What Exactly is NJROTC?

  The Naval Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (NJROTC) was established to instill in high school students the values of citizenship, service to the United States, personal responsibility, and a sense of accomplishment. NJROTC is a youth leadership development program sponsored by the United States Navy.

The NJROTC program is a high school-based, citizenship education program that aims to develop informed and responsible citizens. It provides students with opportunities for leadership, academic, and physical fitness development. The curriculum includes naval science courses, drill and ceremonies, physical fitness training, and community service activities.

The NJROTC program was established by Public Law in 1964. The program officially began in 1966, with the first units opening in 1967. The NJROTC program is not designed to recruit students into military service, but rather to promote good citizenship and provide a foundation for future success in whatever career path students choose. The program is overseen by retired naval officers and enlisted personnel who serve as instructors, providing mentorship, guidance, and leadership training to the participating students.

What About Us?

Welcome to Moon Valley's Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) Program. Here, cadets are taught self-discipline, responsibility, team-work, and many other beneficial characteristics needed to become a great leader. Following our motto; Honor, Courage, and Commitment, cadets strive to rank up and uphold different jobs inside of the unit to not only benefit themselves, but also the community and the entire unit as a whole. 

While our program asks for a large sum of participation within the unit, we are well aware that our cadet's studies are extremely important as well. Our unit isn't just another class, we are family, so if there are cadet's who are having a tough time with their studies, we have an Educational Officer ready to help them, though, there are many other cadet's more than willing to assist the cadet as well. Our program runs on our cadet's capabilities, and every cadet is more than capable to become a successful leader which will give them nothing less than an advantage throughout their lives.

Moon Valley High School NJROTC at the 2024 Titan Field Meet
