back in time

A chronological list of events, results and general information

General information:


General information:

January 5 - [Hantharwaddy] Two articles are featured regarding Independence Day. The first one announces the activities during the festival, including Burmese boxing matches. It also states the festival is free and one of the biggest. Revenue generated will be used for the city's mosquito control.

Another decent size article announces that the first group of well-known boxers, lead by Maung Lone, has arrived in Rangoon on January 1st for the 12th edition of the Independence Day celebration event. They are currently accommodated at Aung San Stadium.

It says that Maung Lone's team has brought an exceptional Karen boxer by the name of Pat Lone, who has won multiple first-class flags and holds victories over Toe Lone and Mae on several occasions. He will pose a significant challenge to the others competing at this years event.

Maung Lone has won the championship at the Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival for two consecutive years, but at the Mann Yar Pyae Festival he lost a fiercely contested match against Toe Lone, and is therefore looking for revenge.

The article furthermore lists the participation of Sein Lone and Kyaw Aye in second class, and Pyi Daw Sein in third class. Pyi Daw Sein is a fearless Karen boxer who has claimed flags in Mudon, Kawkareik and the Rangoon Kyaik Waing Pagoda Festival. Visitors should anticipate thrilling matches just like the ones at the Mann Yar Pyae event.

January 9 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from day two on January 5 at Kennedy Island for the 12th anniversary of Independence are reported:

Colonel Tun Sein and Lieutenant Colonel Saw Mya Thein were in attendance. Flag capturing matches for first class will be held on January 9 and January 10.

January 10 - [Myanma Alinn] The annual Kyaikkasan Pagoda Festival in Rangoon is scheduled to take place from February 7 to February 11. Boxing matches are listed among other activities.

January 13 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from day seven on January 10 at Kennedy Island for the 12th anniversary of Independence are reported:

First class

Second class

Third class:

The article only mentions the Hla Shwe and Aung Bar Lay fights as flag capturing matches. Multiple boxers had to be sent to the hospital that evening.

January 16 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from day nine on January 12 at Kennedy Island for the 12th anniversary of Independence are reported. The article mentions that fierce battles took place aided by mantras and incantations in front of a large audience consisting of various military officers, foreign guests and boxing enthusiasts. The results:

First class

Second class

Third class:

The article does not say if the Maung Lone vs. Pat Lone match was a flag final. Interestingly Pyi Daw Sein, Shu Ma Wa and Hla Shwe were invited to participate in Thai Boxing matches after their victories.

March 11 - [Kyemone] A report from Mawlamyine dated March 7: Maung Lone punched and robbed a Karen rebel. The article describes him punching and robbing a KNDO rebel of his gun and machete, while he was not paying attention. Maung Lone is from Khayar village (Hpa-an) and the first prize winner of the Mann Yar Pyae boxing event, the article states (This is erroneous reporting, he lost the fight and was the runner-up).

The KNDO rebel is Ah Bae who assassinated Bo Kwein, the leader of the Khayar village defence force, five months earlier and fled into the jungle where he had been rampaging the area. After Maung Lone confiscated his weapons he shot at Ah Bae but he was able to escape while injured. Maung Lone handed over the weapons to the government troops afterwards.

March 13 - [Kyemone - boxing] "Boxing professional good at throwing rocks" is the title of a short report on Maung Thaung causing a ruckus in his neighbourhood. It reads that three folks were fetching water at around 11pm on March 11 at Rangoon's 120th street and that Maung Thaung, believing they were cursing, came down from his home and started throwing rocks at them. A neighbour who came out to the noise was subsequently also bombarded with rocks. The Solidarity Union has filed a complaint with the police.

March 17 - [Kyemone] An article on boxer Thaung Han from Kamarwet village who came to participate in the Mupon Pagoda Festival in Mawlamyine. On the night of March 12 at around 10pm Thaung Han was seen peeing in the wild behind a house close to the paddy fields. When the neighbourhood watchmen spotted him, they asked who he was but instead of answering he fled the scene. After a short chase the watchmen and locals surrounded him and beat him up. He lost his front teeth in the process. The Mupon Police Department did not detain him after learning he was actually a good man. He did not get to participate in the boxing match and missed his chance to capture the flag.

September 1 - [Rangoon Daily] A selection event will take place at Aung San Stadium (Indoor complex) from September 3 to September 5 in order to select Burmese boxers who will travel to China. The matches for the first night are announced:

First class

Second class

Third class:

September 3 - [Rangoon Daily] A page-wide photograph is printed showing Kyar Ba Nyein with 31 boxers from first to third class. The caption says they will be competing to join the sports delegation visiting China next month.

September 3 - [Myanma Alinn] A page-wide photograph is printed showing Kyar Ba Nyein with 31 boxers from first to third class. The caption says they will be competing to join the sports delegation visiting China next month.

September 5 - [Myanma Alinn] Two photographs taken on September 3 at Aung San Stadium are featured. Both images show a pair of boxers in action. All of them are unnamed.

September 5 - [Hantharwaddy] A photograph taken on September 3 at Aung San Stadium is featured. It shows Bo Lay and Maung Lone in action. This photograph is available as part of the Bettmann Archive on Getty Images (editiorial). The original caption there reads: 

"Tattooed from the knee to mid thigh, the Burmese "boxer" at right throws a left foot to the head of his low-punching opponent during a match in Rangoon. Anything goes in Burmese boxing, which permits the use of the hands, legs, knees, feet, elbows and even the head to land a blow. The contestants were vying for a place on the 230-member delegation of artists and sportsmen that will accompany Burmese Premier U Nu to Peiping, Red China for the signing of a Sino-Burmese boundary treaty with Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai on October 1st."

The Daily Jeffersonian (among others) reprinted the photograph on September 26 without an accompanying article. The caption reads:

"FOOTMANTattooed from knees to hips, a Burmese throws a left foot to the head of a low-punching opponent in Rangoon. Anything goes in Thai and Burmese boxing."

September 5 - [Rangoon Daily] Various photographs are spread across the paper to accompany an article which reports the results of day 1 at Aung San Stadium. Some of the match-ups have been changed from the original line-up seen above. The four photographs briefly describe the actions portrayed in them:

The results for September 3:

First class

Second class

Third class:

Lastly the article emphasises that boxers are not selected by their win/loss record but purely based on technique, stamina and physical attributes.

September 6 - [Rangoon Daily] The results for the second day of the selection event on September 4 at Aung San Stadium are reported:

First class

Second class

Third class:

September 7 - [Rangoon Daily] The results for the last day of the selection event on September 5 at Aung San Stadium are reported, including some results from previous days. For this final day representatives from the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar and other embassies were present. Journalists also attended.

A riot broke out during the Bo Sein and Chit Sayar match, where members of the audience had an argument with a Physical Fitness Council member on duty regarding the stadium lights being turned off. After some fisticuffs and the throwing of stadium seats, the timely arrival of police forces cleared the situation. Arrests were made.

First class

Second class

Third class:

After his (short) fight with Phyu Gyi, One Dollar challenged anyone to step into the ring. Fan favourite Bo Lay responded.

September 7 - [Hantharwaddy] A similar article to that in Rangoon Daily omits most of the results. It does however refer to Maung Lone as Hercules, and says that Shu Ma Wa lost because of a dislocated arm and a limp. It concludes by highlighting some inadequacies during the event, including insufficient water pots in the corners and overall lack of support staff. First-aid facilities were also absent and boxers had to be carried out of the ring by friends and family and dragged to the doctors' post. It also says that pouring water into your pants after drinking presents a negative image to foreign spectators.

September 8 - [Rangoon Daily] A large feature written by Kyar Ba Nyein describes the typical rules and customs in Burmese boxing. It also contains some personal thoughts and wishes, along with a few words regarding the event at Aung San Stadium which had concluded a few days prior. The article opens with a quote from Toe Lone, much like the feature did in Ngwetaryee Magazine in 1964 (also present on this timeline below):

Rare and famous, he who uses knees, includes the punches, he himself a man, from Lower Burma, around the Kawkareik area, yeah… that is me. Toe Lone…

A few highlights from the article that slightly differ from similar pieces or facts that weren't previously known:

There are two photographs on the page, one of Maung Lone vs. Phoe Par Gyi, and another of Chit Sayar and Bo Sein. Each has a small description of what's happening in the photo.

September 12 - [Rangoon Daily] A lengthy long-form article by bodybuilder U Ne Win, covering two pages. It aims to highlight various aspects of traditional boxing that need improvement. Some highlights:

The article also features an undated photograph from the PRC selection event in September, with two unnamed boxers.

September 24 - [Hantharwaddy] The Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival will take place from October 5 to October 9 and will feature Burmese boxing matches among other activities.

September 27 - [Evening Star, US-DC] Prime Minister U Nu departs to Beijing to sign the border treaty, joining a near 300 persons representation. The delegation comprises of General Ne Win and defence staff, a cultural mission with actors and actresses, sports teams and a 70-member trade mission seeking new business contacts. Discussion on the feasibility of linking Lashio with a railroad in Yunnan for transfrontier trade is also on the table.

October 4 - [Rangoon Daily] Chinlone and boxing matches will be on display at the "Beijing Stadium" on October 1 and 2 prior to the football matches. On October 5 both chinlone players and boxers will perform together with a Burmese orchestra at the Beijing Stadium.

The sports team will leave Beijing on October 6 and tour to Shenyang, Nanjing, Shanghai, Guangdong & Kunming and play football, chinlone and showcase Burmese boxing along the way.

October 9 - [Rangoon Daily] At a public gathering on October 2 at the Workers' Stadium in Beijing PM Zhou Enlai and PM U Nu addressed the citizens and the many officials in attendance. Chinlone and Burmese boxing performances followed. The Myanmar Army football team also played against "August 1st", Beijing city's top football team.

November 16 - [The Reporter] An event has taken place in Hpa-an for the Karen State Day celebration, which took place from November 7 to November 9. Both Western and Burmese boxing were on display. Kyar Ba Nyein was invited to oversee the Western boxing matches. The turnout was greater than expected so the prize money was increased by 150 Kyats on top of the initial 300, 200 and 100 Kyats for first to third class respectively. First and second class featured 8 competitors while third class had 16. The article places an emphasis on the Beijing returnees being more successful than other Karen boxers.

First class

Second class

Third class:

Event overview:

  • 12th Independence Day
  • Kyaikkasan Pagoda Festival (Rangoon)
  • Mupon Pagoda Festival
  • Aung San Stadium (PRC selection)
  • Chinese Cultural Mission, October
  • Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival
  • Karen State Day (Hpa-an)

Notable mentions:

  • Maung Lone
  • Maung Thaung
  • Thaung Han


February 24 - [Hantharwaddy] The Thaton Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival is scheduled to be held from February 21 to March 2. The festival will host boxing matches and many other activities and performances. Most of the article is focusing on the discussion regarding the permit for the festival as the board of trustees will only allow the festival to run from February 22 to February 28. The outcome is not mentioned.

March 5 - [Myanma Alinn] A nationwide championship is announced, arranged by the Myanmar Professional Boxing Federation. Esteemed actor Tun Wai will be hosting the event. The matches in the finals will utilise a knockout system until a clear winner has emerged. The grand prize is 1000 Kyats. It mentions first-class champions such as Mae Gyi (Hpa-an), Thaung Shwe, Daung Nyo, Pat Lone, Phyu Kalay, Bo Kalay and Ba Yin will feature alongside Beijing returnees Toe Lone, Maung Lone, Bo Kyaw and Phyu Gyi.

Anyone who finds himself capable of competing with the aforementioned individuals is encouraged to enlist with the secretary of the Boxing Association U Sein Win or with co-secretary Kyar Ba Nyein at Aung San Stadium.

The Boxing Association is also seeking assistance from the Kachin State Government and from U Chit Ohn, a commander of the Ottara Region (Upper Burma) and member of the National Physical Fitness Council (Mandalay) in order to attract more skilled boxers to the event.

The article is accompanied by a full body image of Pat Lone from Kawkareik.

March 5 - [Rangoon Daily] A similar article to that in Myanma Alinn on the same day appears in Rangoon Daily. It omits the enlisting of U Chit Ohn, the call to enrol for participation and has no accompanying photo.

March 10 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place in Mandalay. It is accompanied by an image showing Burmese boxers Rangoon Kywe and Sagaing Ba Tun (printed as Kon) in action.

March 11 - [Rangoon Daily] At a fitness funfair in Mandalay city some Burmese boxing matches were featured on the fourth day of the event on March 8. It featured boxers from Sagaing, Thaton and Rangoon in six matches total:

March 15 - [Hantharwaddy] Under the guidance of Prime Minister U Nu, the Myanmar Professional Boxing Federation is hosting a championship tournament this month at Aung San Indoor Stadium, in order to elevate the standards of Burmese boxing. It is reported that Kyar Ba Nyein is currently recruiting boxers from Mawlamyine, Thaton, and Karen State. After the boxers have finished participating in this championship they will leave for the Mon Cultural Festival in Mawlamyine for another boxing event.

March 19 - [Hantharwaddy] The boxers who are participating in the Burmese boxing championship at Aung San Indoor Stadium will arrive in Rangoon on March 22. It says Bo Kyaw and Phyu Gyi will lead a group from Thaton and U Sein Ni, who was awarded by Gen. Aung San in 1947, leads a group from Hlaingbwe. The event will be held for three days from March 24 to March 27. First, second and third class prizes are 1000, 300 and 200 Kyats respectively.

March 19 - [Rangoon Daily] The boxers who are participating in the Burmese boxing championship at Aung San Indoor Stadium will arrive in Rangoon on March 22. It says Bo Kyaw and Phyu Gyi will lead a group from Thaton, Maung Lone will lead a group from Khayar and U Sein Ni, who was awarded by Gen. Aung San in 1947, leads a group from Hlaingbwe. The event will be held for three days from March 25 to March 27. First, second and third class prizes are 1000, 300 and 200 Kyats respectively.

The following boxers are mentioned for participation: Bo Kyaw, Phyu Gyi, Mae Gyi, One Dollar, Phyu Kalay, Bo Kalay, Shwe Kyaw, Thaung Shwe, Pat Lone, Japan, Sein Hmyin, Sat Kalay, Sein Chae, Bandula, Sein Kwee, Taung Kyaw, Thar Aye, Japan Sein, Toe Lone, Maung Lone, Ba Yin and Daung Nyo.

March 19 - [Myanma Alinn] An identical article to those in Hantharwaddy and Rangoon Daily appears in today's issue.

March 24 - [Rangoon Daily] Another article announcing the championship event at Aung San Stadium. It says the event will commence tonight on March 24. It mentions the various dates on which groups of boxers arrived and that Tun Kyi, who was also awarded by Gen. Aung San himself, will participate as well.

March 24 - [Kyemone] With fewer words, The Mirror also runs an article announcing the championship event at Aung San Stadium. The exact same information is given, in addition to entrance fees.

March 25 - [Hantharwaddy] The groups of boxers led by Phyu Gyi and U Sein Ni have arrived in Rangoon. It highlights the participation of first class boxers Mae Gyi, Phyu Gyi, Phyu Kalay, Bo Kalay, Pat Lone and One Dollar. It also says the renowned Myaing Thar from Thaton will participate. It separately mentions Tun Kyi who has won the third class flag twice in addition to the honoration by General Aung San. On the evening of March 22 the groups led by Maung Lone and Bo Kyaw will arrive, while the tournament will start on the 24th.

March 26 - [Hantharwaddy] An event in the evening took place on March 24 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing Kyaung Thar and "Ba Shwe" in action in a second class flag fight. Kyaung Thar won in the last round.

Ba Shwe is most likely Hla Shwe, since Ba Shwe does not appear in any other coverage.

March 26 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day one on March 24 at Aung San Indoor Stadium are announced:

First class

Second class

Third class:

The front page of the newspaper features two photographs of a match on that day. The boxers are unnamed, but bear resemblance to the boxers appearing in the image printed in Kyemone on March 26.

March 26 - [Kyemone] An event in the evening took place on March 24 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing "Kayar Pyi" and Aung Bar Lay in action in third class ("third place"). We may assume they mean Kular Pyan.

March 27 - [Myanma Alinn] An event in the evening took place on March 24 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

March 27 - [Kyemone] An event in the evening took place on March 25 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing Phyu Lay and Thar Aye competing for "second place".

March 29 - [Hantharwaddy] A single full-body image of Mae Gyi holding a flag is printed. It announces he has won the 1000Kyats flag.

April 6 - [Botataung] The Wea Pyan Guu Wa Pagoda Festival in Shwegun, Karen State is held once again. For the last 15 years it was unable to be held due to rebel activities. The festival ran from March 31 to April 2 and attracted a large number of visitors who came to watch puppet shows and boxing matches among other activities.

Event overview:

  • Shwe Sar Yan pagoda festival (Thaton)
  • Fitness funfair (Mandalay)
  • Aung San Stadium (Rangoon)
  • Mon Cultural Festival (Mawlamyine)
  • Wea Pyan Guu Wa Pagoda Festival (Shwegun)
  • Kyun Thar Yar exhibition (Rangoon)


January 1 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at the Kyun Thar Yar exhibition in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing Kabar Chit and Chaw Tin in action.

January 3 - [Kyemone] An event took place in the evening on December 31 at the Kyun Thar Yar exhibition in Rangoon. It is accompanied by two images. One image shows Shwe Ou Oh and Aung Chit in action, the other describes a meeting between Pyar Lay and San Bee. One of the boxers has been knocked down.

January 4 - [Rangoon Daily] A large feature written by Kyar Ba Nyein describes the typical rules and customs in Burmese boxing. It also contains some personal thoughts and wishes. The article contains a proclamation by Burmese boxers:

“No matter how huge your elbows are, we won’t back down; here, we fight.” 

A few highlights from the article that slightly differ from similar pieces or facts that weren't previously known:

"Among the first-class boxers, Mae Gyi from Hlaingbwe stands out as a champion of movie star Tun Wai’s prestigious 1000 Kyat flag championship. Mae Gyi has the strength that can flip a young water buffalo effortlessly by its horns. Phyu Gyi from Thaton possesses remarkable stamina, capable of fighting from mid-noon until well after sunset, without wavering. Phyu Kalay, representing Hlaingbwe, is known for his unmatched precision, being able to throw punches at the target accurately at any given moment. Pat Lone of Kawkareik exhibits incredible resilience, enduring hard punches without a single trace of bleeding or cuts. Maung Lone from Khayar village is tenaciously passionate about the sport. And even though Toe Lone is growing old and weak, he still possesses tremendous strength. It is said that in his youth he could effortlessly lift 25 enormous bamboo poles dipped in water."

The article is topped by two photographs of Pat Lone and Mae Gyi. It says Mae Gyi won the 1000Kyats first class flag in the March 1961 championship.

January 9 - [Hantharwaddy] The Kushinayone Pagoda festival will take place in Aung Lan city from February 9 to February 19 and lists boxing among the activities. The February 17 issue of Rangoon Daily also mentioned the event.

February 17 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place in the city of Aung Lan on the evening of February 14. Professionals from Rangoon, Mawlamyine, Thaton and Kawkareik gathered to vie for the flag and gold medal in an event hosted by Kyar Ba Nyein. It is accompanied by a photograph showing competitive boxers in action, unnamed.

February 20 - [Rangoon Daily] Another lengthy article with remarks by Kyar Ba Nyein is featured, slightly different than the one published last month. Some highlights:

February 23 - [Rangoon Daily] Burmese boxing matches will be added to the line-up of the annual Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda Festival, organized by Kyar Ba Nyein. Individuals born after the war might not be familiar with the sport and in order to promote awareness the board of trustees is willing to include the matches, with the approval of U Zaw Weik. It is expected that boxers from Hpa-an, Thaton, Bilin, Rangoon and Mawlamyine will participate.

March 22 - [Rangoon Daily] Kyar Ba Nyein and Saw Hla Myint are reported to give their assistance at a Sagaing State Festival on March 23 in Katha Township, at the request of the Uttara Divisional Commander. They will give a helping hand during the festival's boxing matches. By invitation of Colonel Lwan Tin they will also visit a Myitkyina amateur boxing club and give a boxing demonstration.

It says that shortly before this, Kyar Ba Nyein's team had concluded a 4-day traditional Burmese boxing event at the Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda Festival in Shwe Taung, Pyay District, and that they had returned to Rangoon on March 20. The event featured 18 boxers from Thaton, Zin Kyaik, Mawlamyine, Rangoon and Okkalar. It specifically mentions Thaton Tin Win as a victor in the final match, and earning 300Kyats.

The article is accompanied by a photograph from the Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda Festival, featuring two unnamed boxers. The caption reads "Revival of Burmese boxing matches(...)".

Tin Win appears on this timeline as a third class boxer in most entries (60's and 70's).

March 29 - [Rangoon Daily - boxing] An article clarifies that four events will be held in March and April in Rangoon, Mingalardon, Katha & Myitkyina. Kyar Ba Nyein and U Saw Hla Myint will assist with the matches in Katha on March 27 and on April 1 to April 7 in Myitkyina. A separate article in the same paper confirms the demonstrations to teach young boxers in Kachin State.

April 26 - [Rangoon Daily] A single photograph pictures Phyu Lay and Sein Hla* following the Kamarwet Pagoda boxing matches (Malamyaing Zahal Region Pagoda Festival). The caption reads that after 3 matches they won the first and second titles. It is a fairly vague description and does not clearly state their class or place.

*Sein Hla does not appear in any other news. Hla Sein does. They may be the same person. This is assumption.

October 6 - [Hantharwaddy] The Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival will take place from October 14 to October 18 and will feature Burmese boxing matches among a plethora of other activities.

December 3 - [Kyemone - unclear] An event was held in Maymyo (Pyin Oo Lwin) from November 29 to December 5* at undisclosed Maymyo military grounds. It reports that 14 fights on day 1, 15 fights on day 2 and 18 fights on the last day took place.

*Perhaps the part about December 5 is misprinted since it only lists three days. It could also be that fights only happened on December 3-5. 

Event overview:

  • Kyun Thar Yar exhibition (Rangoon)
  • Kushinayone Pagoda festival (Aung Lan city)
  • Shwe Nat Taung Pagoda Festival (Pyay)
  • Kamarwet Pagoda Festival (Mawlamyaing)
  • Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival
  • Military grounds (Maymyo)


January 4 - [ThutTi Journal] An event is taking place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon from January 3rd to January 9th at 7pm daily for the 15th anniversary of Independence, presented by Kyar Ba Nyein (National Fitness Council). The article mentions famous flag-winning boxers Sein Lone, Mae Gyi, Phyu Gyi, Patma Sein, Chit Sayar and Sakkaw Ma. Phyu Kalay is also attending to challenge. After an open challenge to anyone in the second class, Sein Tin a.k.a. Kyaung Thar (pictured in the article) is slated to fight Hla Shwe. Entrance fees are 5, 3 & 1 Kyat(s).

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day one and two on January 3 and January 4 at Kennedy Island are announced. It says that on night two there were eight matches, yet it only gives results for five:

January 3:

First class

Second class

Third class:

January 4:

Third class:

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed. The boxers bear an uncanny resemblance to those featured in the photograph published by Myanma Alinn (posted below).

January 6 - [Myanma Alinn] An event took place in the evening on January 4 at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

January 7 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day three on January 5 at Kennedy Island are announced:

Second class

Third class:

The article does not clarify the double notation of Tin Aung.

January 9 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day five on January 7 at Kennedy Island are announced (quarter finals):

First class

Second class

The article says winners in these matches moved on to the semi-finals. It also says that Bo Kyaw was once honoured by General Aung San's flag award.

January 11 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed. It says one of the boxers broke his ribs in the match. A photograph of the Chairman of Forestry Brigadier General Tin Phay and the Mayor who attended the event that day, is also shown.

January 11 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the ongoing Independence Day event on January 9 at Kennedy Island. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed, in a flag final.

January 12 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the Independence Day event on January 10 at Kennedy Island. It is accompanied by an image showing Phyu Lay receiving the second class flag from U Kyaw Min.

January 13 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from January 9 at Kennedy Island are mentioned. Flag finals for all three classes are mentioned:

All 80+ boxers have returned home on January 11, using a rented night train. Thar Aye will be treated further at Mawlamyine hospital for his broken ribs. Aside from prize-money the boxers also received daily fight bonuses ranging from 10 to 40 Kyats based on class and whether they won or lost. 

Three well known pickpockets, Khin Maung, Maung Thein and Maung Thaung were arrested on January 10 at the Kennedy Island festival.

March 13 - [Kyemone] The Kalein Aung San Daw Shin Pagoda Festival in Yebyu Township (Dawei District) has taken place. A photograph is featured of the attending tax inspector, U Ba Tin, who could not contain himself and jumped into the ring to show his lethwei yay.

November 14 - [Myanma Alinn] Newspaper reporting on the murder of Burmese boxer Win Yaw Sein (U Kyite Ngwe), who participated in U Ba's championship in 1932. The incident happened in Khalal Tagon Daing village, Kayin state.

Kha Lauk Sein, the 25 year old son of U Kyite Ngwe was under the influence of alcohol on November 10. He was misbehaving and the neighborhood complained about it to his father. When U Kyite Ngwe went to discipline his son a struggle broke out in which the son strangled his father to death. The son has been apprehended and prosecuted by local police.

Event overview:

  • 15th Independence Day (Rangoon)
  • Kalein Aung Pagoda (Tavoy)

Notable mentions:

  • Win Yaw Sein


January - [Ngwetaryee Magazine] An article by Kyar Ba Nyein is featured entitled "Traditional martial arts". It touches on the subject of his journey to China and furthermore explains various traditions and rules of Burmese boxing. The opening paragraph describes a fight in Shanghai between Toe Lone and Bo Kyaw and is preceded by a quote from Toe Lone:

Toe Lone, whose boxing popularity in Pegu and Thaton causes the sky to roar, has arrived! Ywar Sarr… Nayarpyan… Burmese Orchestra… Let’s Hit It!

The fight was won by Toe Lone by flying knee. Two photographs accompany the article, unrelated to the description aforementioned. One shows a training session between unnamed boxers as Kyar Ba Nyein looks on. Photograph number two is an action shot between One Dollar and Toe Lone. No date and place are mentioned.

The two photographs are likely taken at the September event at Aung San Indoor Stadium in 1960.

January 1 - [Hantharwaddy] An event is taking place at Kennedy Island for the 16th anniversary of Independence. It is accompanied by a photograph showing competitive boxers in action, unnamed.

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from January 3 at Kennedy Island for the 16th anniversary of Independence are reported. It is accompanied by a photograph showing Bo Sein and Kyaw Min in action. The article only lists third class:

Third class

In total over 70 boxers will be participating in this event including well known boxers Thaton Phyu Gyi, Bo Kyaw, Singu Phyu Kalay, Hpar Kat Mae, One Dollar, Daung Nyo, Mon Nyi Naung, Maung Lone and Sein Lone.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] Burmese boxers are competing at Kennedy Island for the anniversary of Independence. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

January 9 - [Rangoon Daily] A large page-wide photograph is featured on the front page. It shows Brigadier General Tin Phay, Colonel Than Sein and Lt. Col. Sein Lwin attending and supporting the event on January 8. It also shows two boxers in action. Though both are unnamed, one has a striking resemblance to Maung Lone.

That same newspaper also reports on the results from January 7 at Kennedy Island for the 16th anniversary of Independence. The prizes were presented by Brigadier General Tin Phay. Only second class is listed:

Second class

Special challenges

Furthermore it lists the final match-ups for first- and third class:

First class

Third class

January 11 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from January 9 at Kennedy Island for the 16th anniversary of Independence are reported:

First class

Sein Lone is the younger brother of Maung Lone, and was thus able to avenge his loss. The flag was awarded to him by U Zaw Weik.

The second class flag was won by Sat Kalay, while the third class flag was won by Bo Sein.

January 11 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from January 9 at Kennedy Island for the 16th anniversary of Independence are reported:

First class

Second class

Third class

Special challenges

Sein Lone claims the prestigious Independence day flag in first class for the second time, in an event that saw the stadium filled to capacity with spectators. People were climbing the trees outside to watch the matches. Sat Kalay challenged Sein Lone to a fight after winning the second class flag. Distinguished figures from the film industry such as Director U Chit Khin, Painter U Ba Yin Lay and lead actor Shwe Ba & his crew were also present. They awarded a total of 200 Kyats as special awards.

Note that the result for Phyu Gyi vs. Maung Lone is described differently from the one in Hantharwaddy above, and that other small details are also included in the description of events of Rangoon Daily, such as Sein Lone winning the flag twice, or him being challenged by Sat Kalay. Although obvious, the result of Sein Lone vs. One Dollar is omitted here.

January 11 - [Hantharwaddy] A new chapter is dawning for Burmese boxing. An event is set to take place this coming March at Aung San Indoor Stadium. It will be used to determine which boxers are fit and able to undergo specialist training to transition to gloved competitions oversees. The move is initiated by Kyar Ba Nyein of the National Fitness Council, as he presented these plans to the relevant authorities. Only those who excel in their efforts to adapt will get the opportunity to go oversees. Lastly it notes that the government is set to extend financial aid to support Burmese boxing. It is estimated that around 500 boxers are scattered throughout the nation.

January 16 - [Rangoon Daily] The National Fitness Council is preparing to organise an event to revitalise the long-neglected Burmese boxing events. Because of it's rough nature there have also been intentions to modernise the system just like in Thailand. The event in August will remunerate boxing champions as organisers and see professionals as well as newcomers.

January 18 - [Myanma Alinn] Report that the Fitness Council plans to modernise in order to bring Burmese boxing to a higher standard. After years in a downward trend, the sport has received a lot of recent support from boxers and the audience at the events held at Kennedy Island. It notes that it is a high risk sport with frequent injuries and that they wish to upgrade standards, rules and techniques starting in August. They want to modernise Burmese boxing events in conjunction with the rules of modern boxing, just like in Thailand (referred to as Yodaya, which dates back to times of war; ie. Ayudhya).

February 5 - [Myanma Alinn] Lengthy report from a Hpa-an reporter on 20 year-old (Beijing returnee) Kyaung Thar. Essentially it talks about his success in the second class division in the past year and how he has no competitors left there. A summary:

February 23 - [Rangoon Daily] The Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival in Pegu will take place again this year starting on March 20, and will feature Burmese boxing among other festivities. Fairground stalls will be auctioned off soon and boxers are invited to register in time for participation.

The same newspaper also reports on the Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival which started on February 19. Burmese boxing is also taking place there and flag winners will receive 300, 150 and 100 Kyat for first, second and third class respectively, in addition to a gold medal and a piece of "Bangkok longyi cloth".

Mae Gyi, One Dollar, Bo Kyaw, Phyu Gyi, Shu Ma Wa, Sein Lone, Maung Lone, Toe Lone and Hnit Char Mae Gyi will participate. Some boxers will bring their own team.

February 29 - [Rangoon Daily] A photograph shows boxers in action at the Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival in Thaton city. It ran for 10 days from February 19 to February 28 and had boxers from Thaton, Kyaikkhami and Karen State competing together with boxers who've competed at Kennedy island.

March 9 - [Rangoon Daily] The organising committee of the Pegu Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival will hold a Burmese boxing flag tournament on on March 28 and March 29, in order to raise the prestege of Burmese boxers. They are urging boxers who wish to win gold medals to contact Captain Kyaw Zaw in Pegu no later than March 18. The prizes are 200, 125 and 100 Kyats for the three classes.

March 21 - [Rangoon Daily] The Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival has begun on March 20. Among the various activities are Burmese boxing matches. The rest of the article talks about a (tax) free market on the festival grounds.

May 31 - [Working People's Daily - boxing] From May 26 to May 30, preliminaries were held to potentially select boxers for the Tokyo Olympics in October. On the last day of this boxing tournament Kyar Ba Nyein was awarded with a sculpture by sculptor U Han Tin. Additionally Lt. Col. Hla Maung also awarded him with the International Boxing Referee Exam certificate.

September 27 - [Rangoon Daily] The Kyaikkhami Pagoda Festival will be held from October 22 to October 26 and will include Burmese boxing among other activities.

October 19 - [Working People's Daily] The Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival will feature a Burmese boxing tournament. The prizes for first to third class are 200, 100 & 50 Kyats respectively. The festival will now be held from October 21 to October 26.

December 27 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on Kyar Ba Nyein tasked with bringing famous boxers to Rangoon for the 17th anniversary of Independence. The event will be held at Kennedy Island from January 3 to January 8, 1965. The article mentions a handful of boxers: Pat Lone (Kyondoe), Phyu Gyi (Thaton), Toe Lone, Maung Lone & Sein Lone (Mawlamyine).

December 27 - [Working People's Daily] A similar article to that in Myanma Alinn. It omits naming specific boxers but says that Ba Nyein has been gathering boxers from Thaton, Mawlamyine and Kawthulay since December 12.

December 29 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Report on Dr. Stanley Majid who is being sued by three people for aggravated assault (352), intimidation (506) and bodily harm (323). The lawsuit also claims Majid was carrying a weapon (352). The report does not mention anything else.

Stanley Majid taught traditional boxers, most notably Tha Mann Kyar who he taught for roughly 3 months in the 70's.

Event overview:

  • 16th Independence Day
  • Thay Hta Mann Aung Pagoda festival (Hpa-an)
  • Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival (Thaton)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • Kyaikkhami Pagoda (Thanbyuzayat)

Notable mentions:

  • Kyaung Thar
  • Dr. Stanley Majid


January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] A large feature lists all participants in every class, and says that this year the fourth class has been newly added to the Independence Day boxing tournament.

First class: Phyu Gyi (Thaton), Sein Lone (Mawlamyine), Maung Lone (Mawlamyine), Toe Lone (Mawlamyine), Pat Lone (Kawkareik), Bo Kay Gyi (Hpar Kat), One Dollar (Hpa-an), Mae Gyi (Hpa-an), Bo Kalay (Hlaingbwe).

Second class: Sat Kalay (Thaton), Phyu Lay (Thaton), Shu Ma Wa (Thaton), Hla Shwe (Thaton), Godzilla (Thaton), Tint Sway (Thaton), Sein Lay Tin (Hpa-an), Paw Thit (Hpar Kat), Bala Sein (Kawkareik), Sway Tint (Kawkareik).

Third class: Wan Sa Moe (Kawkareik), Than Chaung (Kawkareik), Hnit Kalay (Kawkareik), Tun Thaung (Kawkareik), Mae Pyar (Thaton), Myint Sway (Thaton), Maung Dway (Thaton), Pann Pa Pwint (Thaton), Tin Win (Thaton), Chit Sayar (Thaton), Aung Tin (Thaton), One Dollar (Hpa-an), Leik Pyar (Hpa-an), Sein Htee (Hpa-an), Chit Phay (Hpa-an), Sein Lay (Hpa-an), Sein Lone (Hpar Kat), Maung Kyar (Hpar Kat), Kyaw Yin (Hpar Kat), Nyaung Khar Shi (Hpar Kat), Byauk (Zin Kyaik), Maung Tin (Zin Kyaik), Myint Aung (Zin Kyaik), Shwe Pyan (Zin Kyaik), Baw Lone (Kawthulay), Aung Than (Kawthulay), Aye Tin (Kawthulay), Sat Si (Kawthulay), Aung Chit (Kawthulay).

Fourth class: Kyaw Win (Thaton), Hla Maung (Thaton), Chit Sein (Thaton), Tin Ngwe (Thaton), Kyaw Dar (Thaton), Shwe Lay (Thaton), Gin Lay (Thaton), Lay Yaw Pyan (Thaton), Tin Aye (Thaton), Arthur Maung Hla (Thaton), Phoe Par Gyi (Thaton), Htee Hla (Hpar Kat), Pike Kalay (Hpar Kat), Sein lay (Hpar Kat), Ee Swat (Hpar Kat), Baw Lone (Kawthulay), Tin Oo (Kawthulay), Tin Khaung (Kawthulay), Mway Lay (Kawkareik).

January 6 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 4 at Kennedy Island for the 17th anniversary of Independence. Only third class and fourth class are listed. No information regarding rounds.

Third class

Fourth class

January 6 - [Working People's Daily] A single photograph is printed which tells us Burmese boxing is taking place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon. The two boxers in the photograph are unnamed.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 5 at Kennedy Island. Only first, second and fourth class are listed.

First class

Second class

Fourth class

January 8 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the January 5 match between first class boxers One Dollar and Sein Lone that took place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing the boxers in action.

January 8 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 6 at Kennedy Island. Only second class, third class and kyar sai (interim fights) are listed.

Second class

Third class

Kyar Sai

January 8 - [Working People's Daily] An article in today's paper mostly focuses on the semi-finals of the boat races at Kennedy Island. It lastly mentions that on January 8 people may also enjoy Burmese boxing among other fun activities.

January 9 - [Working People's Daily] An overview of the activities and competitions that will be held this evening is presented. A paragraph is dedicated to the Burmese boxing finals at Kennedy Island and lists the final match-up's for all four classes (results below, as seen in Myanma Alinn).

January 10 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 9 at Kennedy Island. Flag finals for all four classes are mentioned.

The March 1968 issue of Forward features a stunning photograph of Phyu Gyi and Sein Lone during their first class flag final on this day. Sein Lone is seen connecting with a magnificent flying kick to the side of Phyu Gyi's face.

January 10 - [Working People's Daily] It is announced that the last day of the festival at Kennedy Island and Thein Phyu Stadium will be on January 9. It says the Burmese boxing finals will also take place.

January 11 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from January 9 at Kennedy Island. Flag finals for all four classes are mentioned (as above), including the prize-money: 300, 250, 200 and 150 Kyats respectively. All contestants were awarded 30 Kyats and equipment in addition to having their travel expenses compensated. It also lists Leik Pyar being from Singu.

January 13 - [Myanma Alinn] Notes that Burmese boxers have competed at Kennedy Island for the anniversary of Independence. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed, in a flag final.

January 17 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place in Shwegun (Kawthulay). It is accompanied by an image showing two boxers posing with a flag:

January 19 - [Working People's Daily - boxing] On January 14, 15 and 16 the Bago Region Boxing Championship were held in Insein. On the last day, in the Lightweight division, Ki Pwint (Insein) is shown knocking down Saw Ruby (Taungoo) in round 3 in the accompanying photograph. Saw Ruby would eventually transition to Burmese boxing.

February 2 - [Rangoon Daily] A Union Day event is being held near Mount Zwekabin in Hpa-an from February 9 to February 13. The article focuses on a meeting held prior to the event, on January 27, and announces the prize money for four classes: 500, 300, 200, 150 Kyat respectively.

February 10 - [Rangoon Daily] The Kyaik Waing Pagoda Festival in Tha Mine, Rangoon is announced. It will run from February 25 to March 3, and will include boxing matches. Although not specifically mentioned, we may assume it is Burmese boxing.

February 10 - [Working People's Daily] The Kabar Aye, Kyaik Waing and Maw Tin Swan Pagoda festivals are announced. Only the activities at the Kyaik Waing Pagoda are included, which mention boxing.

February 15 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from Hpa-an on February 13 for the 18th anniversary of Union Day. Flag finals for all four classes are mentioned. It specifically lists first and second places:

February 15 - [Myanma Alinn / Working People's Daily] Similar article to the one above. Results from Hpa-an on February 13 for the 18th anniversary of Union Day.

February 22 - [Myanma Alinn] An event celebrating Peasants' Day will take place starting February 26 at Kyaikkasan Stadium in Rangoon. It lists the cash rewards for each class winner (added below).

February 23 - [Working People's Daily] A general agenda for the Peasants' Day event is given. It says four classes will compete in the Burmese boxing tournament between February 26 and March 4, with boxers from Thaton and Hpa-an.

February 27 - [Working People's Daily] An event celebrating Peasants' Day (Farmer's Day) will take place starting February 26 at Kyaikkasan Stadium in Rangoon. It will run until March 4 and will include first, second, third and fourth class boxers competing for the flag. Out of the roughly 70 boxers from Kawthulay, Mawlamyine and Thaton, some are seen practising on the Aung San Stadium grounds in one photograph. Another image shows two boxers practising up close, all are unnamed.

February 28 - [Working People's Daily] A few more details on the Burmese boxing tournament at Kyaikkasan Stadium during the Peasants' Day festival are announced:

March 2 - [Working People's Daily] An event is taking place celebrating Peasants' Day. A photograph showing two unnamed boxers engaging in a clinch is printed.

March 2 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from February 28 at Kyaikkasan Stadium. Only third class and fourth class are listed.

Third class

Fourth class

March 6 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from March 4 at Kyaikkasan Stadium. Flag finals for all four classes are mentioned.

March 15 - [Forward] An article written by Tin Maung Sway in the March issue of Forward shows the boxers preparing for the Peasants' Day event which will run for 7 days. Nothing in depth is discussed about the event, except for the subtitles on the images: 

March 22 - [Working People's Daily] An entire page is dedicated to National Martial Arts, by Kyar Ba Nyein. It is a standard write-up discussing the history, the rules and many customs in Burmese boxing and how it compares to other martial arts. The most valuable in this article are the four unnamed boxers in three photographs. One of them shows Byauk and Bo Sein in practice. It is a slight variation of the photograph featured in the 1965 issue of Forward (listed above). Another photo shows a boxer with a square pattern on the legs and facial features resembling those of Maung Lone. A fourth boxer remains unknown at this moment as I do not recognise him.

April 21 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place in Pegu at the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda. A photograph is featured showing Captain Tun Aung Kyaw, Chairman of City Council, handing out a flag to an unnamed boxer.

An article in the March 16, 1966 issue of Hantharwaddy mentions that Kyaung Thar had won this year. It is unclear in which class. The boxer in the photograph does resemble him in some ways.

Event overview:

  • 17th Independence Day (Rangoon)
  • 17th Independence Day (Shwegun)
  • Kyaik Waing Pagoda Festival (Rangoon)
  • 18th Union Day (Hpa-an)
  • Kyaikphane Pagoda Festival (Mawlamyine)
  • Peasants' Day (Rangoon)


January - [Ngwetaryee Magazine] A single image is printed of two boxers in action. A spectacular flying kick is deflected as the referee watches on. The boxers are unnamed. Photographer: Ko Tin Kyaine (Kyemone).

January 2 - [Working People's Daily] A complete list of the activities for Independence day on January 3-6 in Rangoon are outlined. For all days Burmese boxing is listed at Kennedy Island.

January 4 - [Myanma Alinn] An event celebrating the 18th anniversary of Independence will take place in Rangoon. The event will be held at Kennedy Island from January 3 to January 8.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 5 at Kennedy Island. First, third and fourth classes are mentioned together with kyar sai and challenge fights.

First class

Third class

Fourth class

Kyar sai

Challenge fights

January 8 - [Working People's Daily] The events for Independence day at Thein Phyu, Kennedy Island and surrounding area will be extended by one day. The activities on that day are outlined. Burmese boxing is listed for Kennedy Island.

January 9 - [Working People's Daily] Once again it is mentioned that the Burmese boxing matches will continue tonight. Chit Sayar has challenged anyone to come and fight him. Byauk will challenge fourth class boxers and the winners of the third and fourth class flags will fight each other as well.

Tun Kyi, Bo Sein, Japan Sein and Maung Aye will fight each other in grudge matches.

January 10 - [Working People's Daily] Two images are printed following the conclusion of the Independence Day tournament at Kennedy Island. U Zaw Weik is seen presenting a flag trophy to third class winner Hla Maung (Thaton). Another image shows fourth class victor Tin Oo (Moe Naing).

February 27 - [Working People's Daily] The Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival in Thaton will take place from February 27 to March 8 and will include Burmese boxing as always.

March 16 - [Hantharwaddy] Lists an event in Pegu for the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival. Both traditional and western (English) boxing will be shown together for the first time. Well-known boxers Chit Sayar, Phyu Gyi, Phyu Lay, Shu Ma Wa, Tin Shwe, Hla Shwe, Patma Sein and Talaing Sein will participate alongside Kyaung Thar who had won the flag previously in 1965, and Sakkaw Ma, who had won in 1964. They were all expectantly awaiting their rivals Toe Lone, Maung Lone, Sein Lone and One Dollar. The article states that this years festival committee will be awarding the tournament winners differently from the previous old-fashioned system. It does not mention what this entails.

March 18 - [Myanma Alinn] Similar article to that in Hantharwaddy, except omitting the fact that Sakkaw Ma won in 1964 and the participation of Toe Lone et al.

March 20 - [Myanma Alinn] The winners at the Zee Phyu Thaung village Pagoda festival in Ye Township on March 15 are reported.

April 1 - [Rangoon Daily] A Resistance Day event took place in Mawlamyine at Maidar Stadium from March 25 to March 28. The winners for first, second and third class are announced.

Fights took place day and night. Around 200 boxers from Thaton, Kawthulay and Mawlamyine fought in 120 matches. On the night of March 28, a section of the erected amphitheatre collapsed due to the large amount of spectators. Fortunately not a single person got injured.

April 10 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival on April 8 in Pegu. It is accompanied by an image showing Tin Shwe receiving the first class flag from U Tin Maung Gyi.

April 12 - [Myanma Alinn] Has a report on how the Sports Committee should upgrade the standards of Myanmar traditional boxing. At the Pegu Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival (from April 1 to April 8) they took the opportunity to discuss with boxers on (1) how to preserve Burmese boxing culture and achieve a higher standard for the sport by (2) developing the art of the farmers and workers. It also mentions that (3) they want the District Sports and Physical Education Committee to take responsibility for the above initiatives. These points were brought forth by Phyu Kalay, Kular Ni and U Kyar Gyi and supported by Shu Ma Wa, Taing Lone Kyaw, Pa-O representative 'Phay Lay' Pann Ta Pwint and Shan representative Sat Kalay. It was submitted to the Rangoon Sports and Physical Education Committee and chairman Lieutenant Colonel Hla Moe.

April 20 - [Myanma Alinn] A traditional boxing event will take place at Kyaikkasan Stadium from April 26 until May 1 at 7:30pm daily for the May Day festivities, arranged by the Myanmar Sports & Physical Education Department. The article mentions the decline in popularity in years past, but attributes the renewed interest and popularity to its revolutionary government. This is the first edition of the Labour Day event, and was added to current recurring annual events (Independence Day, Farmers Day & Union Day) to promote Burmese boxing even more.

Boxers from Mawlamyine, Thaton, Ye, Hpa-an and Hlaingbwe will be competing. Interestingly it makes a distinction between former/old and new first class boxers. It says Phyu Gyi and Phyu Kalay from Thaton, Maung Lone and Sein Lone from Khayar village & One Dollar and Mae Gyi from Win Ka Mawt village were challenged by next generation first class boxers like Hla Shwe (Pwe Tine Kyaw) & Tin Shwe Gyi (Luu Ma Yway). A separate mention is given to Kyaung Thar (Hpa-an) who will compete in the first class flag competition as well.

April 26 - [Rangoon Daily] A similar Labour Day article to the one in Myanma Alinn on April 20. It says boxers have started to arrive on April 25, specifically 10 boxers from Mae Laung Gyi village in Hlaingbwe Township, 10 from Thaton led by U Hla Shwe, 7 boxers from Paingkyon village in Hlaingbwe Township led by Sat Kalay, 11 boxers from Win Ka Mawt village in Hlaingbwe Township led by Waing Dollar and 7 boxers from Nyaunglebin (Pegu) led by U Sein Tin Maung.

April 29 - [Rangoon Daily] Burmese boxers are competing at Kyaikkasan Stadium in celebration of Labour Day. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed. One of the boxers is Bo Sein.

April 30 - [Rangoon Daily] Over 12 boxers will be competing for the first class flag at Kyaikkasan Stadium for the Labour Day event. They have been matched accordingly on the night of April 28 at Kyaikkasan's national boxing hall. The article is accompanied by a group photo showing 12 of the participating boxers: Toe Lone, Hla Shwe, Sat Kalay, Sein Lone, Waing Dollar (spelled as Taw Lar), Mae Gyi, Shu Ma Wa, Phyu Lay, Godzilla, Mae Pyar, Phyu Gyi and Sein Lay Tin. The article states this is one of the most complete line-ups. The fights for first class will commence on April 29.

The photograph featured here was later used in Mann Thint Naung's book on Myanmar Traditional Boxing in 1980.

May 3 - [Rangoon Daily] An event has taken place at Kyaikkasan Stadium for Labour Day which concluded on May 1, and all winners in four classes are announced. The results are not as complete as the ones in Forward (posted below). It does however mention that on May 2 the boxers toured around Rangoon.

May 15 - [Forward] An article in the May issue of Forward written by U Ba Than mentions the flag tournament winners for the May Day (Labor Day) event. The flags were awarded by former boxer Min Khaung II and U Ba Nyein. Two other fights were mentioned but without results:

Mentioned fights: Me Pyar vs. Phyu Kalay & Sein Lay Tin (Win Ka Mawt) vs. Phyu Gyi (Thaton) (no results given)

May 31 - [Myanma Alinn] First class Mon boxer Sein Lone, who has been on visits to Thailand, India, Pakistan & China on government expenses, has become a rebel leader and is demanding compensation / robbing villagers in the area (Insurgents or ceasefire groups sometimes demand taxes from villagers or IDPs for varying reasons).

(Keep in mind this is a report on a Mon boxer by a government newspaper.)

June 12 - [Rangoon Daily - boxing] An article announces a regional boxing event at Aung San Indoor Stadium on June 12. Subject of the article is that a former Burmese traditional boxer has transitioned to western boxing and will participate in the featherweight division. It is former B-class champion and former Regions & States champion Soe Aung.

November 16 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Amateur boxing enthusiasts are getting basic boxing lessons from Kyar Ba Nyein in the Dala area. It shows an image of Ba Nyein sparring with one of the students.

Event overview:

  • 18th Independence Day
  • Zee Phyu Thaung village Pagoda festival
  • 21st Resistance Day (Mawlamyine)
  • Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival (Thaton)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • May Day (Rangoon)

Notable mentions:

  • Sein Lone


January 2 - [Myanma Alinn] A big advertisement for an upcoming film about Burmese boxing named "ယောက်ျားဘသား". The article explains the role of filmmakers in bringing subjects to the attention of the public and that the film will attempt to illustrate the importance of Burmese martial arts. Most interesting is one of the accompanying images showing Bo Sein on set demonstrating the Latkha Maung to the cast.

The paper reports furthermore that a traditional boxing event will take place from January 3 at the Thein Phyu grounds for the 19th anniversary of Independence. The event will last 7 days. In that same paragraph it also announces that 60 boxers from Tanintharyi and Kawhtoolei have arrived to take part in a traditional boxing tournament at Aung San Stadium (Note: it uses 'Yoeyar', usually used to discern lethwei from regular boxing, to describe this tournament at Aung San Stadium, usually the standard venue for English boxing).

January 3 - [Kyemone] An event will take place at the Thein Phyu Stadium grounds for the 19th Independence day festivities. The flag capturing matches will be held from January 3 to January 9 and start at 7pm. Around 60 boxers from Thaton, Mawlamyine and Kawthulay have arrived in Rangoon and are accommodated at Aung San Indoor Stadium.

January 3 - [Hantharwaddy] Two photographs are printed. One image shows first class boxers Hla Shwe (Thaton) and Sein Lay Tin (Winkamawt) in practice. They will be competing at the competition for the 19th anniversary of Independence in Rangoon.

Another shows Maung Yi (Kanni village) and Chit Sayar (Kyet Tu Yway Taung) practicing. They will be in action in second class.

January 3 - [Myanma Alinn] The exact same image and caption of Hla Shwe and Sein Lay Tin is featured.

January 3 - [Working People's Daily] The exact same image and caption of Hla Shwe and Sein Lay Tin is featured.

January 3 - [Rangoon Daily] An article announces the event at Thein Phyu Stadium for the 19th Independence Day celebrations. It says about 60 boxers from Thaton, Mawlamyine and Kawthulay (Karen state) have travelled to Rangoon by train on January 1st, scouted and led by Kyar Ba Nyein. Leading groups are Tine Lone Kyaw with 18 boxers from Kawthulay (Hpar Kat, Kalauk Noe and Naung Ta Lone), Tet Luu Shwe with 5 boxers from Mawlamyine, Hla Shwe, Phyu Gyi and Phyu Lay with 20 boxers from Thaton and another 5 boxers from Kawkareik (Kanni).

A slightly cropped photograph also features Maung Yi and Chit Sayar, as printed in Hantharwaddy.

An image shared by the Born Warriors project on social media shows that same photo, taken from a Chinese newspaper. The caption describes the scene, but the boxers are not named. It is not cropped and of slightly higher quality than the one in Rangoon Daily or Hantharwaddy.

January 6 - [Hantharwaddy] An event is taking place at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing Mite Khe and Me Kalay in action.

January 6 - [Kyemone] An event took place in the evening on January 4 at the 19th Independence Day festival at Thein Phyu Stadium. An image shows Bo Htin and Dawna in action in fourth class.

January 7 - [Kyemone] An event took place on January 6 at the 19th Independence Day festival at Kennedy Island. An image shows Shan Kalay and Japan Sein in action in fourth class.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] On January 4 at the 19th Independence Day festival on Kennedy Island, Me Kalay and Mite Khe fought in a flag fight. It is accompanied by an image of the two in action. The image is different from the one in Hantharwaddy.

January 9 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from January 7 at Thein Phyu Stadium are reported. Only one class is mentioned, but it does say Kanni Kyar and Sein Lay fought for a flag. This would've been in second class. And although it does not mention a flag fight specifically, Than Shwe and Maung Htwe likely fought in third class:

First class

Second class

Third class

The fight between Kyar and Sein Lay originally resulted in a win for Kyar in round 2, but the referee overturned the decision due to a "foul blow" resulting in an intense uproar in the stadium where the audience accused the officials of favouring the boxers from Thaton, thereby besmirching the reputation of other boxers.

A small paragraph is dedicated to 70-year old colonial boxer Byaing, a gold medalist, who entered the ring and showed his boxing skills that night.

January 10 - [Working People's Daily] A lengthy article outlines the events for the 19th Independence day in various cities. Burmese boxing is listed for Thein Phyu in Rangoon. (The article was written on January 5).

January 10 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the last day of activities for Independence day at Myay Padethar Island, Kennedy Island and Thein Phyu (January 9). The last 10 traditional boxing bouts in the tournament were held that day.

January 13 - [Working People's Daily] The match in third class between Than Shwe (Myawaddy) and Maung Htwe (Thaton) during the Independence Day tournament at Kennedy Island on January 7 is highlighted in today's issue. The match had captivated the audience since neither boxer conceded after 4 rounds. The match was ultimately halted by the referee, in accordance with international regulations, because of swelling around Than Shwe's eyes. Two images accompany the article, one of the boxers in action and the other a close-up of Than Shwe's face.

In 1999 Than Shwe gave an interview in Starlight Magazine in which a 1967 match with Thaton Maung "Dway" is described similarly. 

January 29 - [Myanma Alinn] Announcement for an event in Ye city, Mon state celebrating two famous pagodas in the city; Shwe San Taw and Sagataung. The event will run for 5 days from February 21 to February 25. First class flag awards 500Kyats and the second class flag awards 300Kyats.

March 1 - [Forward] The article in the March issue of Forward written by Maung Min Han features images and results from the last day of the Independence Day event at Thein Phyu Stadium (January 9):

* The image which shows the four winners is reproduced in an April 1970 issue of Forward. The first class flag winner is named "Phyu Lay" in its subtitle.

The feature however starts off with a very entertaining play-by-play of the fourth class final between Dawna and Shan Kalay. They were the only pair to even reach the last round. After more than 20 minutes it was Shan Kalay who eventually stepped aside and gave the victory to Dawna, who had more stamina in the end.

A whole range of subjects are covered as always. It retells the fact that after the third Anglo-Burmese war boxers were detained under sections 109 and 110 of the penal code. That meant that in Upper Burma especially the boxers could be arrested, jailed and even tortured with limited freedom upon release. Despite this, Set Kalay, Shaung Par Boo, Aung Lan and Zayar Maung from Mandalay, Sagaing Ba Thaw, Shaung Ma Thway (Sagaing) and Punnar Pyan have emerged as top boxers from Upper Burma. 

Similarly during the pre-war era, Phyu Lay Gyi, Kyar Aye Sein (Pegu), La Yaung, Win Yaw Sein, Kular Pyan, Bandula Nga Dunn Gyi, San Lay To, Yin Lone, Bala Sein, Sein Tin Maung, Kawkareik Daung and Taing Lone Kyaw became famous boxers of Lower Burma.

April 17 - [Working People's Daily] Small article that announces the formation of a sub-committee that will arrange the activities for Labour Day. The activities and shows that will be included have been listed, and include Burmese boxing matches.

April 20 - [Myanma Alinn] Burmese boxers have competed at the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival on April 18 in Pegu. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

April 20 - [Working People's Daily] An article similar to all the others published around this time concerning the Labour Day event at Kyaikkasan Stadium is printed. It also features the same photograph as the one in Myanma Alinn and Hantharwaddy of two unnamed boxers. The article also lists the dates and start times of various other sports, including Volleyball, Thaing and Western Boxing competitions.

April 23 - [Rangoon Daily] A Labour Day event will take place at Kyaikkasan Stadium in Rangoon from April 26 to May 2. Around 10 matches are planned each day, starting at 7pm. Around 100 boxers will start to arrive in Rangoon on April 24, including many from Bilu Island.

April 23 - [Working People's Daily] The exact same Labour Day article also appears in The Working People's Daily. It only added the entrance fees.

April 24 - [Hantharwaddy] The exact same Labour Day article also appears in Hantharwaddy a day later.

April 27 - [Hantharwaddy] The exact same photograph as the one in Myanma Alinn on April 20 is featured. The caption however only mentions that "Burmese boxing legends are seen fighting at the Pegu Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival".

April 29 - [Myanma Alinn] Short report on the Pegu Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival where over 60 boxers participated in matches. The festival started on April 17 while the flag finals were held on April 26. Only first and second class winners are mentioned.

June 26 - [Myanma Alinn] Another big advertisement for the Burmese boxing movie (short story) by Thuzar film which will be released on June 30.

The story starts with Moe Kyoe (played by Myint Aung) running a sculpting business in Duu Yin village near Thaton. His father was not only a master of sculpture but also a famous boxer, but he left the house when Moe Kyoe was only three years old. 

Moe Kyoe was also fascinated by boxing. One day in the village at the cockfight ring, Tun Maung (played by Shu Ma Wa Chit Sein) and his disciple Tine Kyaw (portraying a boxer) were gambling on the cockfight game. They became jealous of Moe Kyoe, who was sitting and chatting with Khin Thein (played by Khin Than Nu) at the Si Khin Thein Market, and picked a fight with him. But Moe Kyoe avoided the fight cleverly.

At a pagoda festival Tun Maung and his men made fun of Moe Kyoe once more, trying to provoke him in order to get him to challenge in the boxing ring. The match ended in a draw, and again at the Shwe Sar Yan pagoda festival Tine Kyaw scheduled a bout with Moe Kyoe. Since Tun Maung had already spread the propaganda, the villagers mocked Moe Kyoe. In turn, Moe Kyoe went to professional lethwei coach Kyar Gyi to train. After training properly they met back at the Shwe Sa Yan Pagoda Festival. After fighting with Moe Kyoe, Tine Kyaw died. 

As Moe Kyoe became famous, he went on to challenge Sin Pouk and Bala Gyi to a match at the Shwe Maw Gaw Pagoda Festival. Since U Kyar Gyi had taught Moe Kyoe all the skills and techniques patiently and diligently, Moe Kyoe won the trophy at that event. Eventually he found out that U Kyar Gyi was actually his father. In the end Khin Thein followed Moe Kyoe.

September - [Ngwetaryee Magazine] A review for the movie "ယောက်ျားဘသား" is posted alongside a screenshot of the film. It gives a brief synopsis of the movie followed by personal opinions. In the end, the movie is recommended.

October 10 - [Working People's Daily] An article details the trip of Max Sefrin, the Deputy Prime Minister and Health minister of East Germany, and his team to Rangoon General Hospital and the University of Medicine on Gordon Street. They were also treated to performances of Thaing, Chinlone and Burmese boxing. The Federal Republic of Germany was one of Burma's closest European partners and second largest donor of development aid between 1956 and 1988.

October 11 - [Working People's Daily] A photograph shows two unnamed boxers in action at Aung San Indoor Stadium on October 9. The Deputy Prime Minister of East Germany (GDR) is being entertained with Burmese boxing matches. 

October 22 - [Myanma Alinn] Movie star Shwe Ba, member of the Shwe Thitsar Chinlone Team, showcased his chinlone skills at the Khittayar stadium (Pyay Township) for a fundraiser. As part of the event Burmese boxing matches took place. Two photos are included showing Shwe Ba and two unnamed boxers in action.

November 22 - [Myanma Alinn] A stakeholders meeting took place at Aung San Stadium on November 21 to discuss the upcoming Independence day exhibitions and competitions. 75% of the article is used to name every committee member and chairman overseeing the events. Lastly it lists Burmese boxing as one of the sports to be featured, among others.

December 17 - [Working People's Daily] Another long article by Kyar Ba Nyein highlighting the rules and customs in Burmese boxing. A few small things that appear different from other similar articles:

Event overview:

  • 19th Independence Day
  • 2 Pagodas Festival, Ye (Mon)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • Labour Day (Rangoon)
  • Khittayar fundraiser (Pyay)

Notable mentions:

  • Bo Sein


General information:

"The great U Dan Suey of Myawaddy, Myanmar. A lightweight champion (flag) in 1968 in a 4-hour fight against Aung Myint Sein (Mon), at Tavoy, southern Myanmar. UDS had fought six times on Thailand soil. He had over 40 fights ( 3-1-1 in Thailand )"

January 4 - [Rangoon Daily] About 100 boxers are set to participate in the Independece Day celebration event at Thein Phyu Stadium from January 3 to January 9. Around 60 boxers from the southern regions have already arrived. Among the participating boxers are: 

(Sometimes Hpar Kat and Hpakant are used interchangeably, though generally Hpar Kat (Hlaingbwe) is meant.)

January 4 - [Working People's Daily] An event will take place at Kandawgyi Lake in Rangoon for the 20th Independence Day anniversary. The program for today is announced. Among the many activities are Burmese boxing matches at Thein Phyu Stadium at 7:15pm tonight.

January 6 - [Working People's Daily] The exact same article as the one in Rangoon Daily on January 4 about 100 boxers participating in the Independence Day flag tournament is printed.

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Kennedy Island's Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Mae and Bo Thein in action. One boxer has a singular square tattooed on his right thigh.

January 7 - [Working People's Daily] An article written by Thar Ka Doe explores Burmese boxing's connections and similarities with other forms of martial arts and if they are able to challenge the Burmese boxers. A summary:

January 7 - [Rangoon Daily] This article holds no results from the 20th Independence Day events, but only announces the amount of matches held and the most popular participants in them:

It does not list fourth class, but says there are 28 boxers competing there, including Than Shwe, who they included in the third class.

January 7 - [Working People's Daily]  An event took place on January 5 at the 20th Independence Day festival at Thein Phyu Stadium. An image shows Kyaw Aung and Taung Tone Lone in action, and says that Kyaw Aung eventually won. The same newspaper also carries the same article that was printed in Rangoon Daily on the same day (shown above).

January 8 - [Myanma Alinn] The second round (semi-finals) for the 20th Independence day event at Thein Phyu Stadium will start on January 8. Second, third & fourth class will compete along with interim fights.

January 8 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place on January 7 at the 20th Independence Day festival at Thein Phyu Stadium. An image shows Mae Lay and Sein Htwe in action in fourth class, and says that Mae Lay eventually won. Today 20 matches will take place in the semi-finals.

January 9 - [Myanma Alinn] The finals for the Independence day event at Thein Phyu stadium will start on January 9. All four classes will conclude and will compete along with interim fights.

January 10 - [Working People's Daily] A response to the articles by Thar Ka Doe on January 3 and January 7 (above) is published. It is written by U Mya Thein:

January 11 - [Myanma Alinn] A lecture and demonstration on Burmese boxing will be given at the Rangoon Institute of Technology at 4:15pm on January 12. Led by the Myanmar Thaing Federation and hosted by Kyar Ba Nyein of the Myanmar Boxing Federation.

January 11 - [Myanma Alinn] An image is published showing unnamed competitive boxers in a match at Taungoo prison for Independence Day.

January 11 - [Working People's Daily] An image is published from the last day of the flag tournament at Thein Phyu Stadium. It shows Kayin Sein and Aung Pwe in action, with the referee looking on.

January 11 - [Myanma Alinn] Results from January 9* at Thein Phyu stadium. Flag finals for all four classes are mentioned.

*The article incorrectly states it is January 6.

The article also mentioned over 6000 people came to watch the tournaments come to a conclusion, and that 1000 of them had to be turned away due to maximum capacity.

Images from this event are featured in an issue of Forward from March 1968 written by Kyar Ba Nyein but the results were not included. Only the result from Chit Sayar was mentioned as a subtitle on the image where he receives the flag.

January 13 - [Working People's Daily] A lecture and demonstration on Burmese boxing has concluded at the Rangoon Institute of Technology on January 12. In total a thousand lecturers, students and professors attended the event where Kyar Ba Nyein provided insights into the essence of Burmese boxing. Boxers Taing Chit, Tin Aung, Tin Nyunt, Maung Myint, Pann Thee and others showcased their skills and techniques.

February 16 - [Myanma Alinn] It is reported that the government will start to promote Burmese boxing just like western boxing by supplying boxers with accommodation in Rangoon so they may undergo systematic training. The amount of events will also be increased in conjunction with regular boxing events.

February 18 - [Myanma Alinn] On March 8 the Shwe Yin Hmyaw Pyi Taw Aye pagoda festival in Hpa-an will commence and last for 7 days. It reports that the highest amount of prize money will be awarded to the first flag winner. The prize money is divided as follows:

"The highest awarded prize for a Burmese boxing match in Myanmar was previously awarded in Rangoon where the prize for the 1st flag was 600 Kyats, thus making the match at the Shwe Yin Hmyaw Festival the highest awarding of all time."

February 19 - [Working People's Daily] The Shwe Yin Hmyaw Pyi Taw Aye pagoda festival in Hpa-an will commence and last for 7 days. It says the boxing matches will be held from March 11 to March 14.

February 20 - [Myanma Alinn] Tin Soe and Nyu Myaing are pictured competing in a boxing match at the Kaba Aye Pagoda Festival.

February 24 - [Working People's Daily] An article written by Kyar Ba Nyein explores the various ring names of boxers and the meaning behind them. He highlights a few groups of boxers using the words "Phyu", "Mae", "Daung", "Pyan", "Shaung", "Sein", "Bo" and "Lone" and has some background info for some of them. Of interest is "Phyu" because he clearly describes there being three Phyu Lay's in the current age. One from Singu (between Paingkyon and Hlaingbwe), one from Kyet Tu Yway Taung (Phyu Gyi's younger brother) and another from Nyaung Lay Bin who is smaller in size and fights in third class. The first ever "Phyu Lay" was Phyu Lay Gyi over 30 years ago.

March 1 - [Forward] The article in this issue of Forward, written by Kyar Ba Nyein, does not include any in-depth results. Aside from the usual subjects, it briefly explains the lethwei han yay which was used to show the boxers' trademarks and specialities to the audience. "Han" is used to indicate a manner or style. Lethwei yay's have been simplified nowadays and are rarely referred to as han yay. It goes on to mention that before the war boastful poetry was recited along with the yay attune to the orchestra. Poems of Thar Han, a boxer during the reign of King Mindon (1853-1878), and Kular Pyan (1930's) are featured.

Once more pre-war boxers from Upper and Lower Burma are introduced.

The images in this issue are taken by Khin Maung Htwe at the Independence Day event at Thein Phyu Stadium in January this year. One of them was also featured in "We the Burmese; voices from Burma" by Helen G. Trager (Editor), published in 1969.

March 2 - [Rangoon Daily] An advertisement for a Burmese boxing tournament in Twante, Hanthawaddy District is featured, calling on interested boxers to register for the competition. The first class flag awards 200 Kyat, the second class flag awards 100 Kyat. The event will run from April 9 to April 12.

April 1 - [Hantharwaddy] A Resistance Day event took place in Mawlamyine at Maidar Stadium from March 25 to March 28. The winners for five classes are announced:

Participating boxers included:

Lieutenant Colonel Thoe Htein, the chairman of the Mawlamyine District Security and Administrative Committee, presented prizes to the victors on the evening of March 28.

April 18 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place in Pegu at the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda. A photograph is featured showing first class boxer Hla Shwe receiving a flag from the chairman on the final day of the tournament on April 14. The winners in three classes and special awards are listed:

April 25 - [Hantharwaddy - boxing] A certain Captain Shein has challenged Bamathi Khin Aung to a boxing match. He did so after spreading word that he had once defeated Kyar Ba Nyein. Bamathi Khin Aung agreed on the match which will be held in Depayin township, Shwebo district on April 28. 15 rounds of 3 minutes without judges or a boxing ring.

April 26 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] An identical article for the announcement of the match between Captain Shein and Bamathi Khin Aung appears in Myanma Alinn.

May 9 - [Working People's Daily] A short article dated May 8 tells us that on the last day of the Rangoon regional boxing tournament, two Burmese boxing matches will be added featuring two well known boxers from Myawaddy who will take on two Rangoon boxers. No details on the matches or their opponents. The boxers in the accompanying photographs are Nae Char Maung and Than Shwe. 

May 10 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] A boxing match between Bamathi Khin Aung and Captain Shein which was supposed to happen on April 28 was cancelled after Capt. Shein failed to attend. In fact he was nowhere to be found within the township. More than 1000 spectators, some who had never seen an English boxing match, had arrived to see the spectacle. The remaining matches went on as planned.

October 1 - [Working People's Daily] A traditional boxing match between two boxing enthusiasts from Mandalay and Myingyan is shown in a photograph. The event was held on September 27 in Myingyan at the Shin Ma Htee Kat Kyaw Pagoda. 

October 23 - [Myanma Alinn] A ceremony for the completion of a Myanmar Traditional Boxing training was held at main area 2 of the Su Taung Pyae Pagoda premises in Shwe Laung Ward of Mandalay. At this ceremony, boxing coach Ko Pyae Htun said that the current trending Karate styles were not new. He also pointed out that Burmese boxers used to punch bricks in half as well as breaking coconuts with their fists. Ko Pyae Htun then showed off by breaking a machine manufactured brick in half with his fist. 

The training was attended by 64 participants for the duration of 6 months. The purpose of the course is to preserve the traditional Burmese boxing techniques and for youths to become friends and carry out civic duties within the communities. Individuals from the YaLaKaChar Party and sport enthusiasts attended the course completion ceremony.

October 24 - [Working People's Daily] A similar article to the one above is featured. The only difference is that a photograph accompanies the article, showing a person about to hit a brick with his fist.

October 27 - [Working People's Daily] The 23rd Kawthulay State Day festival is announced. It will take place on November 7, 8 and 9 in Hpa-an. Among other activities, Burmese boxing matches are announced in the afternoon.

December 5 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place on December 2 at the Moe Kaung Pagoda Festival in Rangoon. A photograph is featured showing Nyaung Khar Shi and Tun Kyi in action in second class.

Event overview:

  • 20th Independence Day (Rangoon)
  • Taungoo prison
  • Kaba Aye Pagoda (Rangoon)
  • Shwe Yin Hmyaw (Hpa-an)
  • Flag tournament (Twante)
  • Resistance Day (Mawlamyine)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • Shin Ma Htee Kat Kyaw Pagoda (Myingyan)
  • Su Taung Pyae Pagoda (training)
  • (23rd) Kawthulay State Day (Hpa-an)
  • Moe Kaung Pagoda Festival (Rangoon)

Notable mentions:

  • Kyar Ba Nyein


General information:

"(...) the main event between Thai boxer and Myanmar lightweight champion Kyin Sein, during the Thai expedition to Victoria Point in 1969. The match ended in a draw."

A subsequent comment by Mr. Tsui:

"A visit in 1969 to Victoria Point by a team of Thai boxers left a very strong impression. In the same year, on May 29, Myanmar's Maung Maung Thin was KO'd by Rungsit Sitsrisawat in the first round, Rangsit Stadium. Around this time, another Burmese warrior, U Dan Suey, from the border township of Myawaddy, went into Thailand and fought six times around Nakorn Sawan area. He was the first Burmese to train in the science of modern muaythai."

January 2 - [Working People's Daily] A short article specifically explains that for the 21st Independence Day celebrations, both Burmese Boxing and Thaing will be on display at Thein Phyu Stadium daily starting from January 3

January 4 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place in the evening on January 3 at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Pu War Phyu (Hpar Kat) and Shwe Dingar (Rangoon) in action.

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Kennedy Island's Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Hla Thein and Kyaung Thar in action.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] An event took place on January 5 at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

January 9 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place on January 8 at Thein Phyu Stadium, Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Thein Lay (Hpar Kat) and Ohn Shin (Rangoon) in action in a fourth class flag fight.

January 11 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place on January 9 at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing an unnamed boxer receiving the first class flag from Lt. Col. Ko Ko (Department of Trade).

January 12 - [Hantharwaddy] 17 village tracts in Hpa-an Township will jointly celebrate Union Day on February 12. Each tract will showcase various cultural and sporting events representing the unique essence of each region. Among the activities are Burmese boxing matches.

April 3 - [Working People's Daily] A Resistance Day event took place in Mawlamyine from March 26 to March 30. The winners for five classes are announced:

Khin Maung Oo, a reporter for The Guardian, was arrested at the event after arguing with the guards at the gate. After some pushing and kicking in which Khin Maung Oo got injured, he was arrested and detained for a day and night.

April 6 - [Myanma Alinn] The Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival in Pegu has concluded on April 3. An image shows the District Sports Chairman presenting an award to one of the tournament winners. Both are unnamed.

November 27 - [Rangoon Daily] The 12th Nyaung Yan Pagoda festival will be held from December 13 to December 20. It was previously damaged during a storm on September 8, 1967 and a renovation project is currently underway.

Among the many religious ceremonies and festival events are Burmese boxing matches.

Event overview:

  • 21st Independence Day (Rangoon)
  • 22nd Union Day (Hpa-an)
  • Resistance Day (Mawlamyine)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • (12th) Nyaung Yan Pagoda festival (Rangoon)