back in time

A chronological list of events, results and general information


February 15 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] The result for a match between Ba Nyein and T.D. Elvis on February 11 is mentioned. The match happened at the Burma Athletic Association grounds (BAA) in Rangoon. Ba Nyein won two and a half minutes into the third round when the match was stopped after Elvis was knocked to the ground. The article discusses various points of improvement from the referees and judges viewpoints. This match was used as an example as some believe the match was stopped prematurely and Elvis still had 30 seconds left.

October 20 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] An event at Rangoon City Hall on October 28 is announced featuring Olympic boxer Myo Thant versus A. Thomson. Kyar Ba Nyein will face T. Elvis at the same event. It says that last summer Elvis had won in his match against Ba Nyein.


February 17 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] India has invited Burma to participate in a boxing championship. Because of this the Myanmar amateur boxing association will hold a selections event at the BAA grounds in Rangoon on February 20. It reports that Kyar Ba Nyein will face D. Elvis*.

*(T. Elvis, T.O. Elvis, D. Elvis, T.D. Elvis, T.O.D. Elvis and Theo Elvis are all used intermittently to describe who I assume is the same person. On some occasions multiple versions are used in the same article.)

February 21 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Results for the selections event on February 20 at the BAA grounds in Rangoon are reported. In the Bantamweight division Kyar Ba Nyein was victorious over Elvis by knockout (either for the second time, or in the second round as the article uses "time" instead of round). In the Lightweight division Stanley Majid was victorious over A.K. Grant by knockout (Literally it says "last time" instead of last round).

November 5 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] The boxers for the India-Burma boxing event at the BAA grounds, which starts on November 7, are introduced. Ba Nyein will face Benoy Bose and is quoted: "We will not be able to beat him easily and we will have to put all the skills we have acquired in the last 14 years to use." Stanley Majid is set to face Marsden. It notes that Majid was defeated by him last year in the Bengal-Burma boxing finals.

The article is accompanied by images of Benoy Bose, W. King, Ba Nyein, Myo Thant and Maung Myint.

November 9 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] The first results from the India-Burma boxing matches that happened on November 7 are reported. Ba Nyein was victorious over Benoy Bose by way of points decision. Stanley Majid was supposed to face Marsden but the doctor did not clear him to fight and thus Majid was left without a match.

The article is accompanied by an image showing audience member holding their chairs above their heads. The subtitle explains a small riot broke out and people were throwing bottles at the referee.

November 11 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] The finals of the India-Burma boxing contest that were held on November 9 are reported. Ba Nyein was the only one on the Burmese side who won. In his match with W. King he won by KO in round 2. Marsden has lost his match on points, but the article does not state who his opponent was. Obviously dominant, the team from India was awarded with Minister U Kwaw Myint's silver shield.

December 1 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] An editor for The Statesman daily newspaper in Calcutta invited Kyar Ba Nyein on November 22 for participation in an event scheduled to take place in mid-December, all expenses covered. It is reported that Kyar Ba Nyein will discuss it with the elders at the Shwe Mann club.

December 5 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] A congratulatory celebration was held for Kyar Ba Nyein at the Win Light building in Mandalay. He was complemented on his achievements in boxing and his championship victories over Benoy Bose and W. King from India in November in Rangoon.


May 12 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Results for a May 10 boxing event at B.A.A. Grounds in Rangoon. In the featherweight division Ba Nyein was victorious over Maung Myint via decision. In the light-welterweight division Sugar Majid was victorious over V. Bhagona by technical knockout in round 2.

May 23 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] A selection of athletes chosen to compete at the Olympics include three boxers. Flyweight Basil Thompson (St. Paul), featherweight Kyar Ba Nyein (Mandalay) and light welterweight Stanley Majid (St. Paul).

July 29 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Undated article reporting that after his weigh-in bantamweight San Hla was too heavy to compete in his own class at the Olympics. It also says it will not be necessary to move up to featherweight because Ba Nyein is already competing there. Therefore San Hla will no longer take part in the Olympics.

July 29 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Undated article that reports on Ba Nyein's weight having gone down a bit much leading up to the arrival in Finland, and that the question had been whether or not he was allowed to compete under the new Olympic guidelines. They were thinking of letting a popular high school kid named San Hla going in his place.

July 30 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Boxing at the Olympics report a single result in the featherweight division. Kyar Ba Nyein has lost his match with L. Drogosz by unanimous decision.


February 8 - [Mandaing Daily] The Shwe San Taw and Sakar Taung Pagoda Festivals in Ye city, Mon State took place from January 27 to January 30. The festivities included boxing matches and drama performances. On January 29, the night of the full moon, the events had to be cancelled due to heavy rain. The article mentions that several villagers from areas under control of the insurgents attended the festival.

March 7 - [Myanma Alinn] Features an article about the conclusion of the Thaton Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda festival. It was held from February 22 until February 28. Among the activities and events were chin-lone performances and Burmese boxing matches. Keeping in mind that this is written in a government newspaper, it also reports on the KNDO clash with government forces at the Thaton Mya Thalon mountain range nearby. It says the KNDO tried to scare the public but that the Tatmadaw succesfully defended and the festival was not disturbed.

Event overview:

  • Shwe San Taw & Sakar Taung Pagoda Festival (Ye, Mon)
  • Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival (Thaton)


January 18 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Maung Thaung had been causing trouble at Aung San Stadium. Local security reported a drunk man vandalising the east gate of the stadium. Two police cars had to be sent out to take him away. He was charged with section 452; House-trespass after preparation for hurt, assault or wrongful restraint.

April 5 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] It is reported that Kyar Ba Nyein has defeated J.N. Mukherjee in round 2 on April 3rd at Aung San Stadium. Ba Nyein hit Mukherjee on the eye and he was not allowed to continue. The article is accompanied by an image which shows the boxers in action.

June 11 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Announcement of the Monsoon Boxing Events of which the first match will start at the end of June if all goes according to plan. Boxers of various regions are informed. It also notes that "Barkley" and Kyar Ba Nyein will be paired with two Bengal boxers later.

July 20 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] An event in which two Anglo-Indian boxers were invited for the first time is announced for July 24th. Kyar Ba Nyein and West India champion I. Gregory will meet each other. In another special match "Barkley" will face off with 1952 Olympian Ron Norris. The article also mentions that the Burmese is training with his teacher "Maung Thaung". Pictured in the article are Kyi Tun (who faces Maung Nyunt) and I. Gregory.

November 19 - [Rangoon Daily] A lengthy editorial that talks about cultural tradition and sporting competition. Burmese boxing, Rakhine wrestling, boat racing and Chinlon are mentioned. It says Kyin (wrestling) competitions adopt styles from both boxing and wrestling but are not as bloody as Burmese boxing. The overall message of the piece is that sportsmanship must be maintained without arguments arising as competing should be the most fundamental factor in competitions. It mentions an example of winners and losers in a boat race excessively taunting one another when in victory, causing a commotion and ungrateful spirit.


February 24 - [Hantharwaddy] Since February 15 a group of 40 Burmese boxers have undergone training in a Forest Camp by U Zaw Weik. Following this training camp, 20 boxers have been selected for upcoming trips to Thailand, Indonesia and China. The group will be accompanied by boxing expert U Ohn Nyunt on these occasions.

March 3 - [Mandaing Daily] A Burmese cultural delegation led by the Ministry of Culture will depart for Thailand today. They will showcase Burmese cultural heritage and display various fine arts. In total 85 members including 24 Burmese boxers will travel abroad.

March 11 - [The Evening Star US-WA] James E. Roper reports on the Burmese cultural mission to Thailand, specifically the exchanges at Rajadamnern stadium in Bangkok. He describes Burmese traditional boxers entering the ring to showcase their sport, followed by the Thais. After six bouts of Burmese and Siamese boxing, Leo Espinosa and Thai boxer Sanong squared off.

"Somehow or other, it had to do with the cold war. The United States is trying to weld the peoples of Southeast Asia into a cohesive anti-Communist bloc. So the Americans cheered when Burma announced that it was sending a 33-man cultural mission to Bangkok to help improve relations."

March 11 - [Htoon Daily] The Thaton Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival, which started on March 1, has played host to various dance troupes, exhibitions and also boxing matches.

March 12 - [Rangoon Daily] A photograph is featured showing "well-renowned" boxers Bo Bioscope and Bo Mote competing in a first-class flag fight at the Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival in Thaton city.

March 16 - [Rangoon Daily] 16 out of 24 boxers from the Burmese Boxing Team have returned from Thailand on March 13.

March 25 - [Rangoon Daily] A photograph shows Shwe Pyi Nyunt, who won the first class flag at the Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival in Thaton.

Event overview:

  • Rajadamnern Stadium (Bangkok)
  • Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival (Thaton)


General information:

"He enlisted the aid of his friend and mentor U Chit Ohn who was a former boxer himself and U Phay Than to promote a tournament in Mandalay (...) This was part of Kyar “Tiger” Ba Nyein’s many early attempts at increasing the scale and scope of Lethwei in the hope of sparking a revival for the sport."

March 12 - [Mandaing Daily] It is learned that a grand tournament is going to be held on March 22, 24 and 26 at Malun Stadium in Mandalay. The prizes will be a commemoration of the event and a lasting memento. Boxers from lower Burma who have registered for participation include Thailand returnees Toe Lone, Bo Kyaw, Shu Ma Wa, Phay Kalay, Hinthar Sein and Bo Sein.

October 30 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Among the results for the 1956 Summer Olympics selection matches is a notice that Kyar Ba Nyein could not compete that evening because he was feeling weak. His match was scheduled to be against Terrence Aung, but he had to settle for an exhibition match against Kumar Yine instead. Terrence Aung was automatically selected for Olympic representation in the 63,5kg division.

Event overview:

  • Grand tournament (Mandalay)


March 1 - [Hantharwaddy] Shwe Sunn Nyo Boxing Promoting Association will be holding an event at Aung San Stadium on March 9 and 10, in order to match the Burmese boxing standards to that at the international level. Around 40 boxers have been invited to participate.

March 2 - [Htoon Daily] On February 27, in front of the Rangoon Journalists’ Association, Colonel Khin Nyo explained the details of the new rules and regulations which the Shwe Sunn Nyo Boxing Promoting Association have planned in order to match the international standards. It says 4 matches will have the old rule-set, and 8 matches will have the new rule-set (This is contradicted in the Myanma Alinn article below). 

These rules will be put to the test on March 9 and 10. Winners will get 60 Kyats and losers will be awarded 30 Kyats. At this time 30 boxers had already arrived at Aung San Stadium's Fitness club and were given 4 Kyats as a daily allowance.

March 4 - [Hantharwaddy] Leading up to the event at Aung San Stadium this weekend, Hantharwaddy is displaying advertisements for this "Never before seen, extraordinary" event in each of their issues. The text informs the readers that the finest boxing professionals will take part and names Toe Lone, Mae, Phyu Gyi, Japan, Pyi Daw Sein, Bo Sein, Zay Yar Maung, Ba Thaw, Kular Pyan and Sein Chit specifically. The event start time is set to 7:15pm.

March 8 - [Hantharwaddy] An article reports that Shwe Sun Nyo is aiming to showcase Burmese boxing worldwide by raising it's standards. It says that on March 7 a big group led by "Kyar" arrived at the Journalist’s Association and displayed various boxing stances and gestures accompanied by an orchestra.

March 10 - [Hantharwaddy] A small article informs us that the Burmese boxing standard is up to par with that on the international level. The Shwe Sun Nyo Boxing Promotion is working hard to improve the image of national sports and making Burma more well known to the rest of the world and should therefore be praised.

Leading up to the event at Aung San Stadium this weekend, Hantharwaddy is also displaying advertisements for the event in each of their issues. This particular one has traditional art of boxers in action.

The same newspaper also displays a cartoon of Burmese boxers in the ring and audience members shouting various things. It seems to show a political clash between members of parliament. One of the spectators remarks: 

The more “Pow!” (Rough?) the Burmese Boxing is, the better it is to view.

March 11 - [Hantharwaddy] A lengthy article gives us the results for the first day of the Shwe Sun Nyo event at Aung San Stadium on March 9. Minister of Finance Bo Khin Maung Lay and Colonel Khin Nyo were in attendence. The latter emphasised that ticket prices could not be lowered due to the high costs of organising this event.

In total 13 matches were played including 4 with the new boxing standards, which meant the wearing of boxing gloves. No classes are mentioned. The referees were U Sein Tin Maung and Taing Lone Kyaw.

March 9

Although they announced 13 matches, the paper only gave results for the 12 matches above. Looking at Myanma Alinn on March 11, we may assume Dar Li and Daung were in the missing match.

March 11 - [Myanma Alinn] A lone article on Burmese boxing is featured in Myanma Alinn for the first time in the 50's. It also listed three results from the most interesting fights of the evening (added below).

"On the evening of March 9 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon, 13 fierce matches were held. Among the 13 bouts, 4 were held with the so-called new Burmese boxing method. Due to the heaviness of the boxing gloves used in this new method, the boxers seemed tired. Technique wise no kicks and knees are allowed, so the viewers were not quite satisfied with this new method. Also, one can not headbutt the other and one must fight without rest until the allocated time is over. The boxers were too tired to throw another punch. (...) Matches also continued on the evening of March 10."

March 11 - [Myanma Alinn] An event in the evening took place on March 9 at Aung San Stadium in Rangoon. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed.

March 13 - [Hantharwaddy] The results for the second and last day of the Shwe Sun Nyo event at Aung San Stadium are printed. In total 12 matches were played, all according traditional rules. The article highlights that injured boxers were not properly looked after by the doctor on duty, leading to great dissatisfaction among the spectators.

March 10

March 13 - [Htoon Daily] The Htoon Daily also reports on the event that happened on March 9. It was hosted by Shwe Sunn Nyo of the Myanmar Boxing Promoting Association. It says that both traditional and new-rules matches were held, but that the audience was more excited for the traditional fights over the gloved matches. Famous boxers Toe Lone, Phyu Gyi, Pyi Daw Sein, Ar Ra Mon, Kyar Bo, Pann Ta Pwint, Japan and Taw Thar fought that night and some of the fights even included boxers who went to Bangkok, Thailand last year. The attendance was said to be around 3000 spectators.

The event was attended by Bo Khin Maung Kalay, Minister of Finance and Revenue and chairman of the Myanmar Amateur Boxing Association. His brother, Colonel Khin Nyo, was also present.

March 16 - [The People's Journal] Maung Theik Khar has written a review of his visit to the Shwe Sunn Nyo Burmese boxing event on March 9 and 10 in The People's Journal (Volume 5, Issue 18, 1957). His remarks and a few of the inconveniences he witnessed:

April 8 - [Myanma Alinn - boxing] Results from a lower Burma boxing event at Aung San Stadium on April 6th. Former flyweight champion Hantharwaddy Soe Myint and Kyar Ba Nyein held a boxing demonstration, showing off their skills. U Soe Myint proved quite the comedian during his shuffle with Ba Nyein, and the match turned out to be somewhat dull judging from the audience' reaction.

Event overview:

  • Aung San Stadium (Rangoon)


March 11 - [The Reporter - boxing] The portraits of Maung Thaung and a certain Joachim from Germany are printed. A single sentence tell us they will fight in April.

April 10 - [The Reporter] An advertisement for a cultural fair at the west moat of the Shwedagon Pagoda on April 24 informs readers that applications for the Union Beauty Pageant are now open to anyone. The fair will also host a variety of exhibitions and competitions and calls on practitioners of both Western and Burmese boxing to apply and register. Although Burmese boxers are wanted, this ad does not prove the matches eventually took place.

November 7 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at the Kyaikkhami Pagoda. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers. The caption tells us Maung Lone and a certain "Kyu Kalay" are fighting at the festival. Perhaps the photographer in attendance misheard the name of Phyu Kalay. In that case, this photo suggests that Phyu Kalay did fight in first class on occasion. The result of this particular match is omitted.

Although not mentioned in the article, the festival starts on the first day after the full moon of Thadingyut and lasts five days. This means it was held from October 28 to November 1.

Based on an article in the Hantharwaddy Daily on January 5, 1960, we know Maung Lone has achieved two consecutive victories at the Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival. In case of an out-of-bracket match, the result remains unknown. In case of a flag capturing match, the result here would be a win.

Event overview:

  • Shwedagon cultural fair (Rangoon)
  • Kyaikkhami Pagoda (Thanbyuzayat)


January 6 - [The Reporter - boxing] A small ad says that boxing professional Maung Thaung is personally seeking approval from General Ne Win to organize a boxing programme where he can compete against professional boxers from England and other regions in the world.

January 10 - [The Reporter] An event will take place in Shwe Kyin, Pegu to commemorate the 12th anniversary of Independence. Burmese boxing will be one of the competitions hosted, among others. It is not entirely clear on which day(s) this will take place.

March 18 - [Rangoon Daily] Once again the Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda festival in Thaton will be held from March 16 to March 23. The Burmese boxing matches will start on March 18 and special recognition will be given to the boxers out of respect. For their dedication the following prizes will be awarded: First place receives a gold medal coin and a 100 Kyats flag. Second place receives a golden brooch and a 75 Kyats flag. Third place receives a Bangkok Longyi worth 50 Kyats.

April 4 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at the Yatt Khan Taung Pagoda in Launglon city near Tavoy. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed. One of the boxers has a square pattern tattooed on the legs.

April 5 - [Myanma Alinn] An event took place at the Yatt Khan Taung Pagoda near Tavoy. It is accompanied by an image showing competitive boxers, unnamed. It is the exact same photo as the one in Rangoon Daily with a slightly different caption.

April 19 - [Rangoon Daily] The Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival in Pegu will be held from April 15 to April 30. The article talks about the various activities and customs this year but nothing in addition to the inclusion of the Burmese boxing matches.

May 19 - [Hantharwaddy - boxing] A professional boxer by the name of Maung Thaung, residing on 120th St. No.59 in Rangoon, is accused of verbal abuse (offensive language) against the National Fitness Association in an incident that occurred on the morning of May 17. The Mingalar Taung Nyunt Police Department has detained him and initiated a case under Emergency Management Act 5 A–C. It was presented to Criminal Case Judge U Aye Maung on May 18 while hearings are scheduled for June 2.

October 18 - [Hantharwaddy - other] An article explains some of the logistics behind the upcoming Kyaikkhami Pagoda Festival. No boxing is discussed, but it tells us the festival will be held from October 17 to October 21. Based on an article in the Hantharwaddy Daily on January 5, 1960, we know Maung Lone has achieved two consecutive victories at this Pagoda.

October 26 - [Union Daily] A small article informs us that boxing champion Kyar Ba Nyein has invited over 20 boxers to participate at the Mandalay Centennial next month.

October 28 - [Myanma Alinn] Burmese boxing finals took place on October 20 and October 21 at the Kyaikkhami Yele Pagoda Festival. All of the Kyaikkhami Pagoda coverage this month is highly confusing as days and results are partial or omitted completely and are sometimes implied. The results below represent the actual course of events as best as possible:

October 19:

Second class:

October 20:

First class:

Third class:

October 21:

First class:

Second class:

Major Shwe, the commanding officer, presented the boxers with flag awards and a first-class trophy valued at 400 Kyats. The following boxers have also been informed and invited to participate at the Mandalay Centennial: Tine Lone Kyaw, Sein Tin Maung, Mae, Phyu Kalay, Nagar, Sein Win, Aung Bar Lay, Daung, Kyaung Thar, Aung Kyi, Japan, Pat Lone, Daung (Kawkareik), Bala Sein, Pyi Taw Sein, Htway Phyu, Maung Lone, Sein Lone, Mae Pyar, Lun Sai, Chit Sayar, Lun Yin, Phyu Gyi, Hla Shwe (Thaton), Shu Ma Wa and Bo Kyaw.

October 30 - [Union Daily] A near identical article to that in Myanma Alinn on October 28. The headline says that boxers who participated in the Kyaikkhami Pagoda event have been chosen to compete in Mandalay. It then lists identical results as those above, but omits the list of boxers who have been invited.

November 2 - [Mandaing Daily] A very lengthy, somewhat confusing, but detailed report from Kyar Ba Nyein on his journey and visit to the Kyaikkhami Pagoda. A summary:

October 19:

Second class:

Third class:

October 20:

First class:

Third class:

* Even though this was Toe Lone's first appearance at the Kyaikkhami Pagoda Festival, he was facing Mae Pyar, a towering giant at 6'2", for the second time in his career. He made Toe Lone struggle early and cut him on the eyebrow. But the amended regulations for this event did not consider this an end to the match. Similarly, Nagar had blood dripping from his ear yet the match continued.

** The article does not mention if this is the final. Hla Shwe is completely omitted.

October 21:

First class:

Second class:

* Toe Lone, Maung Lone and Phyu Gyi faced off in a three-way match. The article does not explain how they proceeded. It only tells us Toe Lone lost in round 2 due to a cut that did not stop bleeding, and that Phyu Gyi could not advance to the "next round". It's not clear who was involved in defeating Toe Lone.

** The article states that Phyu Kalay and Sein Lay "lost to injuries sustained from Sein Lone's punches".

November 13 - [The Htoon Daily] The headline today announces that the sixth day of the Mandalay Centenary Festival has ended and that the President has awarded the Burmese boxers. The article gives a short description of other events that happened and ends by saying that President U Win Maung along with various military personnel attended the boxing matches and awarded the winning boxers.

November 16 - [Mandaing Daily] Some of the results of the Burmese boxing matches at the Mandalay Centennial Festival on November 11 are announced. Two of the three paragraphs are dedicated to the announcements of the attendees of which then President Win Maung was one. He also presented the prizes to the boxers. The following matches are mentioned:

First class

Third class

Some of the winners are announced as follows:

It is unclear at the moment why there are two third class finalists and runners-up.

November 17 - [Myanma Alinn]

November 17 - [The Htoon Daily]

December 26 - [Myanma Alinn] It is reported that an event will take place for the 12th anniversary of Independence Day including both Burmese and "world boxing". Director General U Zaw Weik has appointed Kyar Ba Nyein to organize the matches. He went to Thaton, Zin Kyaik, Ah Paung - Kywal Chan, Naung Bo, Naung Ka Lar and around the Mawlamyine area on December 26 and personally met with the top Burmese boxers. He said he will definitely call upon big names such as Toe Lone, Maung Lone, Daung, Bo Kyaw, Phyu Gyi, Phyu Kalay, Pat Lone, Japan & Mae Pyar to be competing.

The boxing matches will be held on January 4, 5 and 6 together with two special matches each night with members of the Myanmar national boxing team.

Event overview:

  • (12th) Independence Day (Pegu)
  • Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda Festival (Thaton)
  • Yatt Khan Taung Pagoda (Launglon, Tavoy)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)
  • Kyaikkhami Pagoda (Thanbyuzayat)
  • Mann Yar Pyae (Mandalay)