
  • V. Kumar (PI), “Need for CFD Modeling of Water Braking Phenomena at the Holloman High Speed Test Track”, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 6/15/2019 – 6/14/2022

  • V. Kumar (PI), R.Gudimetla (Collaborator –AFRL), “Remote Sensing and Imaging Physics: Developing new metrics for deep turbulence effects on laser propagation through long path”, AFOSR, 5/15/2017 – 5/14/2020

  • A. Bronson (PI), V. Kumar (Co-PI), “Computational-Experimental Reactive Wetting of Hf-Ti-Me Alloy Melts with B4C”, AFOSR, 8/15/2017 – 8/14/2020

  • V. Kumar (PI), W. Spotz (Collaborator – Sandia), “High Fidelity Computational Model for Fluidized Bed Experiments”, NETL - Dept. of Energy-Fossil Energy, 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2018

  • V. Tandon (PI), V. Kumar (Co-PI), N. Soheil (Co-PI), C. Ferregut (Co-PI), W. Stern - GFDL (Collaborator), “Understanding the Consequences and Costs of Climate Change to the Texas Transportation System”, TxDOT, 09/2015-08/2017

  • A. Bronson (PI), V. Kumar (CO-PI), Computational -Experimental Processing of Boride/Carbide Composites by Reactive Infusion of Hf Alloy Melts into B4C, AFOSR, 5/1/2012-4/30/2015

  • V. Kumar (PI), Collaborator: Dr. C. Harris (Shell Oil Company & Imperial College), "High fidelity computational analysis of CO2 trapping at pore scales," Department of Energy - Fossil Energy, 12/01/2009 – 07/30/2013

  • A. Bronson (PI), V. Kumar (CO-PI), Computational -Experimental Study of the Plasma Processing of Carbides at High Temperatures, Department of Energy - Fossil Energy, 9/1/2012 – 8/31/2015

  • V. Kumar (PI), Collaborator: Banerjee (TAMU) & Glatzmaier/Bharathan/Ma (NREL), "Computational Analysis of NanoParticles-Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrated Solar Power Systems," DOE - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy/SunShot, 09/01/2010 – 07/31/2014

  • V. Kumar (PI), “Sunshot particle receiver project: near-blackbody, enclosed particle receiver integrated with fluidized-bed heat exchanger”, Subcontract2 (NREL, DOE), 12/2014-03/2015

  • V. Kumar (PI), “Sunshot particle receiver project: near-blackbody, enclosed particle receiver integrated with fluidized-bed heat exchanger”, Subcontract (NREL, DOE), 10/2013-11/2014

  • V. Kumar (PI), “Flexible Modeling Services: Climate Modeling”, HPTi for the GFDL/NOAA at Princeton University, 1/2010-8/2010

  • V. Kumar (PI), “Flexible Modeling Services: Climate Modeling”, HPTi for the GFDL/NOAA - Princeton University, 4/12008-3/31/2009, 2010

  • V. Kumar (PI, 100%), “High order scheme for climate Modeling”, ORISE - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 06/01/2009 – 08/07/2009


  • V. Kumar (PI), N. Agarwal(Co-PI), V. Tandon, B. Calvo, “Explore STEM Summer 2019”, Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), 03/1/2019-02/29/2020

  • V. Kumar (PI), N. Agarwal(Co-PI), “Explore STEM Summer 2018”, Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), 03/1/2018-02/28/2020

  • V. Tandon (PI), V. Kumar (Co-PI), “Understanding Impact of Climate Change on Highway Hydraulic Design Procedures”, SPTC Research, Education and Outreach Support, 11/1/2015-10/31/2017

  • A. Choudhuri (PI), N. Love (CO-PI), C. Ramana(CO-PI), E. Shafirvich(CO-PI), V. Kumar(CO-PI), H. Meeuwsen(CO-PI), “Graduate assistance in areas of national need (GAANN) program”, US Department of Education, 08/16/2012-08/15/2015

  • V. Kumar (PI),”Adaptive Renewable Energy Course Modules Using DOE’s System Advisor Model in Cloud Computing Framework”, IBM, 01/12-12/12


  • C. Ramana (PI), V. Kumar (CO-PI), A. Bronson (CO-PI), hodges (CO-PI), "Acquisition of Atomic Layer Deposition System to Realize Advanced High Electrical Strength Materials for Extreme Environment Applications", $590K, AFOSR, 2019-20

  • R. Romero (PI), V. Gonzalez, J. Hurtado, J. Konter, V. Kumar (Senior Personnel), B. S-Konter, R. Wicker, “MRI: Acquisition of the Cyber-ShARE Collaborative Visualization System”, National Science Foundation, 05/01/2009-04/30/2012


  • V. Kumar, “Faculty Startup Funds”, UTEP, 2009-10

  • V. Kumar, “Faculty Science and Technology Acquisition and Retention (STARS) Program”, UT System, 2009-10