Week 15


This is our last lesson of the semester. This week, learn about music from various places in Oceania, broadly defined to include the thousands of islands in the Central and South Pacific Ocean. Depending on the map used, sometimes countries in Asia (such as Indonesia) or Australasia (such as the Philippines) are considered part of Oceania. As always, please be specific about what culture and music you are focusing on in your posts rather than lumping all of Oceania into one culture. 

Checkpoint 4 will be posted on Blackboard. You have until Sunday, 11:59 PM of Week 15 to complete it on time for the +2 bonus. Remember that all four checkpoints are required to pass MUSC 3101. 

Go to My Grades on Blackboard; have you completed Checkpoints 1-3? If not, please do so ASAP. If you complete all four checkpoints on time, an extra +2 will be added to the "Bonus" column as well.

If you've reached 100 points: 

Congratulations! Your only responsibilities left in this course are to complete all four checkpoints. You will want to familiarize yourself at least a little bit with the lesson material in this unit, since Checkpoint 4 will ask what you learned in Unit 4 (in the same format as the previous checkpoints). 

The Lesson

Click each title to link to material, click each drop-down arrow for a description.

Some of you enjoyed having an interactive lesson on Google Slides, so I'm bringing out another one. There are only a few topics to learn about this week, so choose at least three. You can find all the same information with more description on this Google Doc.

MUSC 3101 - Week 15

tasks this week: 

Quest 15: HIdden! 

This week's quest is hidden in the interactive lesson on Google Slides. Click the images on the screen to find a Google Form to fill out for the quest.

Complete by Sunday, 11:59 PM 

Final Quest: Semester Reflection

This final quest is a survey for those of you still working towards points to help Prof. S understand what could be done differently to help future students reach 100 before this final week. Thanks in advance for helping to support future students. 

Complete this survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhTXlzgVpXykZBJRZcN-fpfqjY4EsAgfq7G-9pSFSG26M_BQ/viewform?usp=sf_link