factors, including the type of prosthetics, oral hygiene practices, and individual care. Dental implants are considered a long-term solution and can last for many years or even a lifetime with proper care. Dentures and dental bridges may require periodic adjustments or replacements over time, typically lasting between 5 and 15 years. Regular dental check-ups and maintenance are essential for maximising the lifespan of fake teeth.

Are fake teeth comfortable to wear?

Fake teeth are designed to be as comfortable as possible. Dentists take impressions and customise the prosthetics to fit your mouth for a secure and natural feel. However, it may take some time to adjust to the new sensations and fit of dentures or other types of prosthetics. During the adjustment period, you may experience some mild discomfort or soreness, which should subside as you get used to wearing them.

Are there any restrictions or limitations with fake teeth?

While fake teeth restore the function and aesthetics of natural teeth, there may be some limitations or considerations. For example, certain types of fake teeth, such as dentures, may affect your speech initially. However, most patients adapt and regain their normal speech patterns over time. Additionally, certain foods, particularly very sticky or hard foods, may pose challenges for denture wearers. It's important to follow your dentist's advice and make any necessary modifications to your diet or oral care routine.