Preparing your object

- Chapter : Recording a movement -

Next section > Recording steps

To use the MvtPlayer system you must first prepare your object. This involves, of course, building or rezzing it from your inventory to the land, assuming you have the required rezzing rights.

In order for the smooth-motion steps to be usable, your object must use the "new" prim-equivalency (land impact) system in SL. To do this, you can for example give one of the prims that make your object a "convex hull" or "none" physics shape.

Moreover, your object must be non-physical - in SL terms this means, in particular, that the object is not affected by gravity.

Place your object at the location you will use as a starting point, at least during the recording process (we will talk again about starting point when it is time to start the playback). Then equip your object (preferably the root prim) with the MvtRecorder script, and only this script.

When this is done, you will have access to a menu by touching the object, as shown below.

The MvtRecorder menu

Here is a quick description of the buttons in this menu. Most of them will be addressed in the next sections of this chapter.

  • Reset: by using this button, you instruct the MvtRecorder to clear the whole list of currently recorded steps and define a new starting point. You should use this button if you realize you need to start all over, maybe from a different starting point.

  • Move, Immediate, Pause, Sound, Plugin action and Wait plugin: these buttons will define a new step. More on them in the next section.

  • BackToOrg and Loop: these optional flags indicate if the object should go back to its origin after the sequence, and if the sequence should loop.

  • Del. last, List: these buttons are used to delete a step from the sequence and display the list of currently recorded steps.

  • Finished: this button will actually generate the sequence notecard.