Sponsorships and Grants

Last year, another thing that the club lacked was an efficient budget. Sponsorships and grants contributed moderately to this. Through a series of fortunate events, this year was different. With the addition of the product managers and a new principal at the school, our budget was tracked and maintained and we were funded greatly.

Our Sponsorships and Grants

Thankfully, we had multiple sponsorships, the most important being Harmony Public Schools, followed by Star Pizzeria, and finally Texas Workforce Commission.

Harmony Public Schools:

Harmony Public Schools was our most important sponsor. In the 2018-2019 year, our school received a new principal. The new principal used to participate in FRC, so he understood the struggle with raising funds, especially since FRC was more expensive than FTC. He offered to reimburse the club through HPS for robot parts. This generous offer saved us $1,433.44 from our budget. This money that was saved as a result of this sponsorship was put aside for travel expenses and will be used when hosting fundraisers.

Star Pizzeria:

While this isn't put into our budget or accounted for our in our expenses that the financier knows of, Star Pizzeria saves us a large sum of money. For each competition, they supply over $100 of pizza for the robotics members. In total, they save us over $750 in pizza for all of the competitions that we go to. Because of this, they earned a spot on the back of our t-shirt as our sponsor.

Texas Workforce Commission:

After submitting a few grants, we found that Texas Workforce Commission accepted our grant early on compared to others. We qualified for a $525 reimbursement or a direct payment. We chose a reimbursement after paying for league competition. As the third highest contributor to our budget/expenses, they were the final sponsor to earn a position on the back of the shirt.