Business Section

The 2017-2018 robotics club lacked a business section. This year, however, the club made sure there was a business section. The position of product co-managers was created to give two people the responsibility of handling the entire business aspect of the club. The financier, being experienced in business, took over the financial portion, while the marketer took over marketing to create social media platforms.

What did the financier's job consist of?

  • Handled all the finances, mainly tracking and keeping up with the budget
  • Handled and created all of the fundraisers, detailed them, submitted them for approval, and tracked their status
  • Searched for grants, filled them out, and tracked the grant status
  • Looked for possible collaborations with the community, the school, and the school clubs
  • Took pictures for social media platforms
  • Documented the business section in the engineering notebook

What did the marketer's job consist of?

  • Handle the club's Instagram page by growing it, posting on it, and being active on the page
  • Control the Twitter page, grow it, post on it, and be active on the account
  • Make the website with a veteran member, Haadi
  • Assist the financier with detailing fundraisers, if needed