
This page is a temporary set-up.

Images link to off-site excel sheet (read only). While this page is mobile-friendly, the excel sheet isn't necessarily.

These records are not official. Have something to add? Hit me up on Twitter!

Eh Mwi

± 85% complete

Kyaw Swar Win

± 80% complete

Thway Thit Win Hlaing

On wikipedia

Shan Tauk

± 95% complete

May Thazin Htoo

± 85% complete

Shwe Yar Man

± 85% complete

Naw Ohnmar Soe

100% complete

Tun Tun Min

On wikipedia

Kay Thwe Nyein (Inactive)

100% complete


On wikipedia

Ye Thway Ni

± 90% complete

Lone Chaw (Retired)

On wikipedia

Tun Min Aung

± 90% complete

(Brother of Tun Tun Min)

Saw Nga Man (Retired)

On wikipedia

Phyan Thway

± 85% complete

(Son of Naung Lone Phyan)


± 65% complete

Tokeshi Kohei

100% complete

Tun Lwin Moe (Retired)

On wikipedia

Too Too (Deceased)

On wikipedia

Thant Zin

± 90% complete

(Brother of Tun Lwin Moe)

Nyein Chan Moe

± 90% complete

(Brother of Tun Lwin Moe)

Kyal Sin Phyo

± 54% complete

Shwe Ko Lay (Inactive)

100% complete

Mite Yine

± 85% complete

Win Tun (Retired)

± 40% complete

Saw Ba Oo (Inactive)

± 60% complete

Saw Gaw Mu Do (Retired)

± 80% complete

Saw Htoo Zaw (Inactive)

± 70% complete

Su Hlaing Oo (Inactive)

± 78% complete

Tun Naing Oo (Inactive)

± 86% complete

Soe Maung Oo (Inactive)

± 50% complete

Linn Yon May (Retired)

100% complete

Tway Ma Shaung (Retired)

On wikipedia

Eh Eh (Inactive)

± 90% complete

Thar A Thae Ta Pwint (Inactive)

± 71% complete

Daiki Kaneko (Inactive)

100% complete

Myanmar & Thailand 2018

Only major events

Myanmar & Thailand 2019

Only major events

Japan & Myanmar

100% complete

All of the information here is public knowledge. It is free for anyone to use with the appropriate credit for a select few profiles. Please inquire.