Exhibition Planning

Exhibition Planning

The process for setting up an exhibition is hard and time-consuming work, which requires commitment and responsibility on the part of all the personnel involved. At the Professor Tarcísio Medeiros Memory Center, an exhibition begins to be planned at least 90 days before the scheduled opening date.

The first part to be thought about is the expographic project, which delimits the activities that must be done, deadlines that must be followed and the personnel responsible for each activity. Furthermore, it is also in the expographic project that the type of exhibition - thematic or biographical - is defined, duration - short, medium or long term -, target audience, justification, purpose and cost estimate. In other words, when the exhibition project is ready, it is easier to make the exhibition a reality.

The following activities consist of conducting searches for possible new information on the topic or person of the exhibition. That done, we try to select the materials and content already in possession of the Memory Center and that will be part of what will be exposed. In parallel with the research and selection process, there are also activities related to the dissemination and manufacture of other materials such as pamphlets and banners. Only after all activities have been carried out is the exhibition ready to be presented.