
05.05.22 :
Visiting guest : Mikael Afzelius

We were happy to host Mikael Afzelius from the University of Geneva during his visit to Garching, where he a gave a great talk at the Colloquium on Solid State Physics at Technical University München and visited Walther Meißner Institut.

01.11.21 :
QuaMToMe. Project on microwave quantum tokens and quantum memories

There novel project combines expertizes of three research teams within Walther-Meißner-Institute and is funded by German Federal ministry for education and research (BMFB). See more details here.

02.12.21 :
European Quantum Technologies Conference

Our PhD student Ana Strinic gives a talk on implementing frequency comb protocol into the purely microwave regime. The abstract of the talk can be found here. Join the session and reach us if you wish any afterwards discussion.

02.12.21 :
European Quantum Technologies Conference

Our research assistant Andreas Meyer presents a poster on thermodynamic simulation of spin-ensemble memory devices. You can find his abstract here. Join our discussions during the poster session.

01.10.21 :
Symposium: The Rise of Photonic Quantum Technologies – Practical and Fundamental Aspects

The annual meeting of the German Physics Society takes place in the end of September online.
Happy to co-organize the symposium within this meeting together with Dr. Tobias Haindel and Prof. Dr. Kai Mueller.

07.08.21 - 08.08.21 :
Rare-earth anual workshop

Taking it over of the 718 WEH seminar, the rare-aerth workshop continued the dence schedule of the research exchange. Was nice to take part in it in the new quality: as a fresh group from WMI.

03.08.21 - 07.08.21 :
718 WEH Seminar in Bad Honnef

This was our first in-presence event since the start of the pandemics. It was a great and ecouraging event, and after this long year of Zoom-meetings, this opportunity of personal discussions with colleagues was like breath of fresh air.

Also, the venue - the physics center at Bad Honnef - is a greate place with extremely well prepared infrustructure allowing hold hybrid seminars at a top level. Many thanks to the organizers and participants for such an engaging event!

December 2020 :
MCQST Advent calendar

Christmas is coming. This is a new Christmas in a new laboratory.

Looking forward to getting to know more colleagues from MCQST!