Our research group have developed and continue developing software for advanced modeling and simulations.

Dynamic Learning Framework

  • Written in PHP, Javascript, HTML5

  • Python version in-progress

  • Developers/Contributors: Dr. V. Kumar

Download the code:

  • git clone ssh://vkumar@nalanda/home1/vkumar/GIT-rep/DLF5.git

Exascale Scale Pore Network Model (EXPNS)

  • C++, Trilinos, Kokkos, Matlab

  • MPI, HPC, Scalable & Portable, Exascale capable

  • Developers/Contributors: Drs. V. Kumar (Faculty), Dr. P. Delgado, T. Dorethy, A. Chattopadhyay (Students), Dr. V. Kotteda (Postdoc). Collaborators: B. Spotz (Sandia/DOE) & C. Harris (Shell Oil Company/retired),

Download the code:

  • git clone git@bitbucket.org:drkumarresearchgroup/mfix-trilinos.git


  • C++ & Fortran, Some Python - Legacy code MFiX (Mostly in Frotran) integrated with Trilinos (C++ )

  • MPI, HPC, Scalable & Portable, Exascale capable

  • Developers/Contributors: Dr. V. Kumar (Faculty Mentor), A. Schaffino, A. Chattopadhyay (Students), Dr. V. Kotteda (Postdoc), Collaborator: B. Spotz (Sandia/DOE)

Download the code:

  • git clone git@bitbucket.org:drkumarresearchgroup/mfix-trilinos.git

Phase Screen Simulator

  • Written in Matlab, Python Version (incomplete)

  • Integrated with TensorFlow (for AI)

  • Integrated with Dakota for UQ (incomplete)

Download the code:

    • git clone ssh://nalanda/home/git/GIT/Atmospheric_Turbulence.git

    • git clone git@bitbucket.org:mu3com/laser-propagation.git

    • git clone https://github.com/mu2x/PhaseScreen


  • Fortran, C

  • Based on Space-time formulations (Finite Element Method for both Structure & Fluid)

Download the code:

    • git clone ...