CFD Flow Analysis of high speed (Hypersonic/supersonic) flows

Accurate prediction of a rocket sled test profile and water braking phenomena has potential to result in radical changes in designs of specific sleds and provide greater confidence of braking mechanism and recovery of critical infrastructures. We are developing a predictive model for the HHSTT sleds that are capable of operations at super/hyper-sonic (Mach > 5) speeds. Understanding the multiphysics dynamics of water breaking phenomena is critical to predicting how the fluid could damage the sled and affect recoverability of the articles and determining the success. Traditionally, sled design for the test missions had been guided by empirical/hand calculations to estimate the forces on various components. The calculations involved various approximations to arrive at the force balance law and predict the acceleration/deceleration profile. CFD investigations will result into improved accuracy of the predicted profile and design better sleds or operate at optimal conditions.

  • V. Kumar (PI), “Need for CFD Modeling of Water Braking Phenomena at the Holloman High Speed Test Track”, AFOSR, 6/15/2019 – 6/14/2022