We worship each Sunday Morning at 10:30 a.m.   

WHAT TO EXPECT:  We are a small rural congregation with an average attendance of less than 25.  Our sanctuary was recently remodeled and we have moved from pews to chairs.  Hymns and songs are projected on a TV screen and our singing is led by one of our families. We do have hymnbooks at each seat.  Our service is informal. There is no dress code.  Usually the Pastor chooses the scripture passage from the lectionary.  When children are present there is often a children's sermon. We celebrate Communion/The Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month. Here are a few other things you might want to know . . . 

A WELCOME CENTER is located to the right of the sanctuary.  

A MEET AND GREET is held in the Welcome Center from 10:00 - 10:30 where we  serve coffee and donuts.

An accessible RESTROOM is located in the back of the Welcome Center. 

Our COMMUNION TABLE is open to all who can respond to the invitation.  

We take up an OFFERING as part of our service.  If this is your first visit, please feel no obligation to place an offering in the plate.

We WELCOME NOISY CHILDREN and crying babies. It means there is life in the church. don’t get stressed if your children aren’t perfect.  We aren’t.

An unstaffed  NURSERY is located in the back of the Welcome Center for babies and toddlers. Until we have the nursery staffed with a screened and trained caregiver you are welcome to use the nursery to care for small children. You can still hear the service from the nursery if you have to turn the monitor on.  Family members caring for a related child in the nursery must be 16 yrs old. Anyone caring for a child not in their household must be screened and trained.

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY CLIPBOARDS, themed to go along with the sermon, are in a basket on the table by the entry to the Welcome Center.