Selecting optional flags

Two flags

Two buttons, in the MvtRecorder menu, allow you to set special flags in your sequence. These buttons are toggled by clicking on them: a check mark (✔) means the feature is active, a cross (✖) means it is inactive.

Back to origin

If activated (which is the default) through the button BackToOrg, this feature will cause the object to go back (as in an immediate movement) to its origin point once the sequence finishes playing back. The original orientation is restored, too.

Here, "origin" point must be understood as "the position and orientation the object had when the playback started".


When activated with the Loop button, this feature causes the sequence to automatically restart after it finishes playing back. In that case, the only way to stop the movement is a client (controller) script sending the "stop" message.

(Actually, you could also pick up the object and rez it again, or reset the MvtPlayer, but this is not something to rely upon in this situation).

Be cautious!

...if you deactivate the "back to origin" feature, especially if the Loop is active. If the object does not restart from where it originated, depending on the movement sequence you configured, it may very well continue on its course and go out of the sim bounds, or end up in an area where it is not allowed.

According to the official LL documentation, such behavior may also happen when using smooth (keyframed) motion, even if the configured sequence should brig back the object exactly where it started from. This is some kind of "natural drift" (maybe due to rounding errors in the computations, lag, etc.), and therefore the "Back to origin" feature must be seen as some kind of a safety feature to prevent this.