Hi, I'm Ms. Byram!

About Me: Hello! My name is Sabrina Byram, and I am a biology and anatomy & physiology teacher. I have been teaching for four years in the state of Virginia. For my 5th year, I made a huge jump and decided that teaching in Arizona would be a great opportunity. I am super excited to continue teaching, but also have the opportunity to explore the West!

Prior to teaching (and adult life), I was born and raised in Madison, VA, where I attended Madison County High School (c/o 2016). I grew up enjoying school, whether it be participating in school clubs or sports, I always wanted to be a part of something! I was fortunate to have some of the best teachers growing up that I decided to pursue teaching following my college graduation. I specifically chose science as I have always had a passion for science and hands-on learning, and I hope to radiate that love to all of my students for years to come!

Education: I graduated from Randolph-Macon College (Ashland, VA) in 2019, earning a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Neuroscience (minors in Biology and Psychology). While at R-MC, I was involved in multiple research studies, including how exercise protects the brain against toxic effects of chronic stress in female mice. This study was presented at the International Behavioral Neuroscience Society Conference in Cairns, Australia in June (2019) as well as at the 2021 conference. If you ask my students, likely they'll tell you I talk about mice and rats too much as I spent my collegiate years using mice and rats as my choice of specimen.

Interests: While attending MCHS, I was a member of the Golf team and Girls' Soccer team. To this day, I still enjoy getting together with friends and kicking the ball around, as well as going to the range to hit a few. In addition to enjoying the outdoors, I enjoy wrapping up my day (sometimes starting my day) by putting my muscles to good use by strength training at my local gym. Exercise works wonders for the body (and brain)!

Contact: For any reason, I can be contacted using the email address listed in the course syllabus and on Schoology. I typically have a response time of 24-hours. If you wish to request a phone conference or virtual conference at any time throughout the semester, please let me know, I'd be more than happy to set it up!