Design Process
For our design, we began by gathering all of our members, and coming up with ideas. For the first week, any ideas provided were noted, and for the ideas that seemed promising we decided to draw them out. From here, we marked out the pros and cons of the designs, and decided on which part ideas were the best.
Below is two of the many design pages that we came up with and a CAD Software file that we used for the competition
Body and Claw designs
Lifting Mechanism designs
Other parts (like the marker for the games) was made with 3D printing and CAD software
After several more of these designs were made, and with much discussion with our board, we began to put these ideas and drawings into action. The following weeks were dedicated to creating the parts of the robot, starting with the base. Meanwhile, our programmers set to work on making an autonomous program that was able to finish parking and moving, and set controller commands for each button on the remote.
Here are our final designs that we used to develop into the finished robot.