Student Feedback

Students were asked to record self-reflections on their experience using new digital tools and techniques to evaluate information in a new way and describe what they found easy, difficult, interesting, etc. In this project, students were asked to use either FlipGrid to share reflections and comment on the reflections of other students. Below is just a small sample of some of the feedback and reflections students recorded. Scroll to the bottom to find a sample of reflection videos!

On evaluating online information

"I definitely feel more comfortable. I'm definitely more skeptical, more weary of where my information is coming from."

"While I was doing my own research for our project and presentation (for the JMSC1001 course) I found myself actually fact checking and after reading the article I could see myself actually checking whether the source is reliable or valid. Before, if I were to do the same presentation, I would just Google it and not do the fact checks."

"It (the lessons) completely changed my attitude towards every piece of news and articles online. In the past when I'm reading something online, I barely check it, or even, I have a check (but) the way I do it is really limited. But now, I know that I can evaluate every piece of information from different aspects using several standards. I think it's cool."

On using new digital tools

"None of my other classes have ever been this digital and it's been an interesting in-class experience, honestly. Take, for example, Screencastify. I thought it was way easier and more efficient to share my thoughts step-by-step while talking to my group mates than it would have been if I were to write it down on paper, given the same time constraints.... Overall I really enjoyed the digital experience."

"The digital activities that we went through in class really helped us learn how to better articulate our ideas . . . Especially when we think about sharing our ideas and stuff, it's not only important to be a good writer, but it's also really important to be able to better articulate your ideas by spoken language or to know how to express yourself. That's one important takeaway for me."

"Think the video recording to give feedback or just as a way to provide the checked sources where we are going to provide the results through record video (sic), that is very cool! This course is so innovative. Maybe at the beginning we may not be so used to it, but actually, I think it is very cool. Very nice."

"I really liked using Screencastify in class because we did it in partners but I don't really like doing it by myself."

“I enjoyed using the digital tools. It was definitely fun, but I think it is a little inconvenient because I have to find a quiet place to record my stuff and findings, or whatever I have to say. And, it is difficult to edit the mistakes I make with the digital tools.”

"No so much. It doesn't really add to my understanding of the topic at hand, it's just a more creative way to submit my opinion."

On learning about how context and social construction influences news content

"This experience, honestly, got me wondering how important both personal and professional journalistic integrity would be in the professional field. Like, how personal thoughts or personal priority would effect the overall journalistic process."

Check out this Mixed Tape of FlipGrid reflections!