MY Ancient Knidos Video  Diaries 


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2024-05-25 This web page was created by the braintumorguy, in Athens, GREECE.  




This web page is a tribute to ... David Price Williams 

a well-known Middle Eastern archaeologist who loves the Eastern Mediterranean ( Adriatic, Greece, Turkey and the Near East ), in contrast to the enigmatic T.E. Lawrence ( the Lawrence of Saudi Arabia ) the desert-loving Englishman.

A tribute is a sign of respect or admiration, an award to honor a person's accomplishments.


I know the man, in person. Our life lines met at the in front of the Acropolis of Athens, Greece.

We met today 2023-10-14, at 09:30 a.m. again ! - We will meet after a month again !

The Acropolis of Athens is the numen, the presiding spirit, of Greece. We never get over the thrill of seeing it looming above the capital. Every time is the first time. Every angle is special.”


William Blake,

an English poet, painter, and printmaker, now considered a seminal figure in the history of the poetry and visual arts of the Romantic Age, said that "my writings represent me !".

This applies precisely to David Price Williams’s lifestyle, the numerous academic parers on Archaeology he has authored, and the several books  he has authored such as ...

 1. about searching for the famous Greek statue of the Aphrodite of Knidos,  and / or 2. about the life of the great Saint Nicholas, and / or 3. about the Genesis of an archaeologist' ( an account of his work in the Holy Land ), 

and the his familiarity with the archaeological sites over the whole region of the Eastern Mediterranean ( Adriatic, Greece, Turkey and the Near East ), and the lectures on the Archaeology he is giving on audiances to Greece, Turkey and the Near East, e.t.c.


and as he says ... I had never imagined myself as an archaeologist.

Figure 1 - David Price Williams levelling at Knidos, 1969, with the mainland city in the background (Photo: David Price Williams).

and whenever anyone asks me how I became an archaeologist I have to reply in all truthfulness, ... Please visit the followin web page ...

and where is a piece of advice, by me !

Dear David ...

"Your chair fits to you precisely. Allow nobody to relocate you !

My great respect, and my best wishes, and ...

"ad astra per aspera !" ( is a Latin phrase which means any of the following: "Through hardships to the stars", "A rough road leads to the stars", or "To the stars through difficulties" )


To have got so far is a fine accomplishment.

This first step lifts you above the prosaic world,

and standing on this new height

you're admitted to the great City of Thought.

Only by hard work and exceptional talent

can one be enrolled in that distinguished company;

the requirements are so stringent

no fool could ever enter.

You have achieved a most wonderful thing.'


and ...

Greek Colonization of Asia Minor (11th-8th cent. BC)




Knidos panorama

In order to view the location of the center of the Temple of Aphrodite at Knidos, determined from satellite imagery ... and to 'Zoom out' in order to view the Ancient city of Knidos, the Datça Peninsula, and the Greek Islands in the Aegean sea, and the Mediterranian sea ...

please visit the next web page ...



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ENGLISH - please Google me 'NIACTEC' ... - Knidos or Cnidus near Datça, ancient city of Caria - 17 Videos

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1. ENGLISH - please Google me 'NIACTEC' ... - Aphrodite of Knidos or Cnidus - 11 Videos


Aphrodite Cnidia The Greek sculpture Aphrodite Cnidia, created by Praxiteles in 360 BC, in the classical age, is the first nude representation of a goddess. 205 cm high, it shows the goddess of beauty preparing to take a bath. Since the original was lost, it is only known today from copies from the Roman era. According to Greek canons, ideal female beauty is characterized by small breasts and soft, tapered shapes.

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2. ESPANOL - por favor búscame en Google 'NIACTEC'... - Afrodita de Gnido - 3 Videos


Afrodite Cnidia La scultura greca Afrodite Cnidia, realizzata da Prassitele nel 360 a.C., in età classica, è la prima rappresentazione di nudo di una dea. Alta 205 cm., mostra la dea della bellezza che si appresta a fare il bagno. Essendo andato perso l’originale è oggi nota solo da copie di epoca romana. Secondo i canoni greci la bellezza femminile ideale è contraddistinta dal seno piccolo e dalle forme morbide e affusolate. 

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3. FRANCAIS - Google me s'il vous plaît 'NIACTEC' ... - Aphrodite de Cnide


Aphrodite Cnidia La sculpture grecque Aphrodite Cnidia, créée par Praxitèle en 360 avant JC, à l'époque classique, est la première représentation nue d'une déesse. Haute de 205 cm, elle représente la déesse de la beauté s'apprêtant à prendre un bain. L'original ayant été perdu, on ne le connaît aujourd'hui qu'à partir de copies de l'époque romaine. Selon les canons grecs, la beauté féminine idéale se caractérise par de petits seins et des formes douces et effilées.

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4. DEUTSCH – bitte googeln Sie mich nach „NIACTEC“ ... – Aphrodite von Knidos - 4 Videos


Aphrodite Cnidia Die griechische Skulptur Aphrodite Cnidia, die Praxiteles 360 v. Chr. im klassischen Zeitalter schuf, ist die erste Aktdarstellung einer Göttin. Es ist 205 cm hoch und zeigt die Göttin der Schönheit, die sich auf ein Bad vorbereitet. Da das Original verloren ging, ist es heute nur noch aus Kopien aus der Römerzeit bekannt. Nach griechischen Kanonen zeichnet sich die ideale weibliche Schönheit durch kleine Brüste und weiche, spitz zulaufende Formen aus.

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5.1 ITALIANO - per favore cercami "NIACTEC" su Google ... - Afrodite Cnidia - 29 Videos


Afrodite Cnidia La scultura greca Afrodite Cnidia, realizzata da Prassitele nel 360 a.C., in età classica, è la prima rappresentazione di nudo di una dea. Alta 205 cm., mostra la dea della bellezza che si appresta a fare il bagno. Essendo andato perso l’originale è oggi nota solo da copie di epoca romana. Secondo i canoni greci la bellezza femminile ideale è contraddistinta dal seno piccolo e dalle forme morbide e affusolate.

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5.2 ITALIANO - Arte Greca - 18 Videos

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6. PORTUGUES - por favor me procure no Google 'NIACTEC'... - Afrodite de Knidos ou Cnidus ou Vênus de Cnido - 1 Videos


Afrodite Cnidia A escultura grega Afrodite Cnidia, criada por Praxíteles em 360 a.C., na época clássica, é a primeira representação nua de uma deusa. Com 205 cm de altura, mostra a deusa da beleza se preparando para tomar banho. Como o original foi perdido, hoje só é conhecido por cópias da época romana. De acordo com os cânones gregos, a beleza feminina ideal é caracterizada por seios pequenos e formas suaves e cônicas.

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7. RUSSIAN - РУССКИЙ — пожалуйста, погуглите «NIACTEC»… — Афродита Книдская или Книдская - 6 Videos


Афродита Книдия Греческая скульптура Афродита Книдия, созданная Праксителем в 360 году до нашей эры, в классическую эпоху, является первым обнаженным изображением богини. Высота 205 см. На ней изображена богиня красоты, готовящаяся принять ванну. Поскольку оригинал был утерян, сегодня он известен только по копиям римской эпохи. Согласно греческим канонам идеальная женская красота характеризуется маленькой грудью и мягкими, зауженными формами.

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9. JAPANESE - 英語 - 「NIACTEC」とグーグルで検索してください... - クニドスまたはクニドスのアフロディーテ


アフロディーテ・クニディア 古典時代の紀元前 360 年にプラクシテレスによって制作されたギリシャ彫刻アフロディーテ・クニディアは、女神の最初の裸体表現です。 高さ205センチで、入浴の準備をしている美の女神が描かれています。 オリジナルは失われているため、今日ではローマ時代のコピーでのみ知られています。 ギリシャの規範によれば、理想的な女性の美しさは小さな胸と柔らかく先細りの形が特徴です。

==> Your Attention please : In order to view with subtitles in Japanese language the youtube videos number 2 and 3 and so on ... please clock on the 'cc' and on the 'settings' of the videos ... and 'Set' 'Englsh - Default >> Japanese

==> ご注意ください: 日本語の字幕付きで YouTube 動画 2 番や 3 番などをご覧になるには、動画の「CC」と「設定」をオンにしてください。 Set' '英語 - デフォルト >> 日本語

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10. CHINESE - 中文 - 请用 Google 搜索我“NIACTEC”... - 尼多斯或尼多斯的阿佛洛狄忒


阿佛洛狄忒·克尼迪亚 (Aphrodite Cnidia) 希腊雕塑阿佛洛狄特·克尼迪亚 (Aphrodite Cnidia) 是普拉克西特列斯 (Praxiteles) 于公元前 360 年创作的古典时代雕塑,是第一个裸体女神像。 高205厘米,表现的是美丽女神准备沐浴的样子。 由于原件已丢失,今天只能从罗马时代的副本中得知。 根据希腊经典,理想的女性美的特征是小乳房和柔软、锥形的形状。

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GREEK - please Google me 'NIACTEC' ... - Αφροδίτη της Κνίδου ή Κνιδία Αφροδίτη

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Hindi - कृपया मुझे Google पर 'NIACTEC' भेजें... - निडोस या कनिडस का एफ़्रोडाइट 


एफ़्रोडाइट सीनिडिया, शास्त्रीय युग में, 360 ईसा पूर्व में प्रैक्सिटेल्स द्वारा बनाई गई ग्रीक मूर्तिकला एफ़्रोडाइट सीनिडिया, एक देवी का पहला नग्न प्रतिनिधित्व है। 205 सेमी ऊँचा, इसमें सौंदर्य की देवी को स्नान करने की तैयारी करते हुए दिखाया गया है। चूंकि मूल खो गया था, इसलिए इसे आज केवल रोमन युग की प्रतियों से ही जाना जाता है। ग्रीक कैनन के अनुसार, आदर्श महिला सुंदरता की विशेषता छोटे स्तन और नरम, पतला आकार है।

==> Your Attention please : In order to view with subtitles in Hindi language the youtube videos number 1 and 2 and so on ... please clock on the 'cc' and on the 'settings' of the videos ... and 'Set' 'Englsh - Default >> Hindi

==> कृपया अपना ध्यान दें: यूट्यूब वीडियो नंबर 1 और 2 वगैरह को हिंदी भाषा में उपशीर्षक के साथ देखने के लिए...कृपया वीडियो के 'सीसी' और 'सेटिंग्स' पर नजर डालें... और ' सेट' 'अंग्रेजी - डिफ़ॉल्ट >> हिंदी

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Danish - Afrodite fra Knidos - 1 Videos


Aphrodite Cnidia Den græske skulptur Aphrodite Cnidia, skabt af Praxiteles i 360 f.Kr. i den klassiske tidsalder, er den første nøgenrepræsentation af en gudinde. 205 cm høj viser den skønhedsgudinden, der gør sig klar til at tage et bad. Da originalen gik tabt, kendes den kun i dag fra kopier fra romertiden. Ifølge græske kanoner er ideel kvindelig skønhed karakteriseret ved små bryster og bløde, tilspidsede former.