Music In Global America

A fully online, asynchronous* course at Brooklyn College

*Async = We don't meet on Zoom or in person; you complete the course independently. 

Welcome! Please access the video to the right, then explore the rest of this site. 

I encourage you to bookmark this site. Add the link to your home screen of your phone or laptop for easy access. More content will be added in the coming weeks. 

Here's to a great semester,
Prof. Stallard

Click tabs at top of screen to navigate to other sections. 

About The Instructor

Hi, I'm Professor Carolyn Stallard. I began teaching at Brooklyn College in 2015 and transitioned to fully online instruction in 2018. I studied music education as an undergrad and ethnomusicology  (the study of music and culture) in grad school. Teaching at Brooklyn isn't my only job; I am an Instructional Designer at Guttman Community College - supporting instructors to make courses more engaging - and run events about game-based learning through the CUNY Games Network. I love playing percussion, board games, softball, cycling, and generally being outdoors. I get that you have life to balance outside of this course - I do too! 

This course will not consist of passive lectures. I favor student-driven activities and value your feedback. Even asynchronously, we can collectively build a low-stress, high-learning environment that feels worthwhile for you and me. Welcome to class! 

My Commitment To You

This is a stressful time to be a student. COVID-19 added significant weight to our lives, some more than others. While racial injustice is not new in our country, it is more visible. Our lives feel heavier and we are coping with more than we might realize. These stressors affect our ability to process information and manage learning. Give yourself grace as you do your best.

I recognize that you need to adapt to new routines and digital tools for all your courses. I will be flexible throughout this course to support your academic success and give you time to learn our routine. In return, I expect you to communicate as soon as possible if something is overwhelming or confusing. I believe in you and I'm in this with you, but I can only be fully supportive if we communicate. 

How This Course Works

What If I Have Questions? 

***If you're reading this before Feb. 5th, just hold off. Prof. S will not be checking email much while recovering from the concussion. I know none of the below makes sense yet, so just ignore this section for now.***

Brooklyn College Services/Info.  

Blackboard Issues: Contact Carlos Cruz at