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A chronological list of events, results and general information


General information:

January 1 - [Rangoon Daily] A group of over 40 boxers from Tanintharyi Region and Kawtoolei State are heading to Rangoon on December 30 for the Independence Day festivities. This event will feature renowned boxers like Phyu Gyi, Phyu Lay, Chit Sayar and Taing Lone Kyaw.

January 2 - [Myanma Alinn] Features a report from Mawlamyine dated December 30, 1969 that Kyar Ba Nyein is visiting Mawlamyine, Thaton and Hpa-an to mobilise boxers from the southeastern region for participation in the upcoming Independence Day event.

Referees (former boxing greats):

From Thaton:

From Mawlamyine:

From Hpa-an:

*(Patma Sein is one of the most butchered names. Here it is listed as two separate names; Than Ma and Ma Sein.)

January 4 - [Myanma Alinn] A decent size article dated January 3 talking about the Independence Day event at Thein Phyu stadium and how Kyar Ba Nyein, Sein Tin Maung, Kyaw Yin, Tun Khin & Bein Du are inviting journalists to inform them about the state of Burmese boxing. They say that now, during the time of this revolutionary government, the Health and Sports Committee recognises victory flag matches as a national championship. That committee is then quoted: 

"Accepting cash prizes is only to cover travel and food expenses. If the authorities can pay for those, we only cherish the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals" 

It also says that during colonial time Burmese boxers were often detained under section 109-110 of penal code.

In this article some participating boxers are divided as follows (60 in total):

In addition it mentions the prize money for interim- and flag fights. Interim: losers 10 Kyats, winners 20 Kyats and in the flag matches: losers 150 Kyats and winners 350 Kyats. 

January 4 - [Rangoon Daily] A large feature talks about a press conference held at Thein Phyu Stadium by Kyar Ba Nyein, secretary of the Burmese Boxing sub-committee. He was joined by the treasurer U Nyunt Wai and historical figures from the pre-war era in U Sein Tin Maung, U Kyaw Yin, U Tun Khin and U Bein Du.

In short, they talked about how Burmese boxing was kept alive by the boxers themselves, by teaching the younger generation. They highlighted that the sport lacks a proper governing organisation and that the aim of Burmese boxing is to avoid bloodshed, which contradicts the misconceptions that it promotes violence.

Furthermore they say that boxers aim for medals and trophies, rather than monetary rewards, although they do feel compelled to take any prize money they can get to cover their costs of travelling and not being able to work on the land. The article concludes by saying the boxing matches will start on January 3, while the flag capturing matches for all four classes will start on January 4.

January 6 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day two on January 4 at Thein Phyu Stadium are announced. Only fourth class is mentioned:

Fourth class

The same newspaper features a somewhat faded photograph taken on January 4. It shows two competitive boxers in action, unnamed.

January 6 - [Myanma Alinn] A mention of Twin Gone and Than Khe in a match at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for the Independence Day event. It is accompanied by an image showing the boxers in action.

January 7 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Kennedy Island in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Mottama Myat Kyaw and Hpa-an Aung Kyi in action.

January 7 - [Myanma Alinn] A report on Nwar Yine Lay and Doe Pyan Sein in a match at Man Thida Stadium in Mandalay for an Independence Day event. It is accompanied by an image showing the boxers in action.

January 8 - [Myanma Alinn] Report on the January 6 match between Ye Myint and Tine Kyon that took place in the evening at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing the boxers in action.

January 9 - [Working People's Daily] Results for day five of the 22nd Independence Day anniversary on January 7 at Thein Phyu Stadium are announced:

First class

Second class

Third class:

Fourth class:

The article is accompanied by an image showing second class boxers Sein Lay (Kyet Tu Yway Taung) and Tun Tin (Hpa-an) in action in a flag fight. In addition to the flag fights, there were 11 additional matches tonight.

January 10 - [Rangoon Daily] An event took place at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon for Independence. It is accompanied by an image showing Kyaung Thar and Phyu Lay in action in a flag fight. It does not say when the photo was taken. Even though the caption says this was a flag fight, it might not have been as both Kyaung Thar and Phyu Lay are reported to have fought in the semi-finals (see below).

January 11 - [Rangoon Daily] Results for day seven on January 9 at Thein Phyu Stadium are announced. Only the first class semi-finals are mentioned:

First class

The event originally scheduled to conclude today, has been extended to January 11. It also says that due to boxers arriving late, special flag matches have been added to accommodate the fans.

January 12 - [Working People's Daily] The last day of the Burmese boxing tournament took place for the Independence Day anniversary. It is accompanied by an image showing Dawna (Hti Lone) receiving the fourth class flag from Lt. Col. Hla Moe. He has defeated Maung Aye (Thaton) in the final.

January 13 - [Rangoon Daily] Results from the final day on January 11 at Thein Phyu Stadium for the 22nd anniversary of Independence are reported:

First class

Second class

Third class:

Fourth class:


The same newspaper also features an image showing Dawna and Maung Aye in action in fourth class.

January 14 - [Rangoon Daily] A near identical article to that in Myanma Alinn (posted below). After the conclusion of the events at Thein Phyu Stadium, boxers were invited to join a meeting at Aung San Stadium's VIP room on January 13.

January 14 - [Myanma Alinn] A lengthy article on how the Ministry of Health & Sports was invited to discuss the improvement and development of Burmese boxing.

Joint Secretary Lt. Col. Hla Moe of the Ministry of Health, Deputy Director U Thein Tin of the Department of Sports and Physical Education, U Nyunt Wai, U Ba Nyein and delegates of the Myanmar Boxing Federation as well as some of the Myanmar traditional boxers, who are here for the Independence Day events, attended the discussion in Aung San Stadium's special conference hall around noon.

During this meeting, Lt. Col. Hla Moe said that it has been 3 years since efforts were made to raise the standards of Myanmar traditional boxing. He then stated how boxing matches are now inevitable and are always included in every Independence Day celebration. In short, the discussions included the following points:

He concluded that arrangements are being made to recruit young Myanmar boxers and give them full-time training as well as getting them employed, while he called for the development of traditional boxing throughout Myanmar. The attending traditional boxers were glad to hear that the developments for Myanmar boxing will be made and promised that they would try their best for this sport.

January 21 - [Rangoon Daily] From February 8 to February 12 a Burmese boxing event (flag capturing championship) is scheduled to take place in Mandalay. The event is being organized by the Mandalay Region Sports and Physical Education Committee and will be held at the Man Thida Park basketball court within the Mandalay west moat. This tournament will see the participation of over 48 renowned Burmese boxers from Thaton, Hpa-An, Paingkyon, Hlaingbwe and Bilu Island as well as boxers from Upper Burma. They are being recruited by Kyar Ba Nyein.

February 5 - [Hantharwaddy] The Union Day Commemoration events will start on February 4. Burmese boxing matches will commence on February 7 at the Man Thida Park basketball court. Kyar Ba Nyein has assembled boxers from all over the country. Entrance fees to the boxing ring range from 1 to 4 Kyat.

February 6 - [Rangoon Daily] Announcement of the tournament in Mandalay. Kyar Ba Nyein has brought boxers to Mandalay by train on February 4. Among the 40 individuals he brought were well-known boxers Myawaddy Than Shwe, Aung Myint Sein and Chit Sayar.

February 7 - [Hantharwaddy] The event at Man Thida Park is scheduled to begin on February 7 at 7pm with around 100 boxers from both upper and lower Burma participating. Only second, third and fourth class flags will be contested for.

February 8 - [Hantharwaddy] The matches for day one on February 7 at Man Thida Park are listed, it does not mention classes: 

The same newspaper also features a photograph elsewhere. It shows Bandula (Mann) and Tin Shwe (Thaton) in action, and mentions Tin Shwe as the winner.

February 9 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from day two on February 8 at Man Thida Park are reported: 

Fourth class:

Kyar pwe:

Second, third and fourth class matches will be held on February 9.

The same newspaper also has an editorial printed elsewhere. The subject is the meaning and importance of cultural historical institutes such as museums. It mentions the ongoing Burmese boxing event at Man Thida Park as revealing a traditional part of national culture and should thus be preserved just like the items in a museum.

February 10 - [Hantharwaddy] An event in the evening took place on February 8 at Man Thida Park in Mandalay. It is accompanied by an image showing Mae Lay and Ohn Shin in action in fourth class.

February 12 - [Hantharwaddy] An event in the evening took place on February 9 at Man Thida Park in Mandalay. It is accompanied by an image showing Lae Tine Maung and Myat Kyaw in action. Lae Tine Maung won in round four.

February 13 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from day four on February 10 at Man Thida Park are reported: 

Second class

Third class:

Fourth class:

Kyar pwe:

The article furthermore states that the competition has been extended by a day, and the final matches will be held on February 12 and February 13.

February 14 - [Hantharwaddy] The Mandalay District Sports and Physical Education Committee held a ceremony on February 13 to honour the Burmese boxers from Lower- and Upper Myanmar who competed in the tournament at Man Thida Park this past week. Army Chief of Staff Captain Khin Maung Nyo gave a congratulatory speech. Gifts were handed out to various personnel including Kyar Ba Nyein, head of the Myanmar Sports and Physical Education Committee, who was responsible for organizing the event. To U Tin, Assistant Administrator of Aung San Stadium. And to various tournament referees and Boxing experts U Bein Du, U Kyaw Yin, U Sakkaw Ma, U Tine Lone Kyaw, U Sein Tin Maung, U Bo Sein and U Bo Kay Sein.

February 15 - [Hantharwaddy] Results from the final day on February 13 at Man Thida Park are reported:

Second class

Third class:

Fourth class:

Best boxer awards were given to Chit Sayar (Kyet Tu Yway Taung) in second class, and to Maung Aye (Thaton) and Myint Tin (Thaton) in fourth class. The total revenue generated by the tournament is estimated to be about 18,000 Kyats.

February 17 - [Hantharwaddy] Two images taken on February 13 at the Man Thida Park event in Mandalay are featured. One of them shows Aung Myint Sein receiving the third class flag from Ba Htoo Stadium chairman and Major Myo Myint. The second image shows Moe Kyoe and Tun Tin in action in second class.

March 1 - [Myanma Alinn] An editorial on Burmese boxing by Bamahti Khin Aung, trainer and former gloved boxer. In short, it talks about the recent addition of two rules, losing due to lack of stamina and the draw. This is in addition to existing rules; losing of fear and the technical knockout because of injury or cuts. The author recalls a lethwei match in which he participated and says he understands the dangers of practising the sport, and that it may even lead to death in extreme cases.

The match he recalled happened in 1965 at the Kyaikphane Pagoda Festival in Mawlamyine against Paddamyar Sein. Although he was able to cut his opponent, the culmination of bruises he received himself led to a treatment in the hospital. He was unable to eat rice for two days.

In closing he wishes there to be laws and funds in place that compensate the family of a boxer who dies as a result of in-ring competition. He says it would furthermore be beneficial to have rules that prevent boxers from sustaining life-threatening or life-long injuries altogether.

April 15 - [Forward] In this April issue of Forward Kyar Ba Nyein himself reiterates most of his journey while promoting Burmese boxing. History, technique, martial arts comparisons & rules and customs are all explained again in detail. The issue features a stunning photograph of Moe Kyoe in fighting pose along with various images from the 1967 Independence Day event. Of interest are the current and new generation boxers listed from various regions.

Current prominent first class boxers: 

Promising new names:

April 26 - [Myanma Alinn] An article mentions the finals in the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda festival in Pegu on April 24. It is accompanied by two images. One showing competitive boxers, the other showing a boxer receiving a flag from the committee chairman. All are unnamed.

April 29 - [Rangoon Daily] The finalists at the Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival on April 24 are announced. Only second, third and fourth class competed as there were not enough boxers for a first class bracket. Prizes were awarded by Captain Chit Tin, chairman of the sports committee.

Event overview:

  • 22nd Independence Day, Thein Phyu (Rangoon)
  • 22nd Independence Day, Man Thida Stadium (Mandalay)
  • Burmese boxing championship (Mandalay)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda (Pegu)

Notable mentions:

  • Kyar Ba Nyein


January 5 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place at Kyaikkasan Stadium celebrating Independence Day. It is accompanied by an image showing Kyaung Thar Lay (Hpa-an) and Maung Hla (Hpa-an) in action. It tells us Kyaung Thar Lay won in round 3.

January 8 - [Myanma Alinn] An event took place at Kyaikkasan Stadium. It is accompanied by an image showing Mae Lay (Thaton) and Moe Lone (Paingkyon) in action.

January 22 - [Myanma Alinn] The Kyaikkasan Pagoda Festival is being held from February 2 to February 10. On the night of February 7 to February 10 Burmese boxing matches will be featured, among other festivities.

February 22 - [Rangoon Daily] An event is taking place in Minhla city, Tharrawaddy District, Pegu. It is accompanied by an image showing Naga Maung and Htoo Gyi in action in a third class flag final. One of the referees is U Bo Sein.

February 22 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place in Minhla city on February 18. It is accompanied by an image showing Naga Maung and Htoo Gyi in action in a third class flag final. One of the referees is U Bo Sein.

April 6 - [Rangoon Daily] The Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival has begun. The festival was opened on April 3 and will run until April 18. About 150 boxers from Thaton, Kyaikto, Hpa-an, Taungoo, Pegu and Tanintharyi Region will be participating.

The results for April 3 are also reported:

Third class:

Fourth class:

The referees were U Tine Lone Kyaw (Hpa-an) and U Sat Kalay (Pegu).

Event overview:

  • (23rd) Independence Day Kyaikkasan Stadium (Rangoon)
  • Kyaikkasan Pagoda Festival (Rangoon)
  • Minhla city (Pegu)
  • Shwe Maw Daw Pagoda Festival (Pegu)


January 3 - [Rangoon Daily] In celebration of the 24th Independence Day, Burmese boxing matches are held on Lan Thit Yeikthar street near downtown Rangoon. An image shows Myat Lay and Soe Maung in action on January 2.

January 24 - [Rangoon Daily] At the Shwe Bon Thar Pagoda festival in Kyaikkaw city, Thaton District a flag capturing match ended in the loss of a life. Kyaikkaw Maung otherwise known as Maung Tar Tee and Maung Thein Han otherwise known as Maung Tint Lwin fought in a fourth class flag fight. During the bout, Tint Lwin asked for a time-out because of dizzyness. He collapsed and died shortly after and was transported to Thaton city's public hospital afterwards.

Kyaikkaw Maung declined his 100 Kyat earnings and donated the money to the family of the deceased. The article notes that during most boxing matches held in the area, essential emergency medical provisions are absent.

October - In this issue of the Karen State (Kawthoolei) Photographic Record, which was owned by the Burma Socialist Programme Party, a single photograph of a local Burmese boxing fight is printed. Two boxers and a referee are in the frame, unnamed. 

The photo is accompanied by a short description of Htoo Kwin and Min Kyaung, and on boxing itself (specifically Cha Ai Laung or Aw Pwe where it is customary to get to know other people, possibly for life). It explains various cabalistic designs and combinations and says that the red ink in Min Kyaung designs for the upper body isn't used that often anymore. 

Event overview:

  • 24th Independence Day (Rangoon, Lan Thit Yeikthar)
  • Shwe Bon Thar Pagoda Festival (Thaton)


No news coverage found


February 11 - [Working People's Daily] An event took place in the evening at Thein Phyu Stadium in Rangoon on February 9 celebrating Mon National Day. It is accompanied by an image showing two unnamed boxers in action.

Event overview:

  • Mon National Day (Rangoon)


No news coverage found


January 1 - [Kyemone] A very small advertisement is placed announcing a Burmese boxing event at the top of Bahan 3rd street in Bahan Township in Rangoon (right next to Kandawgyi Natural Garden). It will run from January 1 to January 5 every night at 7pm.

Event overview:

  • 28th Independence Day (Rangoon, Bahan 3rd St.)


No news coverage found


November 5 - [Myanma Alinn] Mann Thint Naung has written an article about his experience at the Karen State Day festival in 1977, a festival that is held yearly from November 7th. The opening paragraphs are boastful words describing the atmosphere and the activities and festivities at the festival in detail. He explains that in the 4th round competitors fight until there is a winner, and that fights can go on for hours. The festival in 1977 had 6 flag awards: two in the special class, and the others for 1st to 4th class. He goes on to name some examples from the matches he witnessed. Interestingly enough the length of these matches was measured in rounds far beyond the 4th:

First class:

Fourth class:

The article concludes by looking ahead to this year's competitions. The arena will be much larger and a gold medal will be awarded alongside the flag awards.

Event overview:

  • 23rd Karen State Day


March 2 - [Botahtaung] The Shwedagon Pagoda Tabaung Festival is announced. It will be held from March 3 to March 12, and will feature Burmese boxing matches. Both flag fights and challenge fights with the new system (15 rounds) will take place. Participating boxers include:

March 2 - [Kyemone] Similar article to that in Botahtaung, but it omits which boxers will participate.

March 2 - [Myanma Alinn] Similar article to those above. It does list some of the participating boxers, but it omits which type of fights will take place.

March 9 - [Myanma Alinn] 

March 10 - [Myanma Alinn] The Shwedagon Pagoda Tabaung Festival is taking place on the north side of the Pagoda near the Martyrs' Mausoleum. Results from either March 8 or March 9 are reported (The article states "the night before last, or yesterday night" but it's not clear if this was adjusted for the audience reading the paper on the 10th, or if it was actually written on the 9th, the date of the article before it was published ). It says 11 flag fights and 2 special challenges (15 rounds) were fought that day but fails to mention classes or complete results:

Flag fights:


Nilar Win's family added an additional 500 Kyats to the total prize money for that match after his defeat, making it a total of 1000. The referees during the Win Naing vs. Win Naing Sein match were U Chit Zabe and U Mite Khae. Dawei Win Naing employed a Malayan (Pashuu) boxing style while that of Win Naing Sein was traditional Burmese boxing. The winner was awarded 2000 Kyats, the loser 1000 Kyats.

The article also lists two upcoming 15-round challenge matches for March 10 and March 11:


March 11 - [Myanma Alinn] 

Event overview:

  • Shwedagon Pagoda Tabaung Festival (Rangoon)