Mill & Cabinet 120 Course Outline

Mill & Cabinet 120

Course Content

Copy of Syllabus for printing, signed and returned to teacher on second day of classes. Note: before entering the shop area you will have to have your own CSA eye protection, and CSA work boots. Hand washing and sanitizing will be an integral part of courses in the shops due to students needing to share tools and/or other shop equipment.

Days based on 65 minute periods, 90 day term


The course will cover material in a traditional way, through the use of practices exercises, questions & answers, problems, quizzes and tests and projects. Students will be encouraged to develop new thinking and learning skills to determine effective methods of working and solving problems individually and collaboratively.

This course is designed with project based learning in mind. A fundamental principle of this course is that students assume responsibility for their own learning through an inquiry based/project based learning approach.

Course Description:

Mill and Cabinet is designed to provide the students with a theoretical background and a hands on approach of the cabinet making profession. Come to class prepared each day to work. See my work ethics section. Work ethics are a part of all course work, practical and theory work.

Course Content:

Safety, WHMIS, tools, equipment, operation, types of wood, building materials, fasteners, types of wood joints, cabinet design and finish.

Course Requirements:

  • Come to class prepared: Bring your 3-ring binder for this course only (with dividers), pen and pencil every day, and additional materials upon request.

  • Complete daily assignments, pass work in on time, attend class regularly, participate, model respect and be present for all assessments.

  • Students will be required to dress appropriately for the shop and personal protective equipment

  • Horseplay, foul language and irresponsible actions will not be tolerated

  • Electronic devices, unless needed for the course and permission obtained by the teacher are to be kept in bookbags, turned off and/or placed at the front of the class during class time. (Your electronic equipment including student laptops, cell phones or other personal equipment is the sole responsibility of the student.

  • Policies and guidelines stated in the student handbook will be adhered to. Please take note of assignment and test/examination policy below. All posted rules must be followed. All students must have agreed to and returned their signed course syllabus forms to me as soon as possible, preferably your next back to class.

  • A shop fee of $30.00 (this includes the cost for measuring tape and safety glasses which the student keeps) Note: In the event that a student has their own tape measure and safety glasses the fee will be $20.00

NOTE: CSA approved footwear, CSA approved eye protection, masks are mandatory.

COVID requirements: Also students will have to wash hands frequently, eg. (when a student is done with a tool it will have to be cleaned before returned to the tool room or another student uses it)


Modern Cabinet Making; William D. Umstattd and Charles W.Davis.


Students will be using the MSTeams and the MSOffice cloud software suite and may be using Google Docs, Open Office as well as some open source software packages.

A textbook will be available for the course and students will have a text assigned to them. The replacement cost of this text, if it becomes lost or damaged, is $50. Do not remove the texts from the classroom. If you need to sign out your text please check with the Teacher. Work will be assigned for the course Assigned Work page from my teacher's page & your MSTeams page for this course.


On a daily basis you will need to come prepared with personal protective apparel/equipment and COVID apparel/equipment.

Marking: Marking will be done using submitted assignments, task analysis, quizzes/tests. Some marking will be done, by observation, during class time including the work ethics mark and class mark.

The following is a breakdown for marking.

  • Theory 40 % ( a midterm assignment may be valued at 30% of mid term mark)

  • Class mark 20%

  • Practical 40 % (a final project will be valued at 24% of the full term mark)

Total: 100%

NOTE: Do not hesitate to arrange a time to see me if you would like/need to work in the shop at extra times.



  1. Be on time.

  2. Tardiness - make up time, 20 minutes for the first time, time doubles after that.

  3. Only water is allowed and only at the desks, not near equipment.

  4. Electronic devices, unless needed for the course and permission obtained by the teacher are to be kept in bookbags, turned off and/or placed at the front of the class during class time. (Your electronic equipment including student laptops, cell phones or other personal equipment is the sole responsibility of the student. If a student chooses to use their phone in class, they risk consequences such as noon time, loss of other privileges and the phone sent to the office.

  5. Discipline will be similar to "real world" work place.

  6. Abuse/Misuse of school property will not be tolerated.

  7. Remain seated.

  8. Raise your hand if you need help and be patient.

  9. Be quiet and remain quiet.

  10. Maintain your work areas, tools and personal protective equipment, keep it neat, put things away, etc. (Marks on each report)

  11. Be respectful.


  1. Students are expected to stay on task and complete all mandatory exercises, in an efficient manner.

  2. Students are expected to come to class prepared with all materials for that class.

  3. Students will not be allowed to be excused during class time unless an emergency arises and then students must ask permission. No one is allowed to leave without permission unless they like to make up time. (10 minutes)

  4. Students who require help during class time must raise their hands. All other times they are to remain seated and stay quiet.