Fight For Home

Date: November 2, 2017 (Thursday)

Time: 13:00 MMT / 6:30 BST / 2:30am EDT

Event: Fight For Home

Venue: Kaytumadi Indoor Stadium, Taungoo City

  1. Tun Naing Oo vs. Daoden Weewbawkchuung Gym (Thailand)

  2. Shwe Sin Min vs. Prakayrat Wongsuta (Thailand)

  3. Soe Maung Oo vs. Kawamura Hideki (Japan)

  4. Nyan Lin Aung vs. Jaising CMA Gym (Thailand)

  5. Kay Thwe Nyein / Mway Hauk Hpyu vs. Naw Ohn Mar Soe (Draw)


  • Four fights are announced on the poster.

  • Wins in bold, rest unknown/to be updated later.

  • Fighters in 5 round matches reported to get around 200-300 USD.

Source: Myawady, Naing Moe Entertainment, Thut Ti