Grading System

Collect points, earn A+

In "traditional" courses, scores are averaged for a final grade. Prof. S thinks this is a clunky way to track progress.

In this course, we will not average scores. Earn points by completing tasks. Your points rise as you complete tasks, until you have enough for A+. 

Tasks are listed in the "Quickstart Guide." (not available yet...I will post this in a few days) You don't need to do everything; choose what works for your schedule and preferences. Some tasks require low effort and and are completed weekly; some require high effort and are completed over longer spans of time.  

Mandatory tasks are the ACTION PLAN and CHECKPOINTS (one at the end of each unit).

Refer to the chart below to convert points into a letter for your final grade. 

Start with 0   -----   Earn 100 points for A+   -----   YOU chose how to earn points

How does Grading work? 

Checkpoints are worth 0 points, but you'll earn a +2 bonus for each one completed on time, and another +2 if you complete all four on time.