1. ENGLISH - The Knidos Labyrinth


ENGLISH - please Google me 'NIACTEC' ... - The Knidos Labyrinth 

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The Knidos Labyrinth

The Discovery

Only a few years ago a labyrinth inscription was found on a block of black marble, which lies on the ground to the West of the Corinthian temple at Knidos in the Southwest of Turkey. The size of the labyrinth can be estimated to measure about 21 cm. A small hole in the circular center of the labyrinth indicates that it was constructed with the help of an engraving tool. Except the circular center the labyrinth has the seven paths of the classical type with the central cross. Above the labyrinth is an inscription in Greek: KYRIE BOETHIE (Lord help). The other carvings on the block, such as the Christian cross, palm trees, fruits, the letters Alpha and Omega allow to date the labyrinth to the 6th and 7th centuries AC.

Source material: Caerdroia 33 (July 2003), Jeff Saward

The Construction

and ... Here the drawing as a PDF-file > 

To make a walkable labyrinth of the type Knidos you can construct it with 5 different centers and the central cross. The center of the inner circle center is situated beside the entrance axis. The curv radiuses are connected together without a sharp bend. The diameter of the center is the same as the square built over the 4 points.

The dimensions of the labyrinth and all the measures in the drawing are scalable. If you want for instance to halve the width, you have to halve all the other measures too. In other words: You have to multiply all the measures by the factor 0.5.

To lay out the labyrinth with simple tools the diagonals and the angular distances are stated. So you can locate the centers of the circular arcs by measuring from two different points. By the same way you can construct a right angle.

If you want to have the first way in pointing rightwards you must mirror the drawing. 

The Realisation

 © mymaze   Rosenbachpark Würzburg 

© Jürgen Hohmuth www.zeitort.de    Schloss Honhardt

© mymaze    Benediktushof 

The Carving

© Brigitte van Baren 

There is also a classical labyrinth with a larger circular center (from the 7th century) on the way to the completely circular, Medieval labyrinth 300 - 500 years later. 


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