Dental Crowns South Perth
My Implant Dentist | (08) 9361 5544
Contact Us Today!
(08) 9361 5544
Level 2/448 Fitzgerald St, North Perth WA 6006
Is having a dental crown painful?
Dental crowns are prosthetics that are attached to the tops of your natural teeth to cover damage or implants.
Some people get crowns for aesthetic purposes, such as tooth discoloration or a gap between their teeth.
Most patients choose ceramic or porcelain crowns because they resemble natural teeth the most, but stainless steel and resin crowns are also available.
At My Implant Dentist in South Perth, we perform extensive dental examinations to assess your oral health and recommend procedures, such as crowns, to help you regain your oral health.
Why do you need a dental crown?
A crown can help with a variety of oral health issues, including: Teeth that have been lost or worn may be restored.
Preventing a decayed, damaged tooth from breaking Keeping a cracked tooth from falling out Getting rid of discoloured teeth Putting a big filling on a tooth that doesn't have much left Restoring a smile that has slight flaws What are the benefits of dental crowns? Dental crowns are caps that fit over an existing tooth to restore a tooth that has been severely decayed.
It keeps your bite intact while protecting the remaining portion of the tooth from further injury.
Crowns and bridges may be used to close holes between teeth.
They're also used to cover fragile teeth and sustain big fillings.
Before the crowning procedure, a local anaesthetic is administered.
The dentist will numb you and then prepare the tooth by extracting any decay.
Later, the tooth may be built up to fit the height of the surrounding teeth.
He creates the reconstruction using 3-D imaging and a laser scanner, which is normally done while you wait.
It takes about two hours to complete the process.
Same-day crowns remove the need for unsightly temporaries and a second appointment.
Dental Crown Procedure Usually, getting a crown necessitates two separate visits to the dentist.
The dentist will examine the tooth that will receive the crown and explore the options during the first consultation.
A filling may be required before the natural tooth can support a crown if it is badly damaged or cracked.
The dentist will make a mould of the tooth receiving the crown and those directly surrounding it after it has been inspected and filled.
This mould will be used to make a crown that fits perfectly and blends in with the rest of your teeth.
Your dentist will make a temporary crown to cover the tooth at the end of the first visit.
If the crown is being ordered solely for aesthetic purposes, temporary crowns may not be needed.
If you have a temporary crown, it will be removed at the second appointment, and the current crown will be added to your tooth.
To make a smooth transfer, a special adhesive is used to suit the crown over your teeth.
The new crown can feel strange in your mouth at first.
As time passes and you become used to the feel and appearance of your new crown, it will begin to work similarly to your natural teeth.
How painful it is? Many people fear going to the dentist because they believe the dental crown procedure would be painful, and the same fear can be attributed to having a crown.
From the first visit to the last, getting a crown should be a painless experience.
Your dentist will numb your mouth before performing any fillings or fittings.
You can experience some discomfort for a day or two after the operation as the numbing wears off, but your dentist would likely advise you to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to manage the discomfort.
Dental Crowns South Perth Links
My Implant Dentist | (08) 9361 5544
Contact Us Today!
(08) 9361 5544
Level 2/448 Fitzgerald St, North Perth WA 6006