What Is Cone Beam CT Scan And How Does It Work?

Understanding Cone Beam CT Scan: An Advanced Imaging Technique for Dental and Maxillofacial Diagnosis

What Is a Cone Beam CT Scan?

A Cone Beam CT scan is an advanced imaging technique used in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. Unlike traditional X-rays, it provides a detailed three-dimensional view of the patient's oral and maxillofacial region. This imaging modality offers high-resolution and distortion-free images, enabling healthcare professionals to accurately diagnose dental abnormalities.

How Does Cone Beam CT Work?

Cone Beam CT scans operate using a unique mechanism that sets them apart from traditional X-ray systems. The scan involves a cone-shaped X-ray beam that rotates 360 degrees around the patient's head, capturing multiple images in a single rotation.

During the scan, the patient remains still while the X-ray source and detector move in unison around them. With each rotation, the X-ray beam projects a series of images onto the detector, capturing different perspectives of the patient's anatomy. These images, known as "basis images," are then digitally processed and compiled by a sophisticated computer algorithm to create a comprehensive three-dimensional representation of the dental structures, soft tissues, nerve paths, and bone.

Benefits of Cone Beam CT Scan:

Cone Beam CT scans offer several key benefits that have revolutionised dental and maxillofacial imaging:

Procedure for Cone Beam CT Scan:

The procedure for a Cone Beam CT scan is straightforward and painless. The patient is seated in the examination room, and their chin rests on a small support shelf for accurate positioning. The scanner moves around the patient's head, capturing multiple images from different angles. These images are then processed by a computer to generate a comprehensive 3D image of the patient's dental and maxillofacial region. The entire process typically takes less than a minute, making it a quick and convenient diagnostic tool.

Cost and Insurance Coverage:

The cost of a Cone Beam CT scan in Australia can vary, ranging from AUD $150 to AUD $300, depending on factors such as the location, imaging center, and additional services required. As for insurance coverage, medical insurance companies are increasingly providing partial or full coverage for Cone Beam CT scans due to their wide acceptance and benefits. However, it is essential to inquire about the specifics of coverage from your insurance provider.

Alternatively, you can opt for separate dental coverage specifically designed for Cone Beam CT scans. It is worth noting that insurance coverage for this procedure may still be evolving due to its relatively recent emergence, and policies may vary.


Cone Beam CT scans have significantly advanced diagnostic imaging in dentistry and maxillofacial surgery. With their detailed 3D imaging capabilities, high resolution, non-invasive nature, and quick procedure, Cone Beam CT scans provide healthcare professionals with a powerful tool for accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and improved patient care. As insurance coverage for Cone Beam CT scans continues to develop, it is important to stay informed and consult with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage available.


Are Cone Beam CT scans safe?

Yes, Cone Beam CT scans are considered safe. They expose patients to a lower dose of radiation compared to conventional CT scans, ensuring patient safety without compromising the quality of the images obtained. However, it is important to inform your healthcare provider if you are pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant, as they may recommend alternative imaging methods to avoid any potential risks.

Can children undergo Cone Beam CT scans?

Yes, children can undergo Cone Beam CT scans. However, healthcare professionals consider the radiation exposure and the necessity of the scan before proceeding. They may take additional precautions to minimise radiation exposure in paediatric patients, such as using lead aprons or collars.

How often are Cone Beam CT scans required?

The frequency of Cone Beam CT scans depends on the individual's dental and maxillofacial needs. Healthcare professionals will determine the necessity of a Cone Beam CT scan based on specific clinical indications. In some cases, a single scan may be sufficient, while in others, periodic scans may be recommended to monitor treatment progress or assess changes over time.

Can Cone Beam CT scans be used for orthodontic treatment planning?

Yes, Cone Beam CT scans are commonly used in orthodontics for treatment planning. They provide detailed three-dimensional images of the teeth, jaw, and surrounding structures, allowing orthodontists to accurately assess dental abnormalities, evaluate the position of teeth, and plan orthodontic treatments, such as braces or aligners.

Are Cone Beam CT scans covered by dental insurance?

Coverage for Cone Beam CT scans under dental insurance plans can vary. It is advisable to check with your dental insurance provider to determine if Cone Beam CT scans are covered and to what extent. Some insurance plans may have specific requirements or limitations regarding coverage for advanced imaging techniques like Cone Beam CT scans.