Microwave rare-earth systems

We study rare-earth spin ensembles in optical crystals at sub-Kelvin temperatures.
Currently, we are focused on the microwave properties of this spin ensembles and their applications as quantum memories.

News and activitites

  • 05.05.2022 : Mikael Afzelius : visit to WMI and Colloquium talk

  • 01.11.2021 : QuaMToMe. We started a new project funded by BMBF. see more details

  • 02.12.2021 : European Quantum Technologies Conference. We get presented with a talk and a poster.

  • 01.10.2021 : DPG 2021 SKM. SYPQ: Symposium "The Rise of Photonic Quantum Technologies". Co-organizing the meeting

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Featured projects

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Featured publications

N. Kukharchyk et al., "Enhancement of optical coherence in 167Er:Y2SiO5; crystal at sub-Kelvin temperatures", arXive 1910.03096

N. Kukharchyk et al., Opt. Express 28, 29166-29177 (2020)

N. Kukharchyk et al., "Nanoscale effects in Erbiumimplanted laser substrates", J. of Lumin. 177 (2016) 266-274.

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Our research team is curently based at Walther-Meißner-Institute in Garching at a financial support by Munich Center of Quantum Science and Techologies.